Alexander Kruel


“We are more often frightened than hurt; and we suffer more from imagination than from reality” ― Seneca

Se unió en agosto de 2007


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  1. 24 may.
  2. retwitteó
    24 nov. 2019

    I converted all SAT averages to the current scale, going back to 1941. The biggest lesson I take is don’t discount environmental factors, like the affecting .

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  3. 23 may.
  4. 23 may.
  5. retwitteó
    23 may.

    Very interesting British poll dispelling some common assumptions about the lockdown: people feel actually better off and enjoy spending more time at home

  6. retwitteó
    22 may.

    Outlandish conspiracy theories are no longer relegated to the fringe: 44% of Republicans and 19% of Democrats believe Bill Gates wants to use Covid-19 vaccinations "to implant microchips in people that would be used to track people with a digital ID."

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  7. retwitteó
    22 may.

    If you want to decimate the cultural power of elite colleges, you should enthusiastically support UofCal suspending SAT/ACT requirements and demand that all US elite schools drop admissions criteria strongly correlated with IQ.

  8. 23 may.

    North Korean regime finally admits Kim Jong-un cannot magically bend time and space You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words 🤬

  9. 22 may.
  10. 22 may.

    Breakthrough to halt premature aging of cells Harvard researchers identified several small molecules that appear to reverse cellular aging in premature aging disease.

  11. 22 may.

    Nvidia’s AI recreates Pac-Man from scratch just by watching it being played

  12. retwitteó
    22 may.

    33 Days of Wound Healing. Seeing it in time-lapse really drives home how amazing the process is, and how amazing it is that our bodies "know" how to do this.

  13. 22 may.

    Freaky ‘Active’ Object in Jupiter’s Orbit Is First of Its Kind Seen by Astronomers

  14. retwitteó
    17 may.

    You're about to spend the next 25 minutes watching a guy solve a Sudoku. Not only that, but it's going to be the highlight of your day.

  15. 21 may.

    The Odds of Life and Intelligence (Paper uses Bayes theorem to conclude life in the universe is common but intelligence is rare.)

  16. 21 may.

    A list of unheralded improvements to ordinary quality-of-life since the 1990s going beyond computers.

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  17. 21 may.
  18. retwitteó
    20 may.

    This bird was extinct for 130K yrs. A related species from a different island colonized its old island. Facing the same selection pressures, it evolved into the extinct bird. 😮 How Evolution Brought a Flightless Bird Back From Extinction

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  19. 21 may.

    What happens when Megatron discovers he’s really a woman?

  20. 21 may.
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