Opinion | Comment & Analysis | The Sydney Morning Herald


The former photo giant plans to make ingredients for generic drugs has gone awry.

Pharma deal could be Kodak's moment to forget

The photography giant's attempt to move into drug ingredients is now the subject of official investigations.

  • by Hannah Uttley


Kamala Harris put a revenge porn web designer away for 18 years when she was a prosecutor.
Technology & democracy

Don't hold your breath for radical reform of Big Tech under Biden-Harris

Kamala Harris got tough on the web when she was a prosecutor in California, but isn't likely to rock the boat hard if the Democrats take the White House in November.

  • by Peter Hartcher
ABC-TV's Insiders has only recently begun bringing racial diversity to its panel.

Elsewhere they get it but the Australian media is still living in White Australia

It has been nearly five decades since an official multiculturalism was adopted in Australia. Yet that has had limited visible impact on our media.

  • by Tim Soutphommasane
Investing in affordable housing would pay social dividends.
Coronavirus pandemic

The short-term economic stimulus that will deliver long-term social dividends to NSW

The forecast drop in international migration because of the pandemic will translate to reduced demand for housing, but there is a way to cushion this hit to the state's economy.

  • by Joanna Quilty
Ambulance crews on the scene at Shelley Beach.

Women of Australia, the shark-punching hero from Port Macquarie is no big deal

We Australians – all – we Australians, not just Mr Hero, (sniff) – have developed a certain natural equanimity about sharks.

  • by Peter FitzSimons
In the Herald

In the Herald: August 18, 1964

Demand for “higher” pay, booming dogs, and Maltese migration

  • by Ellen Fitzgerald
Why buy a mask when you can struggle to make one at home on your own?
Life in Lockdown

Can't sew? Never fear, here's a simple 26-step guide to stuffing up your own face masks

Jealous of your friends’ trendy DIY facemasks? It’s not too late to make your own! Benefit from the experience of someone who has recently been through the experience.

  • by Greg Foyster
Column 8 Granny dinkus with mask.
Column 8

Veronica Mars hits Port Macquarie

And what not to wear in New Orleans.

Mick Keelty last year.

Compromised war crimes investigation is a stain on Australia's honour

Mick Keelty's sharing of confidential information about an investigation into war crimes in Afghanistan to former SAS veteran Ben Roberts-Smith must be investigated properly.

  • The Herald's View
AMP Capital boss Boe Pahari received counselling over remarks he made to a woman colleague in 2017, and the company reached a financial settlement with her.
MeToo movement

Now we know the details of allegations against Boe Pahari, AMP's response looks pathetic

The amount Pahari paid in penalty is tokenistic at best.

  • by Jenna Price
Collingwood have not performed well in the recent footy festival.
Real Footy Podcast

Real Footy podcast: 'The whole thing unravelled'

This week on the Real Footy podcast, Michael Gleeson, Jake Niall and Caroline Wilson discuss the teams that have done well during the AFL's festival of football, and the ones that have struggled.

Universities face major losses if Chinese students stop coming to Australia.
Please Explain podcast

Please Explain podcast: university will never be the same again

In this episode, national editor Tory Maguire joins education and communications reporter Fergus Hunter to discuss the state of Australia's universities as they grapple with the impact of the coronavirus pandemic. 

  • by Tory Maguire
China has been pushing to make the yuan a more international currency, with limited success.
World markets

Currency weapon: The US dollar threat is becoming very real for China

The US's willingness to use its dollar’s dominance of global financial activity as a weapon has China nervous.

  • by Stephen Bartholomeusz
Luke Keary is helped from the field on Thursday.
NRL 2020

Forget six-again rule, NRL's injury ward exposes an inconvenient truth

It is not the new six again rule in isolation which has caused the alarming injury toll across the NRL but its introduction in already stressed times.

  • by Roy Masters
Jofra Archer is bowling too many overs and too few at full pace.
The Ashes

England quicks not being prepared properly for the Ashes

With Australia looming at the end of next year, one English paceman needs to up his speed while the other is just not playing enough.

  • by Geoff Boycott
The Ruby Princess at Port Kembla.

Questions linger despite Ruby Princess findings

The Ruby Princess inquiry report has spared our political leaders from outright blame over the debacle. But in the court of public opinion, the jury is still out.

Wage growth has recorded its lowest growth since records were kept.
Wage growth

Tribal prejudices about wages guarantee a weak recovery

Neither side of politics wants to admit it, but the economy’s recovery from the coronacession will be weak and slow until we get back to strong growth in wages.

  • by Ross Gittins
Premier Daniel Andrews speaking on Sunday.
Coronavirus pandemic

Front row seat to COVID-19 reporting reveals uncomfortable truths

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews' daily coronavirus press conferences have turned into a spectator sport and in turn further highlighted the cracks in the media industry.

  • by Margaret Simons
In the Herald

In the Herald: August 17, 1908

Calf with two heads, Mark Twain’s loss, and Teddy Bear shooting

  • by Ellen Fitzgerald
Catherine Freney is careers counsellor at Peninsula Grammar in Victoria.
MyCareer Education

Career choice key to future-proofing students

School careers counsellor Catherine Freney has also been called on to help the odd parent face a careers crisis.

  • by Catherine Freney
The Ruby Princess cruise ship departs Port Kembla on April 22.
Coronavirus pandemic

Only one way the Ruby Princess disaster could have been averted

Debate has centred on what NSW Health did once the ship docked, but the ship should never have been allowed to sail in the first place.

  • by Tony Kelleher and Andrew Grulich
Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese and deputy Labor leader Richard Marles just after he assumed the leadership last year.
Political Leadership

Politics doesn't wait: Could Anthony Albanese be missing his chance?

Scott Morrison knows he is exposed on aged care, yet the Opposition Leader's comments have been oddly restrained.

  • by Sean Kelly
We don’t know how to get life back to normal.
Coronavirus pandemic

The pressure on Morrison to produce something bold is increasing

As the October 6 delivery date for the federal budget looms, there’s an increasing focus on what the Morrison government will come up with to drive the nation’s economic recovery.

  • by Shaun Carney
Caffeine-empowered survival mode.
Coronavirus pandemic

A coffee-powered moment of hope in dark times

Unexpected kindness is the levitation of the spirits. It widens, even just for a moment, what can be a narrowing by tough times of a person’s world.

  • by Warwick Mcfadyen
A German study found that feeling young is an indicator of wellbeing in later life.
Coronavirus pandemic

This is not a great time to suddenly realise you're 'old'

I look in the mirror and someone I don’t know looks back. Who is that old woman?

  • by Sue Green
Column 8 Granny dinkus with mask.
Column 8

Multi-national mnemonics and lost ditties

Parking meters not always getting their five-cents worth.

Passengers sit with their luggage after disembarking from the Ruby Princess cruise ship on March 19 at Circular Quay.
Coronavirus pandemic

Cursed ship has sailed, but lessons must be learnt

When significant mistakes are made, as with the Ruby Princess disaster, there needs to be transparency and accountability for our system to work.

  • The Herald's View
Rupert Murdoch turns 90 in March but he's probably got another decade in him.
Rupert Murdoch

Don't get too excited - the new Murdoch documentary is a total bore

The ABC has bought itself a total dud but that probably won't stop the many critics of News Corp and Murdoch from lapping it up.

  • by Bevan Shields
Umpire Richard Kettleborough calls off play due to bad light in the first Test between England and Pakistan.
Test cricket

Off for bad light? The answer is to use a pink ball

It is just a bad look for the game to have play suspended when we have huge floodlights at the ground, and it is something that can be put right.

  • by Michael Vaughan
Jack Newnes takes his kick after the siren.
AFL 2020

Did the umpire make a Blue? Unpacking Newnes' match-winner

Here we take the microscope to the last 30 seconds of Carlton's last-gasp win over Fremantle at Optus Stadium on Saturday night.

  • by Daniel Cherny
NSW Treasurer Dominic Perrottet has admitted he received an anonymous complaint in February 2019 about a conflict of interest concern involving icare chief executive John Nagle.

For all icare: Perrottet blind to ethical failings

Icare is a metaphor for an arrogant government obsessed with outsourcing and privatisation.

John Barilaro at League Central on Monday.
Political Leadership

Does John Barilaro have ambitions to run the NRL?

You could be forgiven for thinking the Deputy Premier was the Minister for Rugby League.

  • by Peter FitzSimons
A life and death crisis.
Coronavirus pandemic

The Morrison government owes us radical transparency

We need our governments now - and we need them to be honest with us.

  • by Jacqueline Maley
The coronavirus is killing many in aged care.
Aged care

COVID lessons from the survivors of other horrors

We owe a much better existence to the occupants of aged care facilities, yet many of them carry on with humour and grace and compassion for their fellow residents.

  • by Helen Pitt
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announces full diplomatic ties will be established with the United Arab Emirates.
Middle East tensions

UAE deal gives Israel long overdue legitimacy

The Palestinians should welcome this deal as it makes a two-state solution more likely.

  • by Dave Sharma
Smooth as Silk: Hawks veteran Shaun Burgoyne.
AFL 2020

Burgoyne's chance to go out in Silky style

There's little point in Hawthorn persisting in playing Shaun Burgoyne over the final rounds of what should be his final season in brown and gold.

  • by Jake Niall
When it comes to internet providers there are a mind-boggling array of plans, speeds and download limits but comparison websites are designed to help you through the process. 
Money Makeover

Why you should 'hit it or quit it' when it comes to your bills

For many service providers, you would be surprised at the discounts available for existing clients if you simply ask.

  • by Jessica Irvine
Two key goals should be to retire with a mortgage-free home and enough money to meet your needs.
Ask an expert

How to maximise a SASS defined-benefit pension

The major portion is an employer benefit defined by your membership history, your level of contributions and Final Average Salary (FAS). All three can be boosted.

  • by George Cochrane
Go through your bills, using comparison websites, to determine the savings you could make by switching to a cheaper provider

Five money tips to help you through tough times

Streamlining your finances can help you cope with the uncertainty of the COVID-19 crisis.

  • by Nicole Pedersen-McKinnon
Luke Keary is helped from the field on Thursday.
NRL 2020

It's far too early to be blaming a rule change for NRL's injury toll

Two of the game's best coaches think the "six-again" rule is to blame for a horror injury toll. Let's just hold off until we get the facts.

  • by Phil Gould
It's hard to live poetically in a Sydney CBD bolthole.
Coronavirus pandemic

To build COVID safe cities turn to an old rule

It’s a classic modernist folly to presume that the old rules don’t apply to us. Nature disagrees.

  • by Elizabeth Farrelly
Scott Morrison was eager to spruik Australia's approach to tackling coronavirus even as the second wave  begining.
Coronavirus pandemic

Virus won't wait for our leaders to stop playing word games

It has been exhausting to watch leaders buck pass this week.

  • by George Megalogenis
Victory in the Pacific Day celebrations on Elizabeth Street in 1945.
World War II

A rolled gold triumph for the good and great over the absolutely evil

August 15 should be a day for reflection and gratitude.

  • by Peter FitzSimons
Beirut broken

Push aside vested interests so Lebanon can be reborn

It is the rebuilding of Beirut that will show if the country can turn over a new leaf.

  • by Maher Mughrabi
Kamala Harris went on the attack against the Trump administration's handling of the coronavirus and the economy.
US election

Trump's worst nightmare: Kamala Harris is a repudiation of his era

The Trump campaign was devastated when Joe Biden chose Kamala Harris to be his running mate and it is floundering as to how to handle her.

  • by Anne Summers

Enough with the spin, give us transparency

The altruistic David Crowe asks why politicians cannot own up to failure.


Back up, now: sense of self to the fore in careers and life

We seem to value individual contributions to such an extent that we forget not everything that makes for a good life can be achieved alone.

  • by Jim Bright
“Weird” is most often used when walking down the street and spotting someone wearing a mask.

Hmmmm .... these are the words we’ve been using a lot lately

The word of the moment, “weird” can be uttered up to 118 times a day according to those of us who count our daily words on a clicker-counter.

  • by Danny Katz
The Masked Singer's 'guessing panel': Jackie O, Dannii Minogue, Dave Hughes and Lindsay Lohan.
Coronavirus pandemic

It's not just Dave Hughes that I'm finding excruciating at the moment

D on’t take this personally. It’s not just you I am finding excruciating at the moment, it’s everything and everyone.

  • by Wendy Squires
New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern discusses the COVID-19 outbreaks in Auckland.
Coronavirus pandemic

Jacinda Ardern keeps up the good fight

The New Zealand Prime Minister's decisive yet empathetic response to the COVID-19 outbreak is par for her globally acclaimed course.

  • by Jacqueline Maley