Elephant Magazine


🐘 Life Through Art 📖 Visual culture magazine online + in print 💻 out now

Se unió en junio de 2010


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    hace 1 hora

    Issue #43: A World Apart is out now! In our summer issue, artists explore the dangers of our enduring communal models and share their dreams for our collective future. Featuring interviews with Extinction Rebellion, Todd Hido, Tschabalala Self and more:

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  2. hace 49 minutos
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  3. hace 57 minutos

    Strong handshakes, flexed biceps and clenched fists.

  4. hace 3 horas

    Five key takeaways from last month's Where Are the Black Designers conference.

  5. retwitteó
    hace 5 horas

    I’ve enjoyed Jessie Makinson’s work for so long, it was great to talk to her for . “I like when you watch fantasy or sci-fi, and there are market or bar scenes. It always looks really shit, the same as our world but with some aliens in there.”

  6. hace 6 horas

    Shawn Theodore Unites the Histories and Futures of African Americans:

  7. hace 7 horas

    Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Artiste (Marcella), 1910 Monday malaise, as embodied by the German painter and co-founder of Die Brücke group, Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, in his 1910 work Artiste (Marcella):

  8. hace 9 horas

    There are powerful social forces that govern why an artwork is commissioned, where it will be situated and who it will represent.

  9. hace 12 horas

    “I place great emphasis on the potential of viewership and how it can partake in the creating of an artwork.”

  10. hace 15 horas

    In recent months, there have been calls for those in senior leadership roles at arts institutions to step aside and cede the floor.

  11. hace 18 horas

    Theodore’s work is a rich, considered and evocative portrayal of his community, while simultaneously highlighting the underrepresentation of black American life in photography.

  12. hace 19 horas

    Colours have played symbolic roles in queer society throughout history. In the 1970s, a coded system of coloured handkerchiefs became commonly used among gay men in western countries while cruising for sex.

  13. hace 22 horas

    By splicing, reframing and distorting Liftshitz’s collection, the artist amplifies these personal moments.

  14. 12 jul.

    Born of a frustration with the lack of diversity seen across the field, a recent conference tackled topics that all designers should be paying attention to.

  15. 12 jul.

    Grip on My shoulder. What Victorian Processes Can Teach Us About the Future of Plants:

  16. 12 jul.

    : In a playful new book Romain Duquesne reimagines the pervasive symbolism of masculinity in favour of intimacy and human connection.

  17. 12 jul.

    Clementine Hunter, Playing Cards, c. 1980 Sundays are made for card games, and this one is the handiwork of fêted artist Clementine Hunter:

  18. 12 jul.

    "The Dinner Party affected my writing and research, and continues to do so. I was not used to seeing a dinner table that privileged the voices and appetites of women." for , with .

  19. 12 jul.

    Crowning, from the series 9 Meses/9 Months, Cynthia Cervantes and Travis Gumbs. Were These the Most Taboo Artworks of the Last Decade?

    Este contenido multimedia puede incluir material que puede herir la sensibilidad de algunas personas. Más información
  20. 12 jul.

    The notion of grouping artists based purely on sexual identity is fraught with tension.


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