
Updated: 07:42 EDT

With no deal in sight on coronavirus relief legislation, President Donald Trump attacked Democratic leaders negotiating with his top aides and once again threatened to act unilaterally to cut payroll taxes and take other actions in a speech at his Bedminster, New Jersey, club on Friday night. 'If Democrats continue to hold this critical relief hostage I will act on my authority as president,' Trump said, resuming attacks on Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer, as the two sides remain trillions apart on relief. He also hailed new jobs number showing employment gains following steep drops this spring, and once again repeated his claim that the coronavirus ravaging the country will go away – pointing to the fact that new cases are starting to decline across the country. 

U.S. mercenaries sentenced to 20 years by Venezuelan court for failed attempt to oust

Luke Denman, 34, and Airan Berry, 41, were arrested on May 4 and charged with terrorism and conspiracy. On Friday night the Venezuelan attorney general, Tarek William Saab, announced that the pair had been sentenced. 'Following on from their arraignment, they have admitted their responsibility for the acts,' Saab tweeted. 'The men ADMITTED having committed crimes of conspiracy, illegal association, trafficking of weapons of war and terrorism as defined by the Penal Code: for this they have been sentenced to 20 years, months and nine days in prison.'

Judge Peter Cahill wrote in a ruling Friday that media and the public are allowed to have copies of the George Floyd body cam footage recorded by officers Thomas Lane and J. Alexander Kueng.

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A seven-year-old boy has become the youngest person in Georgia to die of COVID-19, having caught it at church (pictured). Dr Lawton Davis (pictured) said the child's death was 'especially heart-breaking'.

'If Joe Biden was president, China would own our country,' Trump said in remarks at a press conference on Friday night, responding to reports about foreign election interference.

President Donald Trump is set to rake in $15 million dollars in campaign cash this Saturday in a Southampton fundraisers, including a stop at the home of Donald Trump Jr. and Kimberly Guilfoyle.

Tiffany, Don Jr and Kimberly attend Montauk boat party ahead of president's Hamptons

Donald Trump Jr, his sister Tiffany and his girlfriend Kimberly Guilfoyle took to the waters off the coast of Montauk on Friday for a boat party ahead of the president's Saturday fundraisers. The president will be in Southampton on Saturday for a fundraiser at his son's home in the town, and also at the residence of billionaire former hedge fund manager John Paulso.

Postmaster general Louis DeJoy disputed reports that his agency is slowing down election mail or any other mail and said it has 'ample capacity to deliver all election mail securely and on time'.

Donald Trump defends having wine-drinking members of his golf club crowd into presser

President Donald Trump defended having members of his Bedminister golf club crowing into his press conference and not wearing masks as a peaceful demonstration against the news media.  Trump grew defensive when a member of the media asked him what message it sent to have a large crowd of people at his event, most of whom did not wear masks or socially distance. 'You're wrong on that,' President Trump replied. 'It's a peaceful protest.' 

Russia is seeking to 'denigrate' former vice president Joe Biden,' said William Evanina, a top counterintelligence official, who issued a new warning on foreign election interference..

Protesters pelt Portland Police with rocks and concrete and shine lasers to try and blind cops on the 72nd night of violent clashes after Trump called the demonstrators 'lawless rioters' 

Portland police have accused protesters of throwing rocks and chunks of concrete at them, and using lasers to try and blind them, on another night of violence in the Oregon city. Friday night marked the 72nd straight night of protests, which generally begin peacefully and then descend in to violence. On Friday afternoon Donald Trump hit out at the 'mobs' and 'anarchists' who he said had taken over Portland.

Ex-Los Angeles Angels employee Eric Kay has been charged by federal authorities for distributing fentanyl in connection with the overdose of pitcher Tyler Skaggs, who died in a Texas hotel in 2019.

The Department of Justice said Mikaela Sanford, 34, of Folsom, California, who worked for alleged college scandal admission mastermind Rick Singer (pictured) will plead guilty to a racketeering charge.

Liberty University President Jerry Falwell Jr. will take 'indefinite leave of absence'

Liberty University President and prominent Trump supporter Jerry Falwell Jr. will take an indefinite leave from his position effective immediately it was announced Friday. Falwell's (at left in black t-shirt and at right) departure from the university comes just two days after he apologized on Wednesday for posting a picture online (left) which showed him with his pants unzipped and his arm around a woman. The picture, posted and deleted from Instagram Tuesday, sparked controversy because of the strict code of conduct for Liberty University students which requires them to dress with 'appropriateness' and 'modesty'. 'The Executive Committee of Liberty University's Board of Trustees, acting on behalf of the full Board, met today and requested Jerry Falwell Jr. take an indefinite leave of absence from his roles as President and Chancellor of Liberty University, to which he has agreed, effective immediately,' according to a statement issued by Liberty University Friday.

Derek Harris, a veteran of the Gulf War, was handed the life sentence in June 2012, after he sold 0.69 grams of marijuana to an undercover policeman. On Thursday a judge ruled that he be released.

The owners of One Manhattan Dental in New York City say they have created the nickname 'mask mouth' to deal with the burgeoning number of people presenting with problems.

Homeless men are seen sharing swigs of liquor and urinating outside luxury Upper West Side

On Friday evening, several rowdy groups were spotted openly drinking and carousing near 79th Street and Broadway, not far from three of the hotels where the city is housing homeless people for $175 per person each night. Among the hotels on the city's list are The Belleclaire, The Lucerne and The Belnord on the Upper West Side, where all other guests have been quietly cleared out to make way for the homeless individuals. It is part of Mayor Bill de Blasio's (inset) scheme to try to prevent outbreaks of COVID-19 at the city's dormitory-style homeless shelters, but concerned residents have raised an outcry that the neighborhood is being terrorized by open drug use, lewd displays and brazen harassment, and say they fear the situation will spin out of control.

Ghislaine Maxwell 'tried to recruit Paris Hilton for Epstein'

Ghislaine Maxwell wanted to recruit Paris Hilton for Jeffrey Epstein after seeing her for the first time, a former friend of the British socialite has claimed. Christopher Mason said Maxwell stopped in her tracks and said 'oh my god' when she saw Hilton at a party. Maxwell said she would be 'perfect for Jeffrey' and told a friend: 'Can you introduce us?' Mason, a British journalist based in New York who has known Maxwell since the 1980s, did not give a date for the encounter. But it appears to have been around the year 2000 when Hilton signed up to Donald Trump's modeling agency, T management. She would have been 19 years old and on the cusp of becoming a star. Hilton, Maxwell and Trump have been pictured together around the same time in September of 2000 at a fashion show in New York. Mason recounted the episode for a new docuseries called 'Surviving Jeffrey Epstein', which is due to air on Lifetime on Sunday night.

Inmate freed due to coronavirus shoots his rape accuser dead

Police in Alexandria, Virginia, say Ibrahim E. Bouaichi, 33, fatally gunned down Karla Dominguez outside her apartment in the early morning hours July 29. Bouaichi was indicted on rape, strangulation and abduction charges after Dominguez testified that he sexually abused her during a violent incident last October. He had been released from jail in April after his lawyers argued that COVID-19 put both them and their client at risk.

Trump says AGAIN that COVID will disappear, citing declining new cases in Florida, Texas

Trump said at a press conference on Friday night at his golf club in New Jersey that the pandemic 'is disappearing,' adding, 'It will disappear. 'In the US, more than 80 percent of jurisdictions report declining cases. We're doing very well, you don't hear that often in the media,' he continued. It was unclear how Trump was defining 'jurisdictions,' but coronavirus infections are declining nationwide. Deaths are still rising in 23 states, while cases are increasing in 20 states, according to a Reuters analysis comparing data from the past two weeks to the previous two. 'We have a very large country, a very complex country. More than half of America's counties report fewer than 20 cases last week,' Trump said. 'We're doing very well but we have to remain vigilant.'

The philanthropist and former Microsoft founder said most of the diagnostic testing in the US was a waste of time because the tests take too long to provide results.

In the first six months of 293 people died after taking hydroxychloroquine, according to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel's review of FDA data. More than half took it to treat coronavirus.

Thousands of bikers descend on South Dakota town for 10-day Sturgis Motorcycle Rally

Thousands of bikers have defied social distancing guidelines as they gathered for the commencement of the annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally on Friday.  Up to a quarter of a million people are expected to converge on the city in South Dakota for the 10-day festival, which will feature live music, bikes stunts and races.  Photos from the festival show attendees gathered close together as they watched a parade of souped-up motorcycles rev through the downtown area. 

John Place, the 42-year-old father who was hospitalized with COVID-19 after his oldest son contracted the virus, was discharged from a hospital on Thursday in Plantaition, Florida

The Davidson County, Tennessee, Office of the Medical Examiner's report listed 'chronic ethanol abuse' as the cause of 30-year-old country music star Cady Groves' death on May 2.

North Carolina news anchor, her husband and three children, contract coronavirus

TV news anchor Molly Grantham (left and right) revealed her entire family contracted COVID-19 just days after she gave birth in July. Grantham, her husband Wes and nine-year-old daughter all received positive COVID-19 test results within days of each other. Her five-year-old son and newborn boy tested negative, but pediatricians said to assume the children are infected. Grantham's newborn is reportedly 'the youngest person tested in Mecklenburg County' and 'youngest presumptive positive case' at 10-days-old. Grantham shared the shocking experience in a viral Facebook post.

Ellen DeGeneres tried to get waitress suspended for nail polish

Chris Farah, a comedian and actress, said she was working as a server at LA restaurant Real Food Daily in 2014 when she waited on Ellen and her wife Portia. Farah said the meal went off without a hitch but a week later Ellen emailed the restaurant owner complaining that Farah's nail polish was chipped. It resulted in Farah's bosses trying to suspend her for two weeks. She explained: 'It chipped the night before and I didn't have time to get a fresh manicure after I closed the restaurant at 11pm and reopened at 8.30am'. The 35-year-old added: 'She really went out of her way to try to hurt someone who was beneath her and serving her'. Farah said she was astounded a fellow female comedian would allegedly try to abuse her power in a 'sadistic' way. She added: 'She somewhat gets off on perpetrating misery on others. There's an underlying sadistic-ness to her sometimes'. Farah is one of many who joined a deluge of criticism for Ellen after dozens of staff on The Ellen DeGeneres Show claimed that racism, bullying and sexual harassment was rife at its Hollywood studio.

Police in Gwinnett County, Georgia, are looking for a gunman in a pink shirt and a balaclava-style face covering in connection to a shooting that took place this afternoon at a warehouse in Suwanee.

Family and friends of Unsolved Mysteries Alonzo Brooks speak out

Alonzo Brooks, 23, disappeared from a party in rural LaCygne, Kansas 16 years ago on April 4, 2004. His body was found one month later tangled in branches at the edge of a creek. Last month the FBI reopened the case which they are investigating as a possible hate crime and offered a $100,000 reward.On Tuesday authorities took the extraordinary step of exhuming Brooks's body from the grave in Topeka. Justin Sprague, who was Alonzo's ride the night of the party, appeared on the Netflix show to give his sparse accounts of the evening. Brooks' mother, Maria Ramirez, told DailyMail.com that Sprague had, 'changed his story six times,' since the night of the party. Brooks' friend Rodney English said Sprague's story is 'totally different' from the one that he told him the day after the party Sprague said, 'It is my fault. I left him. I don't have any right to be angry about anything his family feels about me' adding that he's received death threats.

Esthetician Joanna Czech who is based in the US, and has a long list of A-list clients that include; Jennifer Aniston, Kim Kardashian and Kate Winslet, has revealed the top 10 skincare mistakes.

Shawn McClinton, 39, was convicted of rape in 1994 and 2007 and sentenced to prison. He was awaiting trial on a third rape when he was bailed, and on Tuesday allegedly attacked again.

NYPD hunts man who slashed a woman, 29, with a knife attached to a lanyard on the subway because she 'grabbed a pole close too close him'  

A woman was slashed by a man with a knife hanging on a lanyard, after he allegedly accused her of getting too close to him on a New York City subway. Diana Quinonez, 29, a construction worker from Queens, was attacked by an unidentified man while they were on a southbound 7 train at the Roosevelt Ave.-Jackson Heights station in Queens around 4.30pm Wednesday. 'I got in and grabbed a pole that was next to him,' Quinonez told the New York Daily News . 'From what I understand, I upset him, and he told me "move, f**k you, move."' Quinonez said that nobody tried to intervene when the man barked at her and kicked her. She then used her video camera to record him as he attacked her, at which point he took his folding knife - hanging from a lanyard - and slashed her left arm with it.

Hell's Basement Brewery in Medicine Hat, Alberta, will consider re-branding its Huruhuru (left) craft ale after Te Hamua Nikora (right), a Māori living in New Zealand, pointed out that it means 'pubic hair.'

Colorado district attorney launches investigation into cops who held a black family, including four girls aged six to 17, at gunpoint after mistaking their car for a stolen vehicle 

District Attorney George Brauchler (top inset) launched an investigation into the Aurora Police Department after a Black family was mistakenly detained. Brauchler said the no one is above the law and he will prosecute the officers if a crime was committed. A separate criminal investigation has also been launched and Police Chief Wilson will review department protocols. A black family, with children ranging in age from six to 17, were detained and handcuffed at gunpoint in Aurora, Colorado. Bystander video has emerged showing family members lying on their stomachs with their hands behind their backs on Sunday morning. Driver Brittney Gilliam (bottom inset) had been traveling in the blue SUV with her nieces, younger sister and daughter. Aurora Police detained the family because the car matched the license plate number of a stolen vehicle.

Cara Delevingne's mother Pandora opens up on her battles with heroin and mental illness

REBECCA HARDY: Pandora (pictured top right with her daughters Poppy, Cara and Chloe) is a thoroughly likeable woman with a quirky humour and an exotic style. When we meet in her Chelsea home the day before she flies to France for a family holiday, she's wearing voluminous green harem pants and trainers (pictured inset). 'Most people call me out-of-the-box,' she confides with a certain pride.) Now 61, Pandora used to be a 'rampant crazy girl' (her words) with a penchant for dancing on tables and generous present giving. 'The dancing on tables went on for quite a long time until I was about 38 when I thought I was a bit too old,' she says. She continues to give presents. Today, she hands me a blue woven friendship bracelet made by the women of Bela Vista. Pandora first visited this impoverished part of Mozambique in 2017. She believes these wise, kind-hearted women who live hand-to-mouth saved her, in a sense. Pandora is a recovering addict who was diagnosed with bipolar 30 years ago, which means she suffers manic highs and crashing lows. She says for much of her life she was 'searching, always searching to fill a hole I was never able to fill'.

'Y'all didn't prepare us for that!' Twin brothers become social media stars after a hilarious video of them listening to Phil Collins' In the Air Tonight for the first time goes viral 

Tim and Fred Williams, 21, from Gary Indiana, have been broadening their musical horizons as part of their 'First Time Hearing' YouTube series. In their videos, they react to classic songs they've never heard before, including Dolly Parton's 'Jolene' and the Carpenters' 'We've Only Just Begun.' The brothers' brilliant reaction to the drumbeat of Collins' 1981 track 'In the Air Tonight' has gone viral and earned them even more fans.

When Camila Baldasso, 17, tested positive for Covid-19, she and her boyfriend Collin Ouellette, 19 were devastated. But he kept his promise to sit outside of her Texas home while she recovered.

Andy Dick has filed a lawsuit against Paul Hale, who punched him outside of One Eyed Jacks in New Orleans in August 2019 and is seeking damages including for medical bills and mental anguish.

Army intelligence soldier, 38, and his wife 'murdered their four children'

Authorities believe Sgt. Jared Esquibel Harless was helped by his wife, Sheryll Ann, when murdering their four children in June. The couple killed themselves in an apparent murder-suicide in San Antonio, Texas. Lt. Salame said a combination of life stress, mental health and the stress of raising a special needs child could have sparked the murder-suicide. But an official motive has not been determined by authorities. Police discovered the dead family in a SUV during a welfare check at the home. A medical examiner determined the family died of carbon monoxide poisoning.

Former Florida State center Michael Ojo died on Friday at age 27 after collapsing during training in Serbia, where he played professionally. He reportedly suffered a heart attack.

Since 2020, Illinois has raked in more than $300 million in marijuana sales, two-thirds of which have been since the pandemic began in March and $61 million, or one-fifth, in July alone.

34 Twin Peaks employees file sexual discrimination lawsuit against 'breastaurant' chain

The Twin Peaks chain has been hit with a federal lawsuit by 34 former 'breastaurant' employees claiming sexual harassment, multiple forms of discrimination and the 'sexual exploitation of young women.' The lawsuit, filed Thursday in the US District Court for Northern District of Illinois, seeks a jury trial while also claiming that the restaurant chain is 'Run very much like a commercial sex ring, torn from a pimp's playbook.' Twin Peaks is a sports bar and restaurant chain which promises eats, drinks and 'scenic views,' served up by scantily-clad women. The restaurant beckons patrons with the slogan: 'Welcome to the lodge, MANTALITY.' Most of the 34 plaintiffs - almost all women - were employees at Twin Peaks locations in Oakbrook, Orland Park, Wheeling and Warrenville (inset), Illinois. Other plaintiffs worked in Twin Peaks in Plano, Round Rock and Frisco, Texas, or Orlando, Florida. Examples of the non-standard theme week wardrobe allegedly required of a Twin Peaks server are pictured at right. The restaurant chain's official uniform is a plaid shirt and short shorts (as seen in file image at left).

YouTube collective of 4 'creators' move into a 10-bed, 15 bathroom mansion in LA's Holmby

Carter Sharer, Lizzy Capri, Ryan Prunti, Stove's Kitchen will live together in the 10-bed, 15-bathroom mansion to work on their videos. The twenty-something internet talents, known as Team RAR, spent $32million on the two-acre estate that was previously owned by Frank Sinatra and Future. Kylie Jenner's $36million home is said to be doors away.

Bus passengers beat a group of armed robbers to death in Mexico after they stormed onto a bus and shot and killed a cop  

Armed robbers stormed a bus in  in Valle de Chalco Solidaridad, State of Mexico on June 24, and footage of the incident leaked on Friday. An off-duty police officer opened fire at the two armed men, before one returns fire, fatally wounding him. The assailants were each shot by the cop and died as a result of their wounds and injuries suffered in a beating by passengers when they tried to flee. There were 496 robberies on public transportation buses in June, accounting for 63 percent of armed assaults that were reported in the country

Bags of fireworks WERE stored alongside explosive ammonium nitrate at Beirut's port, says

Yusuf Shehadi said dozens of fireworks were stored in the same hangar as thousands of tonnes of the powerful chemical compound ammonium nitrate (left) in Beirut, Lebanon. Meanwhile, a major protest is scheduled in downtown Martyrs' Square on Saturday as critics call for an end to the country's political system. The blast killed 137 people and wounded more than 5,000 on Tuesday. The former worker, who emigrated to Canada in March this year, told The Guardian he was instructed by the military to store 2,750 tonnes of the chemical in Warehouse 12. On top of the dangerous chemicals, fireworks were confiscated by customs in 2009-10 and sent to be stored in the same hangar at the port. 'There were 30 to 40 nylon bags of fireworks inside warehouse 12,' he said, adding that he had personally seem them being delivered on a forklift. Fireworks could be seen exploding in videos taken seconds before the dramatic explosion (right).

Hollywood stylist reveals the best and WORST stars she's ever worked with - praising 'professional' Selena Gomez while slamming Pitch Perfect star Alexis Knapp

Tamaran worked as an assistant to several celebrity stylists from 2008 to 2017  and has shared a series of videos on TikTok talking about her experiences. She said Carrie Underwood is 'the sweetest person on the planet' and Selena Gomez is 'one of the most professional human beings in the industry'. Marisa Tomei slept in and didn't wake up until three hours after her appointment. The Kissing Booth star Jacob Elordi was 'the sweetest guy' and Ariel Winter was 'actually a really sweet girl'. But Pitch Perfect actress Alexis Knapp stained her dress during a fitting, 'lost' pricey jewelry, and didn't want to pay.


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'Ring up my s***, you old hag': Ex-con is caught on camera abusing a cashier at a New Jersey Costco and now faces five years in prison following his arrest

A convicted conman has been arrested for making terroristic threats after he was caught on camera verbally abusing a cashier at a New Jersey Costco.  The suspect, William Gilbert Commauf, 48, was taken into custody on Wednesday - a week after his menacing outburst took place inside a franchise in the town of Manahawkin.  A clip of the incident was posted to TikTok, where it quickly went viral. Several viewers identified Commauf from the footage and contacted police. 

Mob Wives: Drita D'Avanzo's husband gets five years in prison

Mob Wives star Drita D'Avanzo's husband Lee (right) has been sentenced to more than five years in prison after pleading guilty to keeping two loaded guns at their Staten Island home. D'Avanzo, 51, a reputed member of the Colombo crime family, appeared in Brooklyn Federal Court on Friday. The mobster was handed a 64-month sentence - much longer than the 46 months prosecutors had sought - despite wife Drita's pleas for leniency weeks earlier. Earlier Drita (pictured left on Friday) 44, was seen arriving at the sentencing with her two daughters, Aleeya and Gizelle.

At least 14 dead, including both pilots, and 123 injured as Air India flight from Dubai with 191 people onboard splits in two as it crash-lands on runway in Kerala 

An Air India Express plane flying from Dubai to Calicut with 191 passengers onboard has crashed into a valley after overshooting the runway at its destination. Images circulating on social media show an aircraft ruptured into two parts laying in a valley near Calicut airport, in the Indian state of Kerala. According to initial reports, the pilot and one other individual died in the disaster. Another 35 people were injured in the crash.

Locals in Muzaffarpur, north east India have been crowding around the strange creature to worship it like a deity. The baby goat has two eyes attached together on the inside of its mouth.

Researchers at the University of California followed more than 2,000 people over the age of 70 for 12 years to see how the symptom - caused by a drop in blood pressure - affects dementia risk.

US: Border tunnel appears to be 'most sophisticated'

The 1,300ft tunnel intended for smuggling ran from Arizona, to a Mexican town and has a ventilation system, water lines, electrical wiring, and even a rail system, federal officials said Thursday. 'This appears to be the most sophisticated tunnel in U.S. history, and certainly the most sophisticated I´ve seen in my career,' said Carl E. Landrum, acting chief patrol agent with the Border Patrol's Yuma Sector. Homeland Security Investigations found the tunnel in late July. A camera was sent 25 feet underground after federal agents discovered a sinkhole in the area of a tunnel investigation, authorities said.

Brandon McVey was visiting a friend's house in Juneau, Alaska at the Switzer Village Mobile Home Park when the bear followed them inside at around 11 p.m. last Friday.

AMC Theatres CEO Adam Aron (inset) said that the second quarter 'was the most challenging quarter in the 100-year history of AMC.' The company announced losses of $561million.

A mind-boggling challenge created by Terry Stein, is putting the internet's critical thinking skills to the test. The ten multiple choice questions were shared on US-based trivia website Playbuzz.

After testing positive on Thursday morning, Gov Mike DeWine took a second test in Columbus before heading back to his residence in Cedarville to quarantine, which came back negative.

New Hampshire woman, 52, becomes first American to get a SECOND face transplant

WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT Carmen Tarleton, 52 (top right), was left disfigured after her estranged husband beat with her a baseball bat and doused her face and body with lye in 2007. Over 80 percent of her body was burned (inset) and she was blinded. Six years ago, Tarleton, from Manchester, New Hampshire, became one of a handful of people to undergo a face transplant (left). Last year, the face from the first donor, Cheryl Denelli-Righter (bottom right), started to fail and Tarleton began experiencing scarring, tightness and pain because of a loss of blood flow to her face. She was put back on the list for a face transplant and she received the operation in July at Brigaham & Women’s Hospital in Boston. She is currently recovering at home and the donor this time is considered a much better tissue match. Tarleton is the first American and second person globally to undergo a second face transplant. 

Attorney General William Barr decided to pull over and greet a gathering outside a police precinct in Virginia, where protesters held signs calling for 'Law and Order' and urged people to 'Back the Blue.'

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer (right) and others are demanding that Tom Eckerle (left), a northern county road commissioner, resign after he used the n-word to describe black people.

HBO Max is delaying the Friends reunion again due to COVID-19 and filming won't take place until next 'May at the earliest', according to sources who spoke with Variety about the project on Friday.

Keanu Reeves' never-before-seen audition tapes from Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure show the young actor goofing around with his co-star in the classic comedy - as the duo now prepare to 'Face the Music'

Grainy audition tapes from 1986 - never been seen before by the public - show Keanu Reeves joking and roughhousing with Alex Winter. Winter would eventually be cast as his costar, Bill S. Preston Esq and Reeves would play Ted Theodore Logan. 'Keanu, from the beginning it was clear that this guy was head and shoulders above the rest,' a source who was on the set told DailyMail.com. 'Alex and Keanu kind of picked each other, they found each other in the big waiting room on day one and they started hanging out together,' they said. The metalhead slacker friends have now reunited for the third installment of the time-travel comedy franchise in Bill & Ted Face the Music. The latest film will hit theaters and streaming platforms on September 1.

The dad-of-three was reported to have checked into the Emirates Palace Hotel on Monday evening, around the same time his letter announcing his decision to leave Spain was made public.

Mayara dos Santos was riding a scooter when she was hit by a car and fell into an open manhole in Pará, Brazil on Wednesday. She was trapped in the drain for four minutes.

North Korean despot Kim Jong un visted areas in the southern regions of North Korea which have been hit by flooding destroying almost 180 houses.

VERY handsome European princes you probably haven't heard of

From a motor racing driver to a young soap opera actor, Tatler has revealed the very handsome royals from across the sea that are lesser-known but by no means unworthy of our attention. Afonso, Prince of Beira, 24, is already hotly desired by his Portuguese fans thanks to his dashing good looks and his role as Honorary Commander in the Voluntary Fire Brigade of Lisbon. Equally sought-after by wannabe princesses is Prince Josef-Emanuel of Liechtenstein - the youngest son of Princess Margaretha of Luxembourg and Prince Nikolaus of Liechtenstein - who often appears on royal bachelor lists. Pictured left to right: Archduke Ferdinand von Habsburg (left inset), Heinrich Donatus, Hereditary Prince of Schaumburg-Lippe and Prince Achileas-Andreas of Greece (right inset).

Seabird poop is a million dollar market. The waste is used in commercial fertilizer and nutrients contribute to marine life health. Experts say the feces generates at least $400 million a year.

A shocking video shows a naked man walking down a busy street making cars swerve out of the way, until he is confronted by an angry driver. The driver delivers a single punch, sending the man flying.

A total of 66 players have opted out of the 2020 NFL season ahead of Thursday's deadline due to the coronavirus pandemic, including 20 offensive linemen and 11 defensive players.

Artists draw four-MILE-wide Black Lives Matter mural using pick-up truck near site of Burning Man festival in Nevada desert

A ten-person team of artists drew a 4.2-mile-long Black Lives Matter mural made out of tire tracks imprinted in the playa of Nevada's Black Rock Desert near the site of the Burning Man festival. The stunning piece of art is getting noticed for its precision as much for its size. Each of the letters measure 50ft in width and are printed in neat Helvetica font. If the letters were connected and stretched out into a single straight line, it would measure some 25 miles. The mural itself is at the center of a perfectly drawn circle whose circumference measures 13 miles.

The unnamed man had been sunbathing at Teufelssee, a lake west of Berlin, on Wednesday evening before becoming embroiled in the unexpected encounter.

Experts found N95 masks can be sanitize in an Instant Pot at 212 degrees Fahrenheit for just 50 minutes. The method proved to disinfect masks from the coronavirus that is still plague the world.

Pennsylvania woman, 99, was top secret WWII codebreaker

Retired teacher Judy Parsons, 99, from Pennsylvania is one of many untold stories of American women who worked in the Navy's clandestine service as a codebreaker during WWII. Her job was to decipher and translate German Enigma- machine encrypted messages that were sent to U-boats (inset). By 1945,11,000 American women were hired to work as codebreakers for the Army and Navy but their work was to be kept entirely secret for almost 70 years. 'I never told my husband, I never told anybody,' she said. It wasn't until the 1990s, when information became declassified that Parsons began discussing the work she did among friends and family.

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The tall guy... and the fall guy: Giraffes bash heads in brutal battle in South Africa's Kruger Park before victor poses with hoof on collapsed foe

Incredible footage of a violent fight between two male giraffes was captured camera on August 5 in Kruger National Park, South Africa. The video shows the giraffes viciously knocking heads until one is knocked down and the alpha male kneels on his body in victory. A witness said the fight lasted around 45 minutes in total. The defeated giraffe was left severely wounded by the victor, but survived, albeit heavily scarred. 

Welcome to the most eye-catching hotels in the world - architectural gems so aesthetically pleasing that they've been deemed worthy of inclusion in the elite Design Hotels collection.

Miniature Australian shepherd Tesla joined her owner Timea Kosztin for a workout at a gym in San Jose, California. Adorable footage shows Tesla nailing a handstand alongside her owner.

NASA shares eight stunning images from Mars's surface

Curiosity has seen a lot in eight years as part of its mission to find out whether Mars has any water or the chemical building blocks that could point to evidence of ancient life. To mark eight years since the rover landed NASA has shared eight 'postcards from Mars' showing a selection of panoramas captured by the vehicle.


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Cadillac takes on Tesla as it unveils fully electric car

The Cadillac Lyriq from General Motors will have a range of more than 300 miles - putting it in the same range as Tesla's Model Y and X (inset) crossovers. It will be released in late 2022, with GM hoping to have 20 electric cars globally by 2023. The vehicle will have many prime features, including the ability to park itself.

After the bull was stabbed it turned on Enrique Ponce with the father-of-two having to lie down and protect himself from the animal at one point. The matador is one of Spain's leading bullfighters.

Oakland Athletics coach Ryan Christenson has apologized for raising his arm during a celebration in what looked like a Nazi salute. He claimed he was trying to adapt an elbow bump to greet players.

New Zealand's Southern Alps lost 62% glaciers since 1600

The Southern Alps in New Zealand are the latest icy region to be devastated by global warming and a study has found their glaciers have shrunk by up to 62 per cent by 1600. This, according to the study, equated to a maximum ice loss of 73 square km (30 square miles), an area half the size of Liechtenstein. Pictured left, the Lyell Glacier in 1866 and right, the same glacier in 2018.


