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Margaret Simons

Journalist, author and director of the Centre for Advanced Journalism

Fairfax Melbourne Managing Director Don Churchill's Departing Herogram to Staff

Fairfax Melbourne Managing Director Don Churchill's Departing Herogram to Staff

Dear Colleagues, My indication to the company to retire from the business, announced today, comes after a wonderful and exciting 46 years plus in the media industry in both New Zealand and Australia. There will be plenty of time for me to talk to you before I retire, but I want to take this opportunity […]

Managing Director of Fairfax, Melbourne Resigns

Managing Director of Fairfax, Melbourne Resigns

The following announcement regarding the resignation of Don Churchill was emailed to Age staff this afternoon. Read tomorrow’s Crikey email for some analysis. Chu Subject: All Fairfax Media staff announcement Colleagues As some of you have heard, Don Churchill announced his intention to retire at the senior management conference held yesterday.  While I am pleased […]

A Civic Emergency. What's Good and Bad for Journalism in the NotW Scandal This Week.

A Civic Emergency. What's Good and Bad for Journalism in the NotW Scandal This Week.

I thought I’d riff a little on the question of whether this has been a good or bad week for journalism. The riff is inspired by a talk I had last night with an old mate and journalist. He is one of those who has never worked for PR, and who has climbed only so […]

ABCNews24 wishes itself Happy Birthday

ABCNews24 wishes itself Happy Birthday

The ABC just put out a media release wishing its 24 hour television service happy birthday. Given my comments over the last couple days (see previous posts) I’d like to see a commitment to respond faster to breaking news. Having said that, last night the telecast of the UK parliament was good, and it was […]

...and what Gillard said.

...and what Gillard said.

Most of the news bulletins are carrying only the strongest bit of Gillard’s comments on News Limited. In the latter bits, she is a little less Bolshiei, though hardly clear on what she is and isn’t saying. Here is the complete transcript of the relevant bits. News Limited CEO John Hartigan’s response was in the […]

News Limited CEO John Hartigan's Response to Julia Gillard

News Limited CEO John Hartigan's Response to Julia Gillard

From: “Corporate Affairs” Date: 20 July 2011 5:21:18 PM AEST To: “Corporate Affairs” Subject: John Hartigan’s Response to the Prime Minister John Hartigan’s Response to the Prime Minister July 20, 2011 News Limited chairman and chief executive John Hartigan today described comments by the Prime Minister about News Limited as “unjustified and regrettable”. The Prime […]

FFS, ABCNews24!

FFS, ABCNews24!

The piece I wrote for the Crikey email this morning was already very long, so I cut out a spray for ABCNews24. The point of a twenty four hour news channel is just that. And those of us who did not have access to Sky News or the BBC last night have to be grateful […]

Rupert Murdoch to Staff

Rupert Murdoch to Staff

The following message from Rupert Murdoch just landed in News Limited employees’ inboxes. ear Colleagues: Today, James and I appeared before a committee of the UK Parliament with regard to the issues connected to the News of the World. We did so to apologize, reiterate the Company’s cooperation with the police, and explain what we […]

Rupert Murdoch to Staff

Rupert Murdoch to Staff

The following message from Rupert Murdoch just landed in News Limited employees’ inboxes. ear Colleagues: Today, James and I appeared before a committee of the UK Parliament with regard to the issues connected to the News of the World. We did so to apologize, reiterate the Company’s cooperation with the police, and explain what we […]

Murdoch Bingo

Murdoch Bingo

The media junkies among us will be sitting up late tonight to watch the live coverage of the Murdoch family’s appearance before the British parliamentary committee. Dan Cass will be one of them, and he has forwarded me something to help the rest of us while away the time. He asks to be described as […]