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The Economist today

News analysis
Science & technology

A Russian satellite weapon shows the danger of hazy rules in space

Experts want to clarify how the laws of war on Earth apply beyond it


Attacking satellites is increasingly attractive—and dangerous

United States

Americans should worry less about foreigners and voter fraud

And worry more about long lines at polling booths and problems with vote counting


Why TV shows made in China’s Hunan province are so popular

Mao’s birthplace now makes raucous quiz shows


Economics sometimes changes its mind

The science may be dismal but it is flexible, too

From our columnists
Daily chart

Most Americans do not want to send their children back to school

Parents are fearful even in places where the epidemic is under control

Science & technology

An indoor barbecue to prevent pollution problems

And avoid complaints about fumes from restaurants

The Economist’s coverage of the coronavirus

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In context: The airline industry

Special report: The Midwest

A region with outsized punch

America’s Midwest matters out of proportion to its size, says Adam Roberts

The urban prairie

For the region to prosper, its bigger cities must flourish

Separate, downtrodden

The region has particular problems with segregation and policing

America’s Mittelstand

Advanced manufacturing can thrive, as Grand Rapids shows

From rustbelt to brainbelt

How higher education can drive prosperity

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