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  • No to austerity

    MK members have been outspoken critics of the austerity agenda of recent Coalition and Conservative governments and their savage cuts, which has been so detrimental to the vulnerable and the less-well-off.
  • A different sort of politics

    Mebyon Kernow – the Party for Cornwall is not like the establishment parties in London. We are based here in Cornwall, we have no vested interests and we are not funded by big business.
  • Local control over planning

    MK is campaigning for local control over all aspects of housing and planning, so that local-needs housing and the construction of new council houses can be prioritised.
  • Action on Climate Change

    The threat of climate change is the defining issue of the 21st century. We face a climate emergency and many countries, all over the World, are facing terrible environmental threats and radical action is needed now to save the planet.
  • Fair funding for Cornwall

    Mebyon Kernow is campaigning for legislation to guarantee that places like Cornwall receive their fair share of investment, to ensure that we have the best quality public services that we have a right to expect.
  • More power to Cornwall

    MK members believe that people living in Cornwall know what is best for Cornwall. For more than twenty years, they have been at the forefront of the campaign for the greater self-government of Cornwall, through the establishment of a Cornish Assembly.
Putting Cornwall First
Mebyon Kernow is a progressive left-of-centre party in Cornwall. We are striving to build a confident and outward-looking Cornwall that has the power to take decisions, directly affecting the people of Cornwall, locally.

Our policies are founded on three core values:

  • Prosperity for all
  • Social justice
  • Environmental protection
The historic Nation of Cornwall has its own distinct identity, language and heritage. As one of the four nations inhabiting the British mainland, Cornwall has the same right to self-determination as England, Scotland and Wales. Mebyon Kernow is leading the campaign for the creation of a National Assembly for Cornwall, with the necessary powers to unlock Cornwall’s true potential.
For more information on this campaign, please read our policy document:
"Towards a National Assembly of Cornwall"
Cornish Assembly Campaign
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The Public Bill Committee is presently taking evidence in relation to the Parliamentary Constituencies Bill 2019-21 and has commenced line-by-line scrutiny of the proposed legislation. MK Leader Cllr Dick Cole has written to the Committee about Cornwall, the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities and the threat of a cross-Tamar “Devonwall” constituency.
4th July 2020
Mebyon Kernow members receive copies of Cornish Nation magazine three times a year and the latest edition is presently being distributed.
4th July 2020
The Welsh Language Movement, Cymdeithas yr Iaith, has this week launched a Celtic Housing Charter. It seeks to tackle the housing crisis within the Celtic nations and particularly where Celtic languages are still spoken. Cymdeithas yr Iaith has worked with language campaigners in Cornwall, Scotland, Ireland and the Isle of Man on the Charter and a short multi-lingual video has been produced in support of the Charter. It includes contributions in Cornish from MK councillor Loveday Jenkin.
4th July 2020
Following the announcement that a new Parliamentary Constituencies Bill has been introduced to the UK Parliament, the Party for Cornwall has called on the UK Government to guarantee that there will not be a Devonwall seat in the future. MK is also calling on this guarantee to be enshrined in the legislation.
4th July 2020
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As senior politicians from across the United Kingdom have grappled with the Covid-19 crisis, there has been a significant focus on the devolved administrations in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
4th July 2020
It is not surprising that official figures show the economy of the United Kingdom shrank by a record amount in April, with the Office of National Statistics reporting that gross domestic product (GDP) fell by 20.4% because of the coronavirus pandemic and the subsequent lockdown.
4th July 2020
At one of last week’s governmental briefings, the Prime Minister declared that the United Kingdom is "past the peak" of the coronavirus outbreak and we are on the “downward slope.”
14th May 2020
Cornwall has a very proud mining history, which goes back all the way to the Early Bronze Age (over 4,000 years ago) and still continues with the extraction of china clay in Clay Country.
26th October 2019