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                    Emergency information
                    Coronavirus (COVID-19) update
                    Read latest updates on our response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation.
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                    Temporary closure of Signal

                    The health and safety of our staff and customers is our number one priority during the current coronavirus (COVID-19) situation.

                    As part of City of Melbourne’s planned response to reduce the chance of the virus spreading, we have closed our arts centres until further notice.

                    We understand how important this facility is to you as a customer. We will continue to monitor the situation closely so that we can reopen our facilities as soon as is practical.

                    For more information, please see our dedicated COVID-19 page.

                    Signal is the City of Melbourne's creative studio for young people 13 to 25 years.

                    During the current COVID-19 situation our building will be closed however Signal will continue to offer emerging and established young artists opportunities and spaces for exploration, creation and showcasing.

                    Stay tuned to our What's On page and socials for our online offering.

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