Mises Institute

Why the US Economy Is Stronger Than the Eurozone's

Blog7 hours ago

Debt and recession in the United States are big problems. But in both cases, metrics show a better situation in the US than in the eurozone.

Today's Anticapitalists Are Closer to Fascism Than They Think


Today's anticapitalists fall into a familiar pattern pioneered by Mussolini and Giovanni Gentile.

On the Impossibility of Intellectual Property

08/05/2020Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics

Beyond being incompatible with natural rights and detrimental to the dissemination of innovations, the concept of intellectual property is a praxeological impossibility. 

A Lefty Politician Wants to Get Rid of History Class. He's Right.

08/05/2020Power & Market

We'd all be better off if public school history class were replaced by reruns of old Saturday morning cartoons. That would be better than the twelve years of anticapitalist propaganda students are getting now.

How Murray Rothbard's Theory of Entrepreneur-Driven Progress Can Be Applied to Modern Businesses


To succeed, entrepreneurs must demonstrate superior foresight and judgment, and practice continuous dynamic improvement in their assembly and reassembly of assets to serve the consumer.

The Problem with British Slavery Reparations in the West Indies


A just scheme for reparations requires us to identify specific victims. But current calls for reparations do no such thing. Also, the British economy was not built on slavery, as some now claim.

The Media Said Europe "Beat Back" Covid. But Now Lockdowns Loom Again


The "experts" intend to keep locking populations down again and again until there's a vaccine. But what if there's no vaccine coming?



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