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The AFR View


The AFR View

The Australian Financial Review's succinct take on the principles at stake in major domestic and global stories - and what policy makers should do about them.


Growing cause to question the Andrews strategy

We may still all be Melburnians, but the huge national cost of Victoria's lockdown demands more answers than the country is getting.

This Month

Victoria's failures can help us learn to get it right

The mistakes made in the state need to be taken on board in assessing whether Australia’s pandemic battle plan is still appropriate.

New lockdown confusion splinters Team Australia

The Team Australia unity between government and business is now splintering, with business left in the dark about the new lockdown rules in Victoria.

Don't shut borders on the recovery

Shutting virus-free borders makes no sense. We must hit the disease hard where it’s present. Leave the rest of the country open.

ASIC's 'armchair' case crumbles

Once again, the tough ‘why not litigate’ policy of the regulator has finished up looking like a ‘why did they litigate' on reflection.


Victorian siege chokes economy, strangles budget

The small circle of light at the end of this tunnel is that, if successful, Victoria’s bracing assault against the Melbourne outbreaks could leave Australia with minimal COVID-19 infections heading into Christmas.

End the casual confusion

Rather than leave an important public policy decision to the lawyers and regulators, or left to the veto of the ACTU, the law regarding casual worker needs to be urgently fixed.

State of disaster a great leap backwards

The financial price that Australia will have to pay on account of the escalating crisis in Victoria is getting dearer by the day.


Complacency gone as hopes of quick recovery fade

As Victoria struggles and other states close borders, much will depend on NSW.

The class action swamp is not made in Hollywood

What to do about the growth of the class action industry in Australia is now the subject of a heated and partisan federal parliamentary inquiry.

Morrison doctrine aims to manage China on Australia's terms

But China is far more likely to conform to a rules-based order by Australia creating a regional coalition, rather than acting as Washington's deputy sheriff.

ASIC gives up on its fruitless case of shiraz

Australia's bank borrowers have been spared from ASIC's regulatory overreach at a crucial time.

Why the GFC didn't discredit supply-side economics

The 1980s policies that reversed the economic decline in the US, Britain, Australia and New Zealand still provide a basic guide for escaping the long shadow of today's pandemic crisis.

Walk the talk on Reagan-Thatcher supply-side rhetoric

What those who care about Australia’s future as a fair and prosperous country should really fear is that the Treasurer’s name-checking of Reagan and Thatcher turns out to be mere rhetoric, rather than a prelude to a genuine reform agenda of Hawke-Keating (and Howard-Costello) dimensions.

Burning platform needs Friedman as well as Keynes

After the biggest Keynesian intervention in our history, the road back to health needs the insights of another generation of reformers.


Keynes v Reagan: the will to restore prosperity

To borrow money now to fight the virus and then grow so that we can repay it will need discipline – and a determination to reform old ways and drive greater economic efficiency.

Red ink repair job on budget now begins

Despite things going wrong in Victoria, the Morrison government has begun paring back the size of the emergency props and protecting the budget’s structural integrity.

Now we must grow our way out of this debt

Australia is well-placed to take advantage of cheap funding because it kept its house in order in previous decades.

We should follow the science on coal seam gas

Letting the science drive the decision to start Narrabri will also mean letting the properly regulated private sector provide energy to keep the lights on and factories working while protecting the natural environment.

Virus response must keep on adapting to events

The seeming consensus across state and federal governments that the health and economic response must evolve to changing circumstances is not necessarily the position of Australia’s union movement.