Topic | Superannuation | The Sydney Morning Herald


Serious and organised crime targeting super scheme: ASIC

Serious and organised crime targeting super scheme: ASIC

Organised crime groups, real estate agents and property developers have taken advantage of the government's early access to super scheme, according to ASIC.

  • by Charlotte Grieve


The six-letter acronym making ethical investing mainstream

The six-letter acronym making ethical investing mainstream

ESG investing has often been cast off as too expensive or low yielding, but the rise and rise of ESG Exchange Traded Funds tells another story.

  • by Charlotte Grieve
Industry super funds pressure government to reform tax, prioritise affordable housing
Affordable housing

Industry super funds pressure government to reform tax, prioritise affordable housing

Industry superannuation funds are urging federal and state governments to overhaul the tax system, make affordable housing more lucrative for institutional investors and form a new national low-cost property strategy.

  • by Jennifer Duke
Government resists pressure to abandon 'controversial' rise to super
Super wars

Government resists pressure to abandon 'controversial' rise to super

Jane Hume says the government has no plans to backflip on the legislated increase to the super guarantee, but it will be controversial to keep it.

  • by Jennifer Duke and Nick Bonyhady
'Should be rationalisation': Paul Keating pushes for super funds to merge
Super wars

'Should be rationalisation': Paul Keating pushes for super funds to merge

Paul Keating has encouraged smaller industry super funds to merge in a bid to protect them from job losses in their industries and bolster performance.

  • by Jennifer Duke
Unisuper dumps coal assets as sector turns its back on fossil fuels
New Hope Corporation

Unisuper dumps coal assets as sector turns its back on fossil fuels

Unisuper has dropped its holdings in three ASX-listed energy companies but would not comment on whether this was a broader thermal exclusion across the fund.

  • by Charlotte Grieve
Former ACTU boss says workers have shouldered enough pandemic costs
Industrial relations

Former ACTU boss says workers have shouldered enough pandemic costs

Bill Kelty said consensus-driven reform with unions and business groups was smart, but attacked calls for more flexibility in Australia's industrial regime.

  • by Nick Bonyhady
Young Australians ramp up their early superannuation claims
Coronavirus pandemic

Young Australians ramp up their early superannuation claims

Young people have increased the size of their early superannuation withdrawals amid warnings they could get caught by JobSeeker access rules by year's end.

  • by Shane Wright
'We give money to people on their say so': ATO admits no checks on early super access
Coronavirus pandemic

'We give money to people on their say so': ATO admits no checks on early super access

Banks have revealed people are using money from the early access super scheme to pay down their mortgages and buy new homes.

  • by Shane Wright and Clancy Yeates
Low rates long-term threat to retirement funds
Interest rates

Low rates long-term threat to retirement funds

Super fund members face a conundrum thanks to the pandemic: Accept that the cost of retirement will need to be funded by additional current income or risk having less to live off when they stop work.

  • by Kirsten Temple
Funds warn against delay in compulsory super increases
Super & retirement

Funds warn against delay in compulsory super increases

The extension of the early super release scheme strengthens the case for the legislated rise in compulsory super to 12 per cent to go ahead, says the Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia.

  • by John Collett