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Why you'll need to audition for a job

Sceptical that degrees are the best measure of whether candidates have the skills they need, employers are looking for ways applicants can prove themselves.

  • Jon Marcus


How being a Karen can damage your career

The backlash from viral videos is often swift and far-reaching, especially for those in the eye of "Karen" storm.

  • Natasha Boddy

Psychometric tests are becoming big for jobs. You can try one here.

To get yourself ready for your next interview, read this to receive free samples of aptitude tests and a behavioural test.

  • Sally Patten

The executives who are short on time, but big on impact

The number of C-suite interim executive appointments has surged by 23 per cent over the past 12 months.

  • Sally Patten

How to conquer an overloaded inbox

If you're drowning in emails, getting your inbox down to zero may seem like an unattainable goal, but experts say it can be done. Here are some tips.

  • Natasha Boddy

How to cope when demotivation strikes

If you were already feeling unmotivated pre-COVID-19, the pandemic may feel like a recipe for rash decisions and career disaster, writes mentor Mark LeBusque.

  • Mark LeBusque

How long it took 11 of world's richest people to become billionaires

Sports betting firm OLBG found it takes the average self-made billionaire 21 years to join the three comma club after starting out, but some get rich faster.

  • Taylor Nicole Rogers

Need to relocate for work? It can be done, says this expat

With a plum career opportunity waiting for her in California, Taco Bell's new global chief brand officer Nikki Lawson just made a break for it.

  • Fiona Carruthers

Afraid you'll get laid off? Here's how to prepare (in 11 steps)

Losing your job will suck, but it will hurt less if you've put plans into motion.The first rule? 'Always convey utter, absolute shock.'

  • Suzanne Woolley and Jack Pitcher

How to make the leap from corporate to not-for-profit

After conquering the corporate world, finding a job that puts purpose over profit can be tempting, but just how hard is it to make the switch amid COVID-19?

  • Natasha Boddy

Where to find green shoots in the post-pandemic jobs market

New research reveals job satisfaction is highest among workers with the least job security.

  • Natasha Boddy

More room for robots in the post-pandemic workplace

The coming of bots and artificial intelligence could be hastened as more employers turn to technology to help drive the post-pandemic workplace. 

  • Natasha Boddy

Rise of robots amid pandemic could leave older workers out in the cold

People in their 50s, 60s and 70s will likely be the hardest hit in a coming automation revolution.

  • Robin Pagnamenta

11 books to help your career during a recession

As the coronavirus pandemic lays waste to the economy and jobs market, these tomes offer tips on how to get hired, promoted and find meaningful work.

  • May Teng

More stress, less trust: the truth about remote work

Stress and employee workloads have surged in the shift to remote work during COVID-19 which has also battered trust levels between staff and bosses.

  • Natasha Boddy

Nine ways to look more polished on work video calls

Professional stylists offer their tips on how you can easily dress up for video conferences while working from home.

  • Meagan Drillinger

Goodbye power suit: will the office become more casual?

The expectation to present 'perfectly' at work is eroding, and some of us are not looking back.

  • Carolyn Breeze

Five jobs that will get you hired during COVID-19

Number crunchers, data and software specialists, engineers and video game developers have surged to the top of the hiring pile as the coronavirus pandemic upends the job market.

  • Natasha Boddy

Blackstone dispute forces one of its alumni to quit rival firm

Mike Whitman left private equity firm General Atlantic just months after joining in a newly created senior role.

  • Sridhar Natarajan and Gillian Tan

Want to work from home forever? How to ask

If you've fallen in love with the flexibility, what's the best way to make it permanent?

  • Natasha Boddy