Powering cutting edge research and insights

We monitor and analyse global trends in extremism and polarisation in all its forms

Powering education and resilience

Our education programmes encourage young people to be positive digital citizens and build resilience to hate and extremism online

Powering grassroots networks against hate and extremism

We have created and empowered grassroots networks around the world

Powering innovative technology and communications

We develop scalable models with cutting edge technology to tackle extremism

Powering effective policymaking

By advising governments and connecting policymakers we ensure that counter-extremism policy reflects best practice

On behalf of all at ISD, our hearts go out to Beirut and Lebanon.

We are heartbroken by the devastation we have seen in Beirut, a city that we love and whose people we have worked closely with for the cause of peace. We stand with our friends, staff and partners in the region during this difficult time.

نحن نتألم بسبب الدمار الذي شهده العالم في بيروت
البارحة، المدينة التي نحبها والتي نعمل فيها و مع أهلها من أجل نشر السلام.
نقف اليوم مع أصدقائنا وموظفينا وشركائنا في لبنان خلال هذه الفترة العصيبة.

Lebanon Needs You

To get updated information and to find out how you can help and support those affected, go to:


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