Art Of Losing

24 septembre 2012

ztop !


Ok, I've reached my aim ! This blog is three years old. Time to stop. I don't think I defenitively stop, but I'll post very much less, in dates included in these three years ... you can subscribe to the newsletter to stay tuned !

Thank you to visitors, people who leave comment after downloading and other blog who added me in their blogroll.

I'm still alive, so you can ask for re-up.

See you.



Posté par Laurent DOLCINO à 21:30 - Commentaires [13] - Permalien [#]

Normes Françaises 1711294046029, Ab Lieder, Fra Dolcino Prod., CD-r, 2004


This is the last recording by Normes Françaises 1711294046029 (aka NF), produced in 2004 by Frad Dolcino -confidential- Productions. All titles are composed between 2002 and 2004 in Berlin-Moabit by NF.

(01) elle : "Tout est fini " (sie : "alles ist vorbei") 3:29

"oui, hallo, c'est moi. Je téléphone pour dire que tout est fini" - "Ja, hallo, ich bin's. Ich rufe an, um zu sagen, daß alles vorbei ist"

(02) le tango du téléphone (der Tango des Anrufbeanworters) 3:07

"Batterie ist leer, bitte wechseln" - "la pile est vide, cahngez-la s'il vous plait."

(03) pas de message (kein Nachrict) 12:56

"Montag, 9 Uhr 19, Dienstag, 15 Uhr 06, Mittwoch, 14 Uhr 23, Donnerstag 13 Uhr 21, Freitag 11 Uhr 08, Samstag 22 Uhr 12, Sonntag 1 Uhr 20 " - "lundi 9 h 19, mardi, 15 h 06, mercredi, 13 h 21, jeudi, 13 h 21, vendredi, 11 h 08, samedi, 22h12, dimanche 1 h 20"

(04) dans le labyrinthe (im Labyrinthe) 7:00

(05) Dienst oder Dienstmerkmal nicht möglich 2:05

(06) hako ? (feat. Britney Spears) 3:46

"Hi this is Britney Spears and sometimes my friends come over the phone and this is one of these times, so leave a message after the bib and maybe I call you abck one more time ... and thanks for calling !" - "Salut c'est Britney Spears et quelques fois mes amis m'appellent et c'est une de ces fois, alors laisse un message et peut-être je rappelerai encore une fois .. et merci d'avoir appelé !"

(07) Anruftbeantworter (répondeur) 7:30

(08) Spaß am Telephonieren (plaisir à téléphoner) 2:15

"Wenn Sie informieren möchten, dann bleiben Sie am Apparat. Ansonsten legen Sie einfach auf. Einenschönen guten Tag ! Das Callcenter der **** GmbH in der Friedrichstraße hat ein interessantes Jobangebot für Sie. Wenn Sie rede gewandt und älter als 18 Jahre sind, und spaß am Telephonieren haben, sind Sie herzlich wilkommen. Wir bitten Ihnen einen hoch modernen ab ..." - "Si vous voulez être informé, alors restez en ligne. Sinon, raccrochez tout simplment.Bien le bonjour ! Le centre d'appel de la **** dans la Friedrichstraße a une proposition d'emploi intéressante pour vous. SI vous aimez parler et si vous avez plus de 18 ans et du plaisir ) téléphoner, vous êtes le bien venu. Nous vous proposons un très moderne ..."

(09) lui : "tout est fini " (er : "alles ist vorbei") 3:29

"oui, hallo, c'est moi. Je téléphone pour dire que tout est fini" - "Ja, hallo, ich bin's. Ich rufe an, um zu sagen, daß alles vorbei ist"

morceau cadeau - geschenktes Stück :

(10) the telephone weeps (das telephone weint) (feat. Claude François) 5:43



Posté par Laurent DOLCINO à 21:18 - - Commentaires [2] - Permalien [#]
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17 septembre 2012

The Temple City Kazoo Orchestra, Some Kazoos, Rhino Rec., LP, 1978


Another freaky record from my friend Sebastien's collection. Thank you so much ! Covers of 2001 Space Odyssey, Bee Gees, Rolling Stones and Led Zeppelin played only with kazoos.

side ASide A : 1. 2001 Sprach Kazoostra 2. Stayin' Alive

Side B : 3. Miss You 4. Whole Lotta Love



Posté par Laurent DOLCINO à 21:10 - - Commentaires [0] - Permalien [#]
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10 septembre 2012

Zero Kama, The Secret Eye Of L.A.Y.L.A.H., Permis de Construire, LP, 1988


“All instruments to be heard on this album were exclusively made from human bones and skulls by the hand of Zero Kama. They never have been used since the time of its recording, which took place at the Secret Temple of Laylah from 5th to 28th of May 1984 e.v. Remixed at Psychonaut Studio Vienna in November 1987 e.v., and dedicated to the symbol of Laylah, meaning night and death, as well as to its numerical equivalent, Oz, a goat or unrestrained sexual force of creation, thus showing the identity of the basic two opposite forces in this generous universe of beauty and strength, in which the Lovers may find ecstasy in Pan.
Who wishes to enter this world of darkness, in which the Great Goat dwelleth, may pass through the sigil of Oz given at the front of this Cover.”

side ZSide O : 1.Death Posture 2.Atavism Dream3.Night of Matter 4.Inoguration of the Pleasure Dome 5.Love Alway Yieldeth 6.Azure-lidded Woman [Pregnant Womb of Non]

Side OSide Z : 7.Hassan I Sabbah 8.Starlit Mire 9.Winged Eye Hadit 10.Love Alway Hardeneth 11.Town of Pyramids [Night of Pan]


Zero Kama was the musical project of Michael DeWitt. This recording had been released on his own label 'Nekrophile Rekords' on cassette in 1984, re-issued by french label 'Permis de Construire' on lp in 1988, on cd in 1991.

"Do what thou wilt shall be the Whole of the law."

Posté par Laurent DOLCINO à 22:11 - - Commentaires [2] - Permalien [#]
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03 septembre 2012

Brume, Electrocoagulation, IRRE Tapes, C60, 1991

Back to current affairs, after this summer of local bootlegs, with another Brume tape. Brume, aka Christian Renou, is a french underground activist since the end of the 70's.




Side A : 01. Part 1

Side B : 02. Part 2




Posté par Laurent DOLCINO à 22:13 - - Commentaires [6] - Permalien [#]
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28 août 2012

Bastard Noise, Live, Raymond Bar, Clermont (Fr), Oct 20 2011






Posté par Laurent DOLCINO à 23:13 - - Commentaires [0] - Permalien [#]
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24 août 2012

Stignoise, Live, Raymond Bar, Clermont [Fr], Nov 8 2011





Posté par Laurent DOLCINO à 23:28 - - Commentaires [0] - Permalien [#]
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19 août 2012

Kourgane, Live, Raymond Bar, Clermont-Fd [Fr], Nov 24 2011




Kourgane, a band from the french collective A Tant Rêver Du Roi, based in the south of France.





Posté par Laurent DOLCINO à 00:08 - - Commentaires [1] - Permalien [#]
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19 juillet 2012

B.L.A.C.K.I.E, Live, Raymond Bar, Clermont (fr), June 6 2012





Grow you if you are in the front row !




Posté par Laurent DOLCINO à 22:22 - - Commentaires [0] - Permalien [#]
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18 juillet 2012

Volcano The Bear, Live, Maison de l'Oradou, Clermont (fr), dec. 8 2010

7034465299_d8efbe9205 DOWNLOAD

Posté par Laurent DOLCINO à 22:47 - - Commentaires [0] - Permalien [#]
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16 juillet 2012

The Dreams, Live, Atelier Relax, Clermont (FR), April 22 2012



The Dreams (strasbourg, Fr), or the rebirth of dark wave ... With drum machine, razor blade guitar and female singing. The 80's most similar band would be X-Mal Deutchland ?





Posté par Laurent DOLCINO à 22:35 - Commentaires [0] - Permalien [#]
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15 juillet 2012

Zea, Live, Raymond Bar, Clermont (Fr), Sept 28 2011

ZEA is no longer a duo, Arnold de Boer (the new singer of The Ex) is now alone on stage.

Posté par Laurent DOLCINO à 00:08 - - Commentaires [1] - Permalien [#]
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09 juillet 2012

Enablers, Live, Raymond Bar, Clermont (Fr), Oct 09 2011


Posté par Laurent DOLCINO à 23:36 - - Commentaires [0] - Permalien [#]
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03 juillet 2012

Neptune, Live, Clermont-Fd [Fr], Raymond Bar, March 24 2012



A great show by Neptune at the Raymond Bar. A lot of tracks from their last album "MSG RCVD" produced by Nothern Spy Records ->.


Posté par Laurent DOLCINO à 03:07 - - Commentaires [0] - Permalien [#]
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02 juillet 2012

Kukl, Holidays in Europe, Crass Rec., Lp, 1986


Summertime, here, in Europe. And you, where will you spend your holidays ? A journey through Europe with Björk ?

side ASide A : 01.Outward Flight (Psalm 323) 02.France (A Mutual Thrill) 03.Gibraltar (Copy thy Neighbour) 04.Greece (Just by the Book)

Side B : 05.England (ZRO) 06.Holland (Latent) 07.Aegean (Vial of Wrath) 08.The Homecoming




Posté par Laurent DOLCINO à 22:15 - - Commentaires [0] - Permalien [#]
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25 juin 2012

Normes Françaises 1711294046029, Rain of Ruin, Fra Dolcino Prod., Cd-R, 2003


This is the third recording by Normes Françaises 1711294046029 (aka NF), a Fra Dolcino side project. Still post industrial/ambiant vein with more and more classical touch. Inspired by Nagazaki and Hiroshima's tragedy.

01. 235U 02. 239Pu

03.Monday, July 16, 1945, 5:30 Jordana del Muerto Desert, New Mexico

04. What do we want to save ?

05 & 06. Rain of Ruin (i)Monday, August 6, 1945, 8:16 (ii)Thursday, August 9, 1945, 11:02

07. Black Rain

08. Under the shadow of the mushroom cloud [In memory of the hibakusha]

09. Epilog, Soviet Russia has the atomic bomb

All Titles were created by Normes Françaises 1711294046029, between January 2002 and June 2003, in Berlin.
Any resemblance to any historical events wich actually took place are obviously not accidental.
Appear in this work and in their poropre role : Harry Truman [president of the United State of America], Robert Oppenheimer [american scientist], an american radio journalist.


Posté par Laurent DOLCINO à 22:24 - - Commentaires [0] - Permalien [#]
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12 juin 2012

Les Percussions de Strasbourg, Serocki / Silvestrov / Puig, Prospective 21° Siècle, Lp, 19xx


side ASide A : Kazimierz SEROCKI - Continuum pour percussion.

Valentin SILVESTROV - Mytères pour flûte alto et percussion [François Hebral - flûte alto].

Side B Michel PUIG - Provisoires Agglomérats pour récitant, voix de femme, choeur [bande magnétique] et percussion. Texte : Georges Malte. Claude Petitpierre, récitant - Karen Fenn, contrealto. Chorale expérimentale de Paris [Bande magnétique réalisée par Luc Perini dans les studios de Recherche de l'ORTF]. JP Drouet - Darbouka.



Posté par Laurent DOLCINO à 21:58 - - Commentaires [0] - Permalien [#]
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29 mai 2012

Jarboe, My Delicate Beast, Not On Label, C60, 1997


Spoken words by Jarboe, memories, poems, performances. Limited edition of 200 this is the #186. Track are :

DSC03915Side A : Nourishment, Gathering, Pretty as a Picture, Remembering, India, I Promise, Rage, Stinky Feet, A Scew [words by M. Gira], Vomit Veritas

Side B : A Woman [words by M. Gira], Love Poem, Night Walk, Stop, Time, Southern Hospitality, Walls are Bleeding [Excerpts from early 1980's performance]


Posté par Laurent DOLCINO à 20:48 - - Commentaires [0] - Permalien [#]
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21 mai 2012

Faded Image, Modern, Supporti Fonografici Prod., mini Lp, 1984


Cold wave di Milano, Italia.

Side BLato A : 1. Insanity 2. A-Totale

Lato B : 3. Strumentale 4. Sleeping City 5. Il Nuovo Tempo



Posté par Laurent DOLCINO à 23:02 - - Commentaires [0] - Permalien [#]
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15 mai 2012

Le Message des Tibétains, Tibetan Sacred Music, Disques BAM, LP, 19??


"The world is moved when the architectural remains of a civilisation which has been dead for two thousand years are threatened to be destroyed, and all the papers made it a point to describe the efforts and the colossal expenses incurred to preserve the Egyptian temples of the High Nile Valley. It seems that the destruction under our very eyes of a culture perfectely alive touches us much less : will something remain of this admirable tantric mahayana Buddhism ? The cultural and spiritual heritage of the Tibetans, their psychological and mystical achievements are in danger. This record preserves a few aspects of the lamas' sacred music."

side ASide A :
01 Danse Gelukpa [Bonnets Jaunes]
02 Ceremonie d'Offrande [Sculptures de Beurre]
03 Priere de l'Ordre Kargyudpa
04 Ceremonie du "Port de la Coiffe Noire" [Monastère Karma-Kargyudpa]

Side B : Culte au Monatere Nyingmapa de Rewalsar
05 Sequence #1 [Longues trompes]
06 Sequence #2 [Trompes, percussions et prières]
rear07 Sequence #3 [Trompes, percussions et prière]

Rite Nyingma d'Abisheka
08 Sequence #1 [Trompes, percussions]
09 Sequence #2 [Trompes, percussions]

10 Rite de Tchodau Monastere Nyingma de Kalimpone [Prière, percussions et trompes]

Rite Tantrique Nyingmapa
11 Sequence #1 [Prière, percussions et trompes]
12 Sequence #2 [Prière, percussions et trompes]


Posté par Laurent DOLCINO à 22:52 - - Commentaires [6] - Permalien [#]
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