Melbourne International Games Week is Asia Pacific’s largest digital games celebration featuring conferences, events and activities for the games industry, games enthusiasts, the general public and educationalists.

Held annually in October, Melbourne International Games Week aims to:

  • bring Australia’s games industry together to showcase, celebrate and build local capability and connections
  • build MIGW into the pre-eminent digital games event in the Asia Pacific region
  • connect international attendees with Victorian talent.

Due to the ongoing impacts of coronavirus (COVID-19) across the globe, Melbourne International Games Week (MIGW) will look a little different this year.

As we cannot meet physically in 2020, all MIGW events will be required to connect us virtually.

With so many changes to how we meet and play, we understand it will be a year like no other, however, knowing our committed and loyal community, it may just be the best Melbourne International Games Week to date.

Visit for updates.

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MIGW EOI application form

This expression of interest is for organisations who would like to have an event included as part of the official MIGW program.

Successful applicants will see their events sharing a week-long program with major digital games events which appeal to public, education and/or industry audiences.

Your submission
A strong submission will detail how the event aligns with the vision for MIGW; what benefits will accrue to participants and organisers as a result of their participation; that all related permits will be secured; and, the event will comply with relevant laws and regulations.
  1. Event must be staged within the published dates of MIGW
  2. Event must be self-funded and self-managed
  3. Event must be of a high standard and align with the values and vision of MIGW
  4. Event must not detract from or compete with any other MIGW event or activity
  5. Event must secure all necessary permits and comply with laws and regulations
  6. Event must align with one or more of MIGW’s three audience segments – games industry, the education sector or the general public

Creative Victoria will convene an independent panel to assess applications against eligibility criteria.

Applications close 5.00pm on Monday 17 August 2020.

Successful applicants will be notified by email no later than Friday 31 August 2020.

For further information please email