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Australia ACCESS Global MSL Pressure/Thickness/Rainfall Summary

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About ACCESS Global

Australian Community Climate and Earth-System Simulator (ACCESS). Based upon the UK Met Office Unified Model system. ACCESS G is the global numerical forecast model operated by the BoM. It is run twice daily (00Z and 12Z) and provides forecast data out to 240 hours with a horizontal resolution of 80km and 50 vertical levels.

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Weather News

Drought of 1891 to 1903 reconstructed shows today's conditions likely to have more devastating effects

17:13 EST

A reconstruction of the Federation drought has found that if it were to occur again today, its effects would likely be even more devastating in some areas of the country.

Honey producers hand-feed bees during drought to save hives, with sting likely for consumers

16:13 EST

Beekeepers in New South Wales have resorted to hand-feeding their hives as the drought cripples the bees' ability to make honey and survive winter.

Better late than never for snow-bearing cold fronts

14:38 EST

It took about a month, but Australia's ski and snowboard resorts finally got the dump of snow they were waiting for, with more on the way.