Fun Facts Friday: Gertrude Himmelfarb

Gertrude Himmelfarb (8 August, 1922 – 30 December, 2019) was an author and historian, focusing on Great Britain.

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Giveaway: Hawthorn Woods By Patrick Canning

The publisher is giving away one (1) copy of this book – enter via the rafflecoper form at the end of the post Hawthorn Woods By Patrick Canning NEW DOMESTIC THRILLER DIVES INTO THE DARK SIDE OF THE SUBURBS: EVEN PRETTY LITTLE TOWNS CAN HAVE BIG UGLY SECRETS   Not all small towns are as […]

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Book Review: We Germans by Alexander Starritt

The grandfather, Meissner, and his exhausted companions are living a nightmare for two and a half years. Somehow barely surviving, committing war crimes and treason as they make their way back home in order to live another day

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Book Review: The Books of Rachel by Joel Gross

If all you know of Jewish history is the Bible or your World War II classes in school, this book attempts to fill in some of the gaps.

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Fun Facts Friday: Primo Levi

Primo Levi (31 July, 1919 – 11 April, 1987) was an Italian chemist and writer books about his experiences as a Jewish man during World War II.

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Book Review: Disney’s Land by Richard Snow

Walt Disney’s attention to detail is amazing, but like many great men this part of his personality caused great concern and setbacks when it came to the park. He insisted on details being absolutely right even though no one but him and the workers will see it. Whether he was right or not depends on who you ask, personally I’m amazed at the details in the parks and could enjoy simply walking around appreciating them all without ever going on an actual ride.

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Book Review: The Exiles by Christina Baker Kline

The book was well researched and Ms. Kline brought forth historical accuracies without taking away from the narrative, something many historical fiction authors fail to do.  

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Fun Facts Friday: Zelda Fitzgerald

Zelda Fitzgerald (24 July, 1900 – 10 March, 1948) was an American author, painter and socialite. Together with her husband, F. Scott Fitzgerald, they became the symbol for the Roaring 20s.

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Fun Facts Friday: Gertrude Himmelfarb

Fun Facts Friday: Gertrude Himmelfarb

Gertrude Himmelfarb (8 August, 1922 – 30 December, 2019) was an author and historian, focusing on Great Britain.

Giveaway: Hawthorn Woods By Patrick Canning

Giveaway: Hawthorn Woods By Patrick Canning

The publisher is giving away one (1) copy of this book – enter via the rafflecoper form at the end of the post Hawthorn Woods By Patrick Canning NEW DOMESTIC THRILLER DIVES INTO THE DARK SIDE OF THE SUBURBS: EVEN PRETTY LITTLE TOWNS CAN HAVE BIG UGLY SECRETS   Not all small towns are as […]

Book Review: We Germans by Alexander Starritt

Book Review: We Germans by Alexander Starritt

The grandfather, Meissner, and his exhausted companions are living a nightmare for two and a half years. Somehow barely surviving, committing war crimes and treason as they make their way back home in order to live another day

Book Review: The Books of Rachel by Joel Gross

Book Review: The Books of Rachel by Joel Gross

If all you know of Jewish history is the Bible or your World War II classes in school, this book attempts to fill in some of the gaps.

Fun Facts Friday: Primo Levi

Fun Facts Friday: Primo Levi

Primo Levi (31 July, 1919 – 11 April, 1987) was an Italian chemist and writer books about his experiences as a Jewish man during World War II.

Book Review: Disney’s Land by Richard Snow

Book Review: Disney’s Land by Richard Snow

Walt Disney’s attention to detail is amazing, but like many great men this part of his personality caused great concern and setbacks when it came to the park. He insisted on details being absolutely right even though no one but him and the workers will see it. Whether he was right or not depends on who you ask, personally I’m amazed at the details in the parks and could enjoy simply walking around appreciating them all without ever going on an actual ride.

Book Review: The Exiles by Christina Baker Kline

Book Review: The Exiles by Christina Baker Kline

The book was well researched and Ms. Kline brought forth historical accuracies without taking away from the narrative, something many historical fiction authors fail to do.  

Fun Facts Friday: Zelda Fitzgerald

Fun Facts Friday: Zelda Fitzgerald

Zelda Fitzgerald (24 July, 1900 – 10 March, 1948) was an American author, painter and socialite. Together with her husband, F. Scott Fitzgerald, they became the symbol for the Roaring 20s.

Guest Post: What You Need to Know About the Art of Fanfiction

Guest Post: What You Need to Know About the Art of Fanfiction

While fanfiction may make you think of “50 Shades of Grey” or teen fiction brought about in the internet age, fanfiction actually has a rich root in history.

Book Review: Champion: A German Boxer, a Jewish Assassin and Hitler’s Revenge by Stephen Deutsch

Book Review: Champion: A German Boxer, a Jewish Assassin and Hitler’s Revenge by Stephen Deutsch

The book is well researched, it presents events with historical accuracy without spending time on nuances which will bog down the story. I enjoyed that the author tried to make the story flow presenting relevant facts intertwining with the narrative.

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