8 August 2020

New York Governor Cuomo sanctions statewide reopening of schools

By Evan Blake, 8 August 2020

Cuomo’s mandate provides crucial political support for the Trump administration’s drive to reopen schools irrespective of the cost to human life.

Altered CDC guidelines provide unscientific basis for reopening schools

Resuming college football driven by financial interests

No masks, crowded hallways
Georgia highschoolers use social media to expose disastrous conditions as schools reopen

By Genevieve Leigh, 8 August 2020

Two students from Georgia’s North Paulding High School were suspended after photos of hallways packed with crowds of unmasked students went viral on social media.

Texas attorney general orders in-person education as state cases top 500,000

By Tony Jackson, 8 August 2020

The attorney general and governor of Texas are endangering the lives of teachers and students with a patently unscientific back-to-school pandemic plan.

“It’s a recipe for disaster”
Autoworkers denounce bipartisan drive to reopen schools

By Tim Rivers, 8 August 2020

Opposition is growing among autoworkers and other workers to the back-to-school campaign, which is threatening the health of teachers, students and their families.

German schools reopen despite increase in coronavirus infections

By Marianne Arens, 8 August 2020

In order to ensure the capitalists can turn a profit, all established parties, from the Christian Social Union to the Left Party, are pushing for a return to regular in-person teaching.

More on the back to school drive »

As July report shows no let-up in mass joblessness
White House, Congress combine to cut off supplemental unemployment benefits

By Jacob Crosse, 8 August 2020

Driven by social interests irreconcilably opposed to those of the working class, congressional leaders from both parties adjourned Friday without restoring jobless pay.

US coronavirus death toll predicted to reach 295,000 by December

By Bryan Dyne, 8 August 2020

The IHME projection of nearly 300,000 deaths by December exposes the lie that it is safe to reopen the schools.

Columbia University pressures faculty into teaching in-person classes, triggering backlash

By Elliott Murtagh, 8 August 2020

Faculty and graduate instructors have denounced university demands they teach in-person classes during the planned fall campus reopening.

Massive anger erupts following Beirut port explosion

By Jean Shaoul, 8 August 2020

Security forces used tear gas to disperse anti-government protesters near parliament on Thursday.

Beirut port fire: A crime against Lebanese workers

President Trump signs executive orders banning Chinese social media apps TikTok and WeChat

By Kevin Reed, 8 August 2020

On Thursday, the US president signed two executive orders that will ban the operation of TikTok and WeChat in the US unless they are acquired by US-based companies within 45 days.

US moves to delist Chinese companies from stock exchanges

By Nick Beams, 8 August 2020

The move has been couched in terms of protecting “investor safety,” but it is another component of the economic warfare being carried out by Washington.

GM Spring Hill workers speak out against unsafe conditions amid COVID-19 pandemic

By Zac Thorton, 8 August 2020

The WSWS Autoworker Newsletter has received comments from a number of workers at the Tennessee plant.

“Most people here think the plant should be shut down”
Workers describe unsafe conditions at the Ford Dearborn Truck Plant

Ex-UAW regional director forced to resign amid harassment investigation

By Jessica Goldstein, 8 August 2020

Region 2-B Director Richard Rankin presided over major attacks on workers, including the closure of the Lordstown, Ohio GM plant in 2019.

More on autoworkers struggles »

New York University withholds completed dental degree, student facing deportation

By Sam Dalton, 8 August 2020

Despite her completion of coursework, an international student faces deportation because she is unable to pay exorbitant tuition costs and fees.

“This is war, and we have to fight”
USPS workers speak out against privatization drive

By our reporters, 8 August 2020

Opposition is growing among postal workers to the increasingly unbearable work regime and the ongoing efforts to privatize the postal service.

Africa’s one million coronavirus cases “the tip of the iceberg”

By Stephan McCoy, 8 August 2020

Between June and July, the number of cases grew by 500 percent indicating that COVID-19 is more widespread than the official figures suggest.

Reject whitewash report into London bus driver coronavirus deaths! For rank-and-file health and safety committees!

By Laura Tiernan and Miles Driver, 8 August 2019

There is nothing remotely “independent” about University College London’s review into bus driver deaths.

Transport for London coronavirus bailout prepares tube privatisation

Over a third of indigenous Canadians struggling to pay for essentials during pandemic

By Alexandra Greene, 8 August 2020

If anything, the figures presented by Statistics Canada understate the horrific social conditions facing most indigenous people.

Lufthansa, backed by unions, expands job cuts

By Ulrich Rippert, 8 August 2020

In stepping up its attacks on airline workers, Lufthansa collaborates closely with its three unions—UFO, Cockpit and Verdi.

BALPA pilots union enforces sell-out deal at British Airways

Union prepares sellout of Renault strike in Brazil

By Tomas Castanheira, 8 August 2020

The movement that involved thousands of workers and their families is under threat of being shutdown with an agreement that validates the destruction of 747 jobs.

Australia: Woolworths lifts lockout as union pushes through sell-out deal

By Terry Cook, 8 August 2020

The United Workers Union has brokered a sell-out deal that maintains the exploitative conditions and low-pay regime at Woolworths’ Wyong distribution centre.

7 August 2020

As Senate adjourns for weekend
New US unemployment claims top 1 million for 20th straight week

By Jacob Crosse, 7 August 2020

As negotiations stall on federal coronavirus relief bill
Florida governor admits state unemployment system purposefully designed to pay out “least number of claims”

“A nationwide strike is what needs to be done”
Angry educators and parents across the US protest the reckless return to classrooms

By Nancy Hanover, 7 August 2020

Mounting opposition by teachers against drive to reopen schools

Two Florida teenagers die from COVID-19 as schools push to reopen

Chad Wolf testifies before Senate committee
US Homeland Security chief defends police-state crackdown, announces federal paramilitaries to remain in Portland

By Barry Grey, 7 August 2020

Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna wins election setting the stage for an eruption of working-class struggles

By K. Ratnayake, 7 August 2020

Health Commissioner forced out as New York City prepares to reopen schools amid national pandemic surge

By Josh Varlin, 7 August 2020

Dangerous conditions in Melbourne quarantine hotels helped cause Australia’s COVID-19 resurgence

By Martin Scott, 7 August 2020

Australia: Victorian hospital admissions soar amid warnings COVID-19 surge will continue for weeks

Canadian court rules Safe Third Country Agreement with US violates refugee rights

By Laurent Lafrance, 7 August 2020

Belarus arrests 33 Russian military contractors ahead of presidential elections

By Jason Melanovski, 7 August 2020

Britain’s National Health Service workers demand pay rise amid COVID-19 crisis

By Rory Woods, 7 August 2020

UK government clears the path for “slums of the future”

By Julia Callaghan, 7 August 2020

West Palm Beach, Florida seniors face eviction from low income housing

By Matthew Taylor, 7 August 2020

Faculty at University of Akron reject sellout contract

By Isaac Finn, 7 August 2020

Violent, secretive fascistic networks operating inside California police stations

By Tom Carter, 7 August 2020

US retail bankruptcies and closures pile up amid pandemic

By Trévon Austin, 7 August 2020

New in Portuguese

Os 75 anos das bombas atômicas de Hiroshima e Nagasaki

Bill Van Auken, 8 Agosto 2020

O significado do aniversário nunca foi tão grande. Por trás das costas do povo dos EUA e do mundo, o imperialismo estadunidense está progressivamente construindo um arsenal nuclear maciço e levando adiante uma doutrina de guerra nuclear agressiva.

Professores brasileiros se opõem ao retorno às aulas

Nossos correspondentes, 8 Agosto 2020

Em meio à intensa oposição dos professores e dos pais, as escolas privadas foram reabertas no mês passado no estado do Amazonas e nesta semana no Rio de Janeiro.

O United Auto Workers: uma conspiração criminosa contra a classe trabalhadora

Shannon Jones, 8 Agosto 2020

Dos altos executivos aos funcionários do baixo escalão, todo o UAW demonstra ser uma conspiração criminosa orientada contra os operários da indústria automotiva.

New in Spanish

El sindicato UAW: una conspiración criminal contra la clase obrera

Shannon Jones, 8 agosto 2020

Desde los altos ejecutivos a los funcionarios de bajo nivel, todo el UAW ha quedado expuesto como una conspiración criminal dirigida contra los trabajadores automotores.

Resolución del Congreso del PSI (EE.UU.)
La pandemia global, la lucha de clases y las tareas del Partido Socialista por la Igualdad

8 agosto 2020

Esta resolución fue adoptada por unanimidad por el Sexto Congreso Nacional del Partido Socialista por la Igualdad en los EE.UU., celebrado entre el 19 y el 24 de julio de 2020.

"Una huelga nacional es lo que hay que hacer"
Enojados educadores y padres de todo Estados Unidos protestan por el imprudente regreso a las aulas

Nancy Hanover, 8 agosto 2020

Desde Florida a California, los maestros y los padres están haciendo caravanas, protestando y haciendo peticiones contra un regreso imprudente a la escuela como lo exige Wall Street y toda la élite política.

Chad Wolf testifica ante un comité del Senado
El jefe de Seguridad Nacional de los Estados Unidos defiende la represión de Estado policial y anuncia que los paramilitares federales permanecerán en Portland

Barry Grey, 8 agosto 2020

Wolf defendió específicamente la escalofriante práctica llevada a cabo en Portland de secuestrar a los manifestantes a cuadras del palacio de justicia federal, conduciéndolos en vehículos particulares y llevándolos a lugares secretos para ser interrogados.

El precio del oro sube a un nivel récord

Nick Beams, 8 agosto 2020

Un principal fondo de comercio de oro ahora tiene oro igual a un cuarto del que se tiene en Fort Knox en los EE.UU. y tiene más que las reservas de oro del Banco de Japón, el Banco de Inglaterra y el Banco de la Reserva de la India.

New in French

Le SLPP gagne les élections au Sri Lanka, ouvrant la voie à une éruption de luttes ouvrières

K. Ratnayake, 8 août 2020

Alors que le président Rajapakse espère qu’une majorité parlementaire absolue et de nouvelles mesures dictatoriales lui permettront de s’attaquer à la classe ouvrière, l’éclatement de luttes militantes prendra des proportions révolutionnaires.

Les Travailleurs unis de l’automobile: une conspiration criminelle contre la classe ouvrière

Shannon Jones, 8 août 2020

Des cadres supérieurs aux fonctionnaires de bas niveau, le syndicat est démasqué comme une conspiration criminelle dirigée contre les travailleurs de l’automobile.

Des escadrons de la mort fascistes se préparent à commettre des meurtres de masse en Allemagne

Jordan Shilton, 8 août 2020

Des policiers, anciens militaires et militants de l’extrême droite ont participé à une vaste conspiration pour accumuler de grandes quantités d’armes et munitions, créer des lieux sûrs, dresser des listes d’opposants politiques et se procurer les matériaux nécessaires pour se débarrasser de cadavres.

Le mensonge des syndicats aux travailleurs de la santé du Québec: les autorités vont vous protéger

Richard Dufour, 8 août 2020

Dans un article publié dans Le Devoir, le président de la FSSS-CSN demande aux travailleurs de la santé de compter sur le gouvernement Legault – un gouvernement de droite qui a fait preuve de négligence criminelle face au coronavirus – pour assurer leur protection.

Un tribunal canadien juge que l'accord sur les tiers pays sûrs conclu avec les États-Unis viole les droits des réfugiés

Laurent Lafrance, 8 août 2020

Le gouvernement Trudeau a profité de la pandémie de COVID-19 pour éliminer la «faille» qui avait permis à certains réfugiés fuyant la chasse aux sorcières anti-immigrants de Trump d'échapper à l'expulsion immédiate en vertu de la STCA.

New in German

Amerikanische Autogewerkschaft UAW: Eine kriminelle Verschwörung gegen die Arbeiterklasse

Shannon Jones, 8. August 2020

Aus offiziellen Gerichtsdokumenten geht hervor, dass die US-amerikanische Gewerkschaft United Auto Workers von der Spitze bis zum kleinsten Funktionär eine einzige kriminelle Verschwörung gegen die Arbeiterklasse ist.

Schulöffnungen trotz Corona: ein Experiment in Herdenimmunität

Marianne Arens, 8. August 2020

Seit Donnerstag liegen die Zahlen der Corona-Neuinfektionen erstmals seit Mai wieder täglich über tausend. Dennoch setzen alle Landesregierungen die Schulöffnungen nach den Herbstferien rücksichtslos durch und gefährden damit die Gesundheit und das Leben von Hunderttausenden.

Große Koalition rüstet weiter auf und paktiert mit Faschisten

Johannes Stern, 8. August 2020

Auf die gefährliche Wiederausbreitung der Covid-19-Pandemie in Deutschland und Europa, reagiert die herrschende Klasse nicht mit einer Offensive für den Gesundheitsschutz und einer Beseitigung der Mängel im Gesundheitssystem, sondern steckt weitere Milliarden in Aufrüstung und Krieg.

Sri Lanka: Wahlsieg der SLPP wird Kämpfe der Arbeiterklasse auf die Tagesordnung setzen

K. Ratnayake, 8. August 2020

Präsident Rajapakse von der SLPP hofft, dass ihm eine absolute Mehrheit im Parlament und neue diktatorische Maßnahmen erlauben, gegen die Arbeiterklasse vorzugehen. Gleichzeitig wird der Ausbruch von militanten Kämpfen ein revolutionäres Ausmaß annehmen.

New in Mandarin


Niles Niemuth, 2020年8月3日



a correspondent, 2020年7月22日



第四国际国际委员会的声明, 2020年6月29日

只有一场来自国际工人阶级的反对资本主义的独立政治干预 才能结束COVID-19大流行带来的大规模死亡


David North, 2020年6月18日

在第四国际创始文件《过渡纲领》中,列昂·托洛茨基将1936-1937年大萧条期间在美国爆发的静坐罢工描述为 “美国工人为了将自己提升到历史给予他们的那些任务的水准所做的本能努力”。


大卫.诺斯, 2020年5月3日


New in Turkish

Beyrut limanı yangını: Lübnanlı işçilere karşı işlenen bir suç

Jean Shaoul, 7 Ağustos 2020

Salı günü öğleden sonra Beyrut limanı bölgesini tamamen saran feci yangın, Lübnan’ın aşırı zengin egemen sınıfına uzun zamandır duyulan öfkeyi körüklemiş durumda.

New in Russian

Проамериканская либеральная оппозиция продвигает в ходе российских протестов линию на усиление региональных властей

Клара Вайс, 7 августа 2020 г.

Политическая интервенция проамериканской «либеральной» оппозиции направлена прежде всего на то, чтобы повернуть против Путина верхушку среднего класса и олигархии и склонить их к правому «дворцовому перевороту».

New in Norwegian

Trumps planer om å sende ut paramilitært politi på tvers av USA: Styringsklassen forbereder seg for borgerkrig

Patrick Martin, 23. juli 2020

Trump-administrasjonens planer om å utplassere føderale paramilitære styrker i amerikanske storbyer er en vesentlig opptrapping av angrepet mot demokratiske rettigheter og for oppbyggingen av politistat-styreformer.

EU-toppmøte enes om fond på € 750 milliarder for bankene og storforetakene

Will Morrow, 23. juli 2020

Avtalen tilrettelegger en ny inntektsstrøm for europeiske stater til å besørge utdelinger til storselskaper, og en ny nøysomhetsmekanisme for innstramminger på tvers av kontinentet.

Brev fra en student i Kina om Covid-19-pandemien

en korrespondent, 23. juli 2020

«Folk er bekymret for at de på toppen av vanskelighetene de allerede har gjennomlevd skal møte flere ukjente, langsiktige og negative konsekvenser av pandemien.»

New in Italian

La classe lavoratrice, il socialismo e la lotta contro la pandemia

David North, 1 aprile 2020

Gli scioperi e le proteste dei lavoratori di Instacart, Amazon e Whole Foods sono in risposta alla criminale subordinazione della sicurezza dei lavoratori ai profitti aziendali.

Other Languages


The politics of oligarchy: Federal appeals court blocks SEP challenge to anti-democratic ballot access laws in California

8 August 2020

The response of the ruling class and its state to the SEP's legal challenge has been determined by one political motive: Keep socialists off the ballot!

Earlier Perspectives »


SEP (US) Congress resolution
The global pandemic, the class struggle, and the tasks of the Socialist Equality Party

1 August 2020

Open Letter from WSWS Chairman David North to Alphabet Chief Executive Officer Sundar Pichai

31 July 2020


Former Australian PM: Beware the Guns of August in Asia

By Peter Symonds, 8 August 2020

Kevin Rudd argues that the danger of war between the US and China is greater than at any time since the 1950s and warns the risk “will be especially high” in the lead up to the US presidential election.

UK: For a general strike against the reopening of schools

By the Socialist Equality Party (UK), 8 August 2020

The SEP calls for the development of an interconnected network of rank-and-file committees to prepare for a general strike against the opening of schools and the murderous policy of the ruling class.

For a nationwide general strike to halt the drive to reopen schools!

By Statement of the Socialist Equality Party, 5 August 2020

The United Auto Workers: A criminal conspiracy against the working class

By Shannon Jones, 7 August 2020

75 years since the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

By Bill Van Auken, 6 August 2020

James P. Cannon on the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, “An unspeakable atrocity”

Fascist death squads preparing to carry out mass murder in Germany

By Jordan Shilton, 7 August 2020

From Medicare-for-All to “Masks-for-All”: Bernie Sanders and the incredible shrinking “political revolution”

By Genevieve Leigh, 5 August 2020

Fiat Chrysler bribed UAW with tens of millions, new GM court filing alleges

Elon Musk discovers Das Kapital

By Joseph Kishore—Socialist Equality Party candidate for US president, 29 July 2020

Corporate press promotes Susan Rice as Biden running mate

By Patrick Martin, 30 July 2020

SEP US presidential election campaign

Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals refuses to hear Socialist Equality Party candidates’ appeal in California voting rights case until after ballots are printed

By Shuvu Batta, 6 August 2020

Socialist Equality Party sues California and Michigan for ballot access

SEP candidates file brief replying to Governor Whitmer in Michigan ballot access appeal

By Kevin Reed, 4 August 2020

Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka)

Sri Lankan Trotskyists hold final online election meeting

By our correspondents, 6 August 2020

Vote for SEP candidates in the Sri Lankan national elections! Fight for a workers’ and peasants’ government and socialist internationalism!

Sri Lanka: TNA election manifesto prepares imperialist-backed deal with President Rajapakse

Sri Lankan SEP to hold online meeting to conclude its election campaign

Growing demands that Sri Lankan defence secretary end the military harassment of SEP candidates

Arts Review

Theater on your personal device
The Line movingly conveys health care workers’ struggles during the pandemic

By Erik Schreiber, 7 August 2020

New York Times calls for de facto racial quotas in classical music

By Fred Mazelis, 5 August 2020

The Invisible Man: A woman struck by an “unseen hand”

Workers Struggles

Indian railway and Sri Lankan port workers oppose privatisation; Australian supermarket warehouse employees stop work over COVID-19 infection
Workers Struggles: Asia and Australia

8 August 2020

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

COVID-19 outbreaks at four workplaces in Swindon, UK

By Tony Robson, 6 August 2020

NTEU enforces deep pay and job cuts at Australian universities

By Mike Head, 6 August 2020

Teachers protest Jordan government’s closure of union and harsh crackdown

More on teachers struggles »

Migrant farmworkers in Spain protest amid COVID-19 surge

By Alice Summers, 4 August 2020

ArcelorMittal lays off hundreds of steelworkers in Indiana, Ohio

By George Gallanis, 4 August 2020

New COVID-19 infections take hold in first week of attempted cruise industry restart

By Tom Casey, 4 August 2020

Montreal dockworkers escalate strike action against speed-up, victimization

By Carl Bronski, 4 August 2020

International Youth and Students for Social Equality

“How war and dictatorship are prepared at universities”
Well-attended online meeting concludes IYSSE election campaign at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

By our reporters, 4 August 2020

Germany: Stop right-wing terror! IYSSE student parliament campaign at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
“The Secret Service is the cockpit of right-wing terrorism”

By our reporter, 30 July 2020

Humboldt University student parliament condemns radical right-wing Professor Baberowski

By Helmut van Heiken, 13 July 2020

Socialist Equality Party (US)

Socialist Equality Party (US) National Congress adopts resolution on the coronavirus pandemic and the fight for socialism

The Political Committee of the Socialist Equality Party (US), 1 August 2020

Stop Trump’s coup d’état! Mobilize the working class against authoritarianism and dictatorship!

Statement of the Socialist Equality Party, 27 July 2020

25 years ago: Croatia launches ethnic cleansing of Serbs

On August 4, 1995, the Croatian Army launched Operation Storm, one of the last major campaigns of the Bosnian War.

More »

50 years ago: Egypt-Israel “War of Attrition” ends

On August 7, 1970, the governments of Egypt and Israel accepted a ceasefire agreement that brought an end to the War of Attrition stalemate along the Suez Canal.

More »

75 years ago: US drops atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki

On August 6 and 9, 1945, the United States military detonated nuclear bombs over the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, respectively, in the first wartime use of atomic weapons.

More »

100 years ago: Soviets reject Allied truce terms with Poland

On August 8, 1920, the Soviet republic refused to grant a 10-day truce to the nationalist Polish government in fighting outside Warsaw, on the conditions proposed by British and French imperialism.

More »

Internet Censorship

An open letter to Google: Stop the censorship of the Internet! Stop the political blacklisting of the World Socialist Web Site!

25 August 2017

Google suppressing World Socialist Web Site content in its search results for the New York Times’ 1619 Project

Free Julian Assange

Ten years since WikiLeaks published the Afghan war logs

By Oscar Grenfell, 31 July 2020

UK MPs submit early day motion on Assange

Online documentary exposes the psychological torture of Julian Assange

More on the campaign to defend Julian Assange »


Three missions to Mars are now under way

By Don Barrett, 31 July 2020

Antarctic ice sheet melting could accelerate rapidly, leading to catastrophic rise in sea level

By Philip Guelpa, 27 July 2020

Autoworkers Struggles

As COVID-19 spreads at Toledo Jeep and other plants
Build rank-and-file safety committees at every workplace to save lives!

By the FCA Jefferson North, Sterling Heights and Toledo Jeep Rank-and-File Safety Committees, 18 July 2020

The number of COVID-19 infections is rising all across the US, and emergency action has to be taken.

Rank-and-file safety committee demands immediate shut down
COVID-19 out of control at Toledo Jeep plant

Toledo Fiat Chrysler workers launch rank-and-file safety committee to save lives amid COVID-19 rampage


“Palace letters” point to the plotting behind the 1975 constitutional coup in Australia

By Mike Head, 17 July 2020

“Literacy is a clean window onto the world ...”
100 years since formation of Soviet Extraordinary Commission for the Liquidation of Illiteracy

By Patrick O’Connor, 8 July 2020

Socialist Equality Party

SEP (Australia) holds lecture series on the history of Trotskyism

By Oscar Grenfell, 17 July 2020

The lectures, now all available online, reviewed some of the fundamental lessons of the protracted struggle by the Trotskyist movement for socialist internationalism.

Tamil National Alliance offers to support Sri Lankan president’s autocratic rule

By Paramu Thirugnanasambanthar—lead SEP candidate for Jaffna district, 17 July 2020

Verfassungsschutz Report 2019: German secret service downplays threat of Nazi terrorism and attacks socialist politics

By Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei, 16 July 2020

As support widens for SEP defence campaign
Sri Lanka army commander says allegations of military harassment of northern election candidates are “false”

By our correspondents, 16 July 2020

Letters demand Sri Lankan defence secretary stop military harassment of SEP candidates

By our correspondents, 9 July 2020

Hands off the Sri Lankan Trotskyists
SEP demands military stops harassing its election candidates in Jaffna

July 4th Online Discussion

The World Socialist Web Site celebrated the 244th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence by hosting a discussion with five eminent historians: Victoria Bynum, Clayborne Carson, Richard Carwardine, James Oakes and Gordon Wood. The event was moderated by Kings College professor Tom Mackaman and WSWS International Editorial Board Chairman David North.

The significance of the July 4 online discussion, “The Place of the Two American Revolutions: Past, Present and Future”

By David Walsh, 6 July 2020

The Legacy of the American Revolution and Civil War

The two American Revolutions in world history

By David North, 4 July 2020

An interview with Ed Achorn, author of Every Drop of Blood: The Momentous Second Inauguration of Abraham Lincoln

By Shannon Jones, 10 July 2020

Democrats’ denunciation of America’s revolutionary heritage provides an opening for Trump

By Niles Niemuth, 7 July 2020

Racial-communalist politics and the second assassination of Abraham Lincoln

By Niles Niemuth and David North, 25 June 2020

Socialist Equality Party (US)

Twenty-five years since the death of Ed Winn

By Fred Mazelis, 26 June 2020

Twice the presidential candidate of the Workers League, Ed Winn fought for Marxist principles throughout the American and international working class. He was a New York City transit worker for 22 years.

Book Review

The Room Where it Happened: John Bolton’s account of the “palace coup” opposition to Trump

By Andre Damon, 26 June 2020

The New York Times' 1619 Project

The New York Times’s 1619 Project: A racialist falsification of American and world history

By Niles Niemuth, Tom Mackaman and David North, 6 September 2019

Mehring Books

Introduction to The Fourth International and the Perspective of World Socialist Revolution: 1986–1995

By Joseph Kishore, 19 June 2020

We are publishing here the introduction to the upcoming book The Fourth International and the Perspective of World Socialist Revolution: 1986–1995. The book consists of lectures on the development of the perspective and program of the International Committee of the Fourth International in the aftermath of the split with the British Workers Revolutionary Party in February 1986.

June 7 Online Meeting

The coronavirus pandemic

The Malthusian underpinnings of Boris Johnson’s “herd immunity” strategy

By Thomas Scripps, 8 June 2020

Build rank-and-file factory and workplace committees to prevent transmission of the COVID-19 virus and save lives!

Statement of the Socialist Equality Party (US), 21 May 2020

Brazilian Trotskyists issue call for working-class action against pandemic
What will be the cost of implementing this program? Who will pay for it?

Statement of the Brazilian Socialist Equality Group (In Solidarity with the International Committee of the Fourth International), 2 June 2020

Turkish Trotskyists call for independent working-class action against the pandemic

By Sosyalist Eşitlik (in solidarity with the International Committee of the Fourth International), 5 June 2020

British Trotskyists issue call for working class action against pandemic

Statement of the Socialist Equality Party (UK), 27 May 2020

SEP (Sri Lanka) calls for action committees to counter COVID-19 and defend jobs

By the Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka), 2 June 2020

Oppose the premature lifting of COVID-19 safety restrictions!

By the Socialist Equality Party (Australia), 3 June 2020

London bus drivers face COVID-19 disaster: Build rank-and-file safety committees!

By Laura Tiernan, 5 June 2020

More on the coronavirus pandemic »

International May Day Online Rally

Governments worldwide respond to COVID-19 by saving profits, not lives

By Joseph Kishore—SEP candidate for US president, 12 May 2020

The ruling elite’s efforts to enforce a return to work—and impose a massive restructuring of class relations to pay for the bailout of Wall Street—will encounter enormous opposition from the working class.

Opening report to Online International May Day Rally
The COVID-19 pandemic: A trigger event in world history

By David North, 4 May 2020

We are publishing here the text of the opening report to the 2020 International Online May Day Rally delivered by David North.

On May 2, the International Committee of the Fourth International held its annual International May Day Online Rally, with speakers and participants from throughout the world. Readers can listen to the entire rally here.


Russian court keeps historian of Stalinist massacres jailed amid COVID-19 outbreak

By Clara Weiss, 12 May 2020

The vendetta against Dmitriev is part of the campaign by Russia’s state and ruling oligarchy to suppress all efforts to uncover the truth about the crimes of Stalinism.

One Hundred and Fifty Years Since the Birth of Lenin

By David North, 22 April 2020

Today marks the 150th anniversary of the birth of Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov in the Russian city of Simbirsk on April 22, 1870. Known in history under the name of Lenin, he was the founder of the Bolshevik Party, leader of the 1917 October Revolution and, undoubtedly, a towering figure in the political and intellectual history of the twentieth century.

Fifty years since the massacre of students at Kent State

By Patrick Martin, 4 May 2020

Mehring Books

Mehring Yayıncılık publishes Turkish-language edition of The struggle against imperialism and for workers’ power in Iran

By Ulaş Ateşçi, 30 March 2020

First published by the WSWS in February 2018, The Struggle against Imperialism and for Workers’ Power in Iran—A Reply to a Proponent of “Iranian Islamic Socialism” advances a socialist strategy for the working class in a country that has been the target of US imperialist aggression for decades.

Preface to the Turkish edition of The struggle against imperialism and for workers’ power in Iran

By Keith Jones, 30 March 2020

A viable strategy to defeat imperialism can only be founded on the working class, and requires its independent political mobilization against all factions of the Iranian bourgeoisie.


South Carolina Amazon worker speaks on loss of his health, benefits and job

By Ed Hightower and Michael Walters, 21 March 2020

Donald Thrift Jr was left jobless with $27,000 in medical debt after contracting double pneumonia while working in an Amazon fulfillment center in Spartanburg, South Carolina.

As more workers test positive for COVID-19, Amazon ignores demands to close warehouses

By Tom Carter, 25 March 2020

At least three Amazon workers in Shepherdsville, Kentucky tested positive for the coronavirus on Monday, following the discovery of COVID-19 cases in New York, Florida and Michigan warehouses.

Amazon workers in New York City shut down warehouse after worker tests positive for coronavirus

By Shuvu Batta, 21 March 2020

The discovery that an Amazon worker in Queens had tested positive for coronavirus sparked work stoppages which shut the processing facility Thursday night.