
Refugee family reunification during a pandemic

23 July 2020 Border closures and travel restrictions caused by the pandemic have made family reunification difficult for refugees. But, as Luke Butterly reports, these rights have been eroded over a number of years

On a rainy day and evening the CAA-NPR-NRC protesters are still in Shaheen Bagh . People have come to support from far and wide

Shaheen Bagh lives on

22 July 2020 The women of a south Delhi neighbourhood have inspired a protest movement which will long outlive their temporary encampment, writes Ananya Wilson-Bhattacharya

Prison profits over healthcare

14 July 2020 Private prisons are bad for prisoners’ health, writes Isaac Ricca-Richardson, but state control is little better while neoliberalism still holds sway

One million hours of solitude

8 July 2020 Simon Hedges shares his tips on surviving lockdown and government ineptitude

No solutions, no justice: Covid-19 and BAME communities

2 July 2020 Apsana Begum MP asks why no action has been taken to protect BAME communities from Covid-19, despite the Government report revealing disproportionate impact

Brazilian oligarchs sacrifice people for profit

23 June 2020 Business leaders are using social media and political influence to spread coronavirus disinformation – and endangering thousands of lives. Raphael Tsavkko Garcia reports

How to make comedy in the time of Corona

16 June 2020 Comedian Elf Lyons discusses creative innovation and rebellion in a dystopian age

Swords into ploughshares; planes into ventilator parts

5 June 2020 The speedy switch in from producing airplane wings to ventilator parts at a north Wales factory holds out an example for a transition to a low-carbon economy, writes Hilary Wainwright

Immigration detention and the politics of Covid-19

2 June 2020  The response to the pandemic has allowed us to imagine a world without immigration detention centres, writes Rachel Harger

Breaking the Big Pharma stranglehold

27 May 2020 Affordable healthcare means breaking the stranglehold that Big Pharma has on our medicines system, writes Dana Brown

The politics of Covid-19: a crisis for cleaners

14 May 2020 Cleaners are being ignored in the government’s provision of a safety-net during the pandemic. The current crisis is rooted in a long history of domestic work being made invisible, writes Laura Schwartz

Kes - unshorn hair - is an article of faith for Sikhs (Credit: Shreyans Bhansali)

Sacrificing sovereignty: Sikhs and Covid-19

12 May 2020 Against a backdrop of militaristic rhetoric, Shuranjeet Singh interrogates why some Sikhs are being forced to choose between their faith and their patients

The politics of Covid-19: the frictions and promises of mutual aid

4 May 2020 Thousands of mutual aid groups have sprung up around the UK, grounded in different experiences and perspectives. Amardeep Singh Dhillon asks: Whose vision of community-serving work will win out?

Do we really ‘all care now’? Time to expand our caring imagination

23 April 2020 In the midst of the pandemic, we are reconsidering what ‘care work’ entails. It’s time to demand a radically more caring world – towards both people and planet, say Andreas Chatzidakis and Lynne Segal

A homeless man asleep on a ledge. Photo by Allan Warren

The politics of Covid-19: can local authorities really ‘bring everybody in’?

21 April 2020 When it comes to support for homeless people, the government’s response to Covid-19 has been heavy on rhetoric but thin on substance, writes Benjamin Morgan

The politics of Covid-19: Europe’s rightwing leaders see opportunity in crisis

15 April 2020 With all eyes on the global pandemic, Poland’s ruling party is trying to limit women's rights and extend power. Marzena Zukowska reports

The politics of Covid-19: ‘busy’ parks and public blame

10 April 2020 As ministers equivocate over lockdown guidance, we’re gearing up for another weekend of public shaming. It’s a classic Conservative move, says Siobhán McGuirk: blame the people for government failures

Our response to Covid-19

Editorial: Read our latest issue for free and support grassroots writers

1 April 2020 Read the latest edition for free and support our crowdfunder to ensure that we can support our writers and editorial team during this uncertain period.

Solidarity with publishers: reading alone, together

31 March 2020 Radical publishing houses are under existential threat - just as people look for ways to fill their time. Siobhan McGuirk and K Biswas select lockdown reads from our favourite booksellers

Black Friday demonstration against Deliveroo in Berlin in 2018. Photo by Leonhard Lenz

The politics of Covid-19: gig work in the coronavirus crisis

26 March 2020 How long are we willing to turn a blind eye to the vulnerabilities of essential workers on the bottom of the employment hierarchy, asks the Fairwork Foundation

The politics of Covid-19: urgent calls to end immigration detention

25 March 2020 Hundreds of lives are at risk as the government resists calls to release people held in immigration detention. Annahita Moradi reports

The politics of Covid-19: government contempt for disabled people

23 March 2020 In the first in a series of frontline responses to Covid-19, Jamie Hale explains the challenges facing disabled people - and their demands of the British government. Published in partnership with The World Transformed

photo of people marching with placards

Nurses say: Patients’ rights have no borders

13 September 2019 As a US-friendly no-deal Brexit inches closer, Bonnie Castillo of National Nurses United explains why US nurses have joined the fight against NHS privatisation. Recommended reading ahead of The World Transformed health sessions

Brexit’s drug problem

30 May 2019 For all the talk of free-trade, why is ‘Global Britain’ still behind on drug law reform? By Kojo Koram

Theresa May’s ‘NHS Long Term Plan’ spells more cuts and privatisation

25 March 2019 The Government’s ‘Long Term Plan for the NHS’ is another step towards the privatisation of the health service writes Kane Shaw

The government is trying to rebrand NHS privatisation

17 November 2018 Integrated Care Providers promise to totally privatise the NHS, writes Kane Shaw from the National Health Action Party.

The colonial origins of Africa’s health crisis

15 November 2018 Formerly colonised nations are still suffering the effects of underdevelopment and underinvestment in health infrastructure, writes Jessica Lynne Pearson.

A new drug policy for the 21st Century

18 August 2018 The War on Drugs has caused immeasurable harm. We need to tackle drug abuse like a public health issue, writes Natalie Sharples.

Parasitic capitalism is killing the NHS

5 July 2018 Private companies are sucking the lifeblood out of the health service, writes Kane Shaw.

We need to talk about migrant mental health care

21 June 2018 Dr Hugh Grant-Peterkin and Dr Cornelius Katona discuss the urgency of tackling health care for migrants, who are at greater risk of mental health conditions and have little access to basic services.

40 years after the Alma Ata Declaration, let’s remember that healthcare is a global right

16 June 2018 Matthew Bramall recounts the radical goals of the Alma Ata declaration on global health - and how they were undermined by neoliberalism and structural adjustment policies.

Emergency response needed for the NHS

24 April 2018 The wheels are coming off for the Tories as the NHS sinks deeper into crisis. But there are promising signs of a fightback, writes John Lister.

Migration status doesn’t matter – no one should be denied healthcare.

18 April 2018 Members of the Windrush generation have been excluded from NHS treatment. This the fully intended consequence government's 'hostile environment' policy, writes Dr Joanna Dobbin.

Excluding migrants from the NHS undermines its founding principles

8 April 2018 In the country where the ideals of universal healthcare were first realised, undocumented migrants are now being excluded from access to health care. Neal Russell, a Children's NHS doctor in London, speaks out.

Jeremy Hunt is poised to flog the last of the NHS

8 January 2018 Peter Roderick sounds the alarm on an 'attack on the fundamental principles of the NHS'.

Blocking migrants’ access to the NHS is a way of privatising it

18 November 2017 'Docs Not Cops' write that we must resist attempts to make our NHS any less universal

If Labour wants to save the NHS, it needs to cut out Big Pharma

27 October 2017 The NHS is being used as a cash cow by a profit-hungry pharmaceutical industry, writes Nick Dearden

Why I’m standing with pregnant women and resisting NHS passport checks

28 September 2017 Dr Joanna Dobbin says the government is making migrant women afraid to seek healthcare, increasing their chances of complications or even death

A mad world: capitalism and the rise of mental illness

9 August 2017 What if it's not us who are sick, asks Rod Tweedy, but a system at odds with who we are as social beings?

Corporations told to back off the NHS

19 May 2016 Behind the junior doctors' strikes is a battle to save the NHS from creeping privatisation. Organiser Kevin Allard reports on efforts to escalate and broaden the action.

A higher minimum wage is a solution to the crisis in care, not its cause

6 April 2016 Improving quality of care requires higher wages for workers and an end to the socially irresponsible practices of large care home chains, writes Andrew Dolan

The Zika virus: government responses add to women’s burden

22 March 2016 The Zika virus is shining a light on the inadequacies of abortion and family planning laws in Latin America, writes Maisie Davies

NHS wreckers play hide and seek

3 February 2016 Caroline Molloy looks at the state of the NHS as healthcare workers gear up to fight privatisation through the back door

Help doctors win

30 November 2015 Jane Stratton has been organising with the junior doctors and explains why their struggle is everyone’s fight

Mythbuster: Health warning

23 March 2015 By repackaging privatisation as ‘reform’, the government has tried to sell voters the idea of dismantling the health service. Jacky Davis exposes the main marketing myths behind the NHS giveaway

Deaf people to receive only one hearing aid – an insight into life after the NHS

8 December 2014 This month Devon has announced that smokers and obese people will be denied all routine operations, and deaf people will get only one hearing aid. Caroline Molloy argues the end of the NHS is coming into focus and Devon is the canary in the coal mine.

Biting the hand that refuses to feed

1 August 2014 Care workers in Doncaster have taken up the cudgels against privatisation in Ed Miliband’s backyard. Dave Honeybone reports

The price of experience

1 June 2014 The personal is political in this extract from Mike Marqusee's new book of writings on living with cancer

Migrants already ‘pay their way’ – why should they have to pay medical bills too?

1 January 2014 Plans to charge non-EU nationals for treatment will undermine the NHS – and could force them to choose between their health and paying the rent, writes Michael Pooler

Held hostage by Big Pharma: a personal experience

26 November 2013 Mike Marqusee looks at how drug firms can make huge profits from their state-enforced monopoly on an essential good

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