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Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews walks to his media briefing on Friday.

The 24 hours that caused the virus to be let loose in Victoria

The blame game continues over why private security guards were chosen over police or the Australian Defence Force for quarantine hotels.

  • 33 mins ago
  • Patrick Durkin
RBA governor Philip Lowe says JobKeeper has been 'remarkable'.

JobKeeper 'remarkable', not a rort: RBA's Lowe

In a wide-ranging testimony to Parliament's economics committee, Dr Lowe said the JobKeeper program was working well but responsible lending rules were holding back credit growth.

  • 1 hr ago
  • Matthew Cranston

The crucial questions we need answered about COVID-19

In a week when vaccines made global news, researchers increasingly believe the pandemic may go but the virus is here to stay.

  • Jill Margo

PM could dump promised rise in super

Scott Morrison says there has been a ‘rather significant event’ since the 2019 election – when the Coalition pledged not to alter the legislated super increase.

  • John Kehoe

Leaked survey finds 1pc of hospital patients infected

The first results of a national survey suggest most infected people are unaware they have the coronavirus.

  • Aaron Patrick

Plastic no longer fantastic for Andrew Liveris

Andrew Liveris is now saving the oceans, having helped to destroy them in the first place.

  • Joe Aston

Opinion & Analysis

Why a Democracy Club won't work

Pulling big democracies into a new multilateral force sounds good, but they can't fix global problems without the help of the leaders they want to shut out.

Aaron David Miller and Richard Sokolsky


Bernard Collaery trial is a highly unusual criminal prosecution

After nine months of hearings, seven judgments, and government spending of $2 million, we still know too little about the prosecutions of Bernard Collaery and Witness K.

Ian Cunliffe


COVID-19 has moved the future to now

For many Australian companies coronavirus has brought the future forward – for better or worse. The reporting season shows the range of results.

Workers need to move states to get better jobs

Unemployment is highest in the states with the hardest border closures. If they continue with their border parochialism, workers and the unemployed will pay the price.

John Kehoe

Senior writer

John Kehoe

More From Today

Why a Democracy Club won't work

Pulling big democracies into a new multilateral force sounds good, but they can't fix global problems without the help of the leaders they want to shut out.

  • Aaron David Miller and Richard Sokolsky

Bernard Collaery trial is a highly unusual criminal prosecution

After nine months of hearings, seven judgments, and government spending of $2 million, we still know too little about the prosecutions of Bernard Collaery and Witness K.

  • Ian Cunliffe


COVID-19 has moved the future to now

For many Australian companies coronavirus has brought the future forward – for better or worse. The reporting season shows the range of results.

  • Jennifer Hewett

Watch: Could COVID-19 reboot Australia's economy?

The current crisis is pushing Australian businesses to their limits - but could it be the catalyst for a more productive, efficient and future-ready economy? Join some of Australia's most respected CEOs as we debate the most urgent reform priorities.

  • Alana Piper

Business demands Daniel Andrews' exit plan

Business groups say members are desperate for answers on Victoria's plan to emerge from lockdown and need greater disclosure if cases spike again.

  • Patrick Durkin

State border closures a long-term hit to labour mobility

This year's revolution in working from home could break Australia's city-centricism, but Fortescue warns state border closures will have a long-term impact

  • Peter Ker

This man is one in a million looking for work in Australia

Steve Rowe is one of the forgotten unemployed, a senior executive, but he says there are still opportunities around – if you look hard.

  • Matthew Cranston

'None of this was unforeseeable': Aged care response slammed

Peter Rozen, senior counsel assisting the aged care royal commission, has made a damning assessment of the federal government and sector's COVID-19 response.

  • Finbar O'Mallon

Workers need to move states to get better jobs

Unemployment is highest in the states with the hardest border closures. If they continue with their border parochialism, workers and the unemployed will pay the price.

  • John Kehoe

Where to invest in a post-pandemic world

Business leaders say large-scale change is needed following COVID-19, and share their views on the opportunities that lie ahead.

  • Finbar O'Mallon

Melbourne stuck in reverse as the rest of Australia returns to normal

The stage four COVID-19 lockdown has seen traffic in Melbourne collapse to its lowest level since mid-April, while traffic in other capital cities returns to normal.

  • Edmund Tadros

Jobless rate hit 7.5pc before Victoria lockdown

The jobs market was improving more than expected, but the latest figures do not take into account the second COVID-19 lockdown in Victoria.

  • Matthew Cranston

Russia doesn't really know whether its vaccine works

It's a high-risk gamble that could undermine confidence in Vladimir Putin’s government and in vaccines generally.

  • Max Nisen

How does your state rank in this new index?

Federal and state governments will have their reform efforts ranked in a new index, created by AlphaBeta economist Andrew Charlton, which is expected to build pressure for further action.

  • Matthew Cranston

Bank buffers shore up hope amid the crisis

The strong capital buffers built before the crisis are now helping the banks absorb the punch from COVID-19.

  • The AFR View

This Month

Andrews' blame game lands at Andrew Crisp's door

The Emergency Management Commissioner signed off on a decision by Victoria's State Control Centre to use private security guards for hotel quarantine, the night before returning travellers were first detained in hotels.

  • Patrick Durkin

Comyn steers CBA through troubled waters

Despite surveying the ravages of COVID-19 on the Australian economy, Matt Comyn still offers a relatively optimistic view from the cockpit of Australia's biggest bank.

  • Jennifer Hewett

Royal commission 'shocked and disturbed' by aged care evidence

Aged care royal commissioners have expressed alarm at given evidence as federal health department bosses defended their handling of coronavirus in the sector.

  • Finbar O'Mallon

A gas bubble cannot lift Australia to manufacturing recovery

Using gas to fire up recovery would simply demonstrate everything that's wrong about such well-meaning stimulus programs.

  • Tony Wood