Patriot Front’s Dustin Hamby Rages Impotently Against BLM, Antifascists

Dustin Ray Hamby, better known online as Chef Goyardee, has displayed increasingly erratic behavior in response to the continuing Antifascist campaign to expose him and stop his fascist organizing.

On May 30th Hamby spied upon a Black Lives Matter protest at the Austin Capitol and gleefully live-streamed as a protester was manhandled by cops.

But when Hamby got home, he found a message – apparently left by antifascists – on his door. He made several outraged tweets indicating a desire to “protect his home”, likely realizing the impossibility of defending against an enemy he does not know and cannot see.

He even put out a challenge to “fight Antifa” on his birthday – which he spent home alone – but antifascists do not let their enemies dictate, or even anticipate,  the time and place of battle.

With his characteristic impulsiveness and rage, Hamby filmed himself tearing down a George Floyd banner posted outside his Midtown Commons residence.

 Unfortunately for Chef Goyardee even these futile and impotent displays only result in more attention. Sources report that flyers were found around the Midtown Commons area shortly thereafter.

Additionally a large banner denouncing Dustin Ray Hamby and warning his neighbors was found posted to the nearby dog park he frequents.

While only local antifascists know for sure, it seems likely that Hamby will continue making himself a target until he publicly denounces Patriot Front and the broader fascist movement, forever leaving behind bigoted political activism and internet commentary – at the very least. 


- IMAGE - Tristen Barhite

Over the last four years, the people of Portland have witnessed a surge in far-right activity, motivated by the Trump presidency. Beginning with pro-Trump rallies in 2016 attended by members of far-right militias and white supremacist groups, this activity expanded into 2017, 2018, and 2019 as Joey Gibson attempted to make a media and political career through ringleading large gatherings of these violent agitators, buoying up groups like Identity Europa, the Proud Boys, and the Portland-area Daily Stormer group.

Gibson and company’s forays into Portland would not have been able to occur without the help of the Portland Police Bureau (PPB), the city of Portland, and the local court system. PPB’s collaboration with Joey Gibson and Patriot Prayer is well-documented. The City government has refused to respond to the revelation that Quincy Franklin and Gregory Isaacson, two bigoted followers of Patriot Prayer, are employed by the city. And the courts with jurisdiction over Portland have now fallen prey to influence by Patriot Prayer. In this article we will lay out the malign influence exerted by Joey Gibson’s associates at every stage of a court case. From the filing of charges, to the disruption of the trial, to an eventual mistrial due to the actions of a Patriot Prayer associate who was a member of the ostensibly “impartial” jury, this case now joins the spiraling list of occasions in which the far-right has hijacked the mechanisms of city government in order to harass its denizens, and the activists working to protect their community from fascist violence.

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Victor Staab – Patriot Front Regional Network Director – Washington D.C.

Victor Staab is the “ND” (network director) of Patriot Front’s Washington D.C. Regional Network.

He’s been operating with impunity for a while, anonymously growing the local network (NW9) into one of the largest in Patriot Front. So it’s high time he be taken down!

Victor Lee Staab
541 Chestnut Hill Rd, Forest Hill, MD 21050
Born August 1992
5’11”, appx. 210 lbs

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On Blast: Joshua Wallace – member of the Hammerskins – neo-Nazi of Tuolumne County

Joshua Wallace and Lindsay Donaldson. The symbol on Wallace’s hat is a Wolfsangel previously used by the Nazi party.

Joshua Wallace resides in Jamestown, California. He works at Sierra Pacific Industries in Sonora, is married to Lindsay Donaldson ( now Lindsay Wallace)and is a full blown member of the Hammerskins, a known white supremacist group with a violent history of racist attacks. This post offers a brief history of Hammerskins, how Wallace is related to the group, who he socializes with, and his doxx information at the end.

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Midtown Commons Residents Warned of Nazi Neighbor: Dustin Ray Hamby

Recently flyers describing the activities of Austin Nazi leader, Dustin Ray Hamby (aka Chef Goyardee) covered the interior of the Midtown Commons apartments located at 7211 Easy Wind Dr. as well as the windows of nearby businesses. 

Residents saw several dozen flyers on each floor of Hamby’s apartment building and learned of his role as a Network Directing Officer of Patriot Front. Hamby coordinated van rentals and AirBNB reservations for the Unite The Right rally in Charlottesville, thus bearing significant responsibility for the death of antifascist martyr Heather Heyer and the serious injuries to dozens of others. It is important to note that Patriot Front is simply the rebranding of Vanguard America following this deadly attack by Vanguard member, James A. Fields.

Dustin Ray Hamby has been exposed and targeted by Central Texas antifascists before. He recently lost his job at Kome Sushi after management was made aware of his character and history. Hamby became vindictive, yelled at the manager, and later instructed his followers to leave slanderous reviews about the restaurant. The spurious reviews were subsequently deleted and all Hamby achieved was making future restaurant employment more difficult for him.

A flyer was seen on the window of Hamby’s former employer, Black Star Co-Op

Nobody wants a racist, violent, drunk  coworker and any business that employs the Nazi Dustin Ray Hamby or his associates is sure to face a community boycott — at an absolute minimum. 

Hamby has also been named as a defendant in a lawsuit concerning Unite The Right, albeit under his alias “Chef Goyardee” before his true identity was revealed to the world. CenTex ARA entirely rejects participation in or cooperation with the “law” and holds no illusions the capitalist State will strike meaningful blows against a Fascist movement that reinforces their rule. Hamby’s own neighbors are far more likely to inflict reprisals against him than are the courts, especially now that other Midtown Commons residents know his identity. Reports of escalating actions against him would come as no surprise. 

All fascists and neo-nazis would do well to learn that there is nowhere to run and nowhere to hide in Texas. If they are afraid of publicly organizing events antifascists will come to them instead. They are far safer quitting their fascist activities, publicly naming and denouncing their leaders, and working to destroy their former organizations. Short of that there is no hope for them whatsoever.

Nazi Dustin Hamby Fired, Fascists Retaliate Online

Neo-Nazi Dustin Ray Hamby Fired

Dustin Ray Hamby (recently exposed as the fascist organizer “Chef Goyardee”) lost his job at an Austin, TX Japanese restaurant on October 13th when managers learned of his Nazi activities and other abusive behaviors. Hamby — who helped coordinate the deadly “Unite The Right” demonstration in Charlottesville and handled security for white nationalist leader Richard Spencer in Gainseville, Florida — worked at the restaurant for less than a week before he was found out.

Dustin Hamby began screaming at the Head Chef and General Manager upon receiving news of his termination, removing all doubt about his character. Apparently determined to sabotage his career forever, Hamby enlisted the help of his Nazi friends to leave false and defamatory reviews on the restaurant’s Yelp page (the reviews were swiftly removed.)

Fake reviews Chef Goyardee’s fellow Nazis left about the restaurant immediately after the termination.

Patriot Front’s “Network Directing Officer” for Austin once again displayed impulsiveness and poor judgement. His embarrassing (and possibly drunken) histrionics demonstrate Patriot Front’s desperation, lack of discipline, and incompetent leadership.

Austin restaurants know that there will be zero tolerance for Nazis, and that anyone employing Dustin Ray Hamby will regret that decision sooner or later.