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America Is Headed for an Unprecedented Wave of Evictions

The disappearance of renter protections imposed in the wake of the pandemic will almost certainly lead to the worst housing crisis in a generation.

Bryce Covert

Election 2020

There Will Be No Return to Normality

Nostalgia might help Joe Biden win the presidency but the crisis he’ll face will require boldness.

Jeet Heer
Election 2020

Will Climate Break Through in Big Media’s Elections Coverage?

Journalists at CBS, NBC, CNN, Time, and The Guardian are trying—but journalism as a whole needs to do better.

Mark Hertsgaard

The Democratic Party Is Setting the Stage for a Letdown

Taking the convention online shouldn’t mean leaving delegates in the dark.

James Zogby
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Violence Is Donald Trump’s Mother Tongue

As the latest episodes reveal, the “Trump and Violence Show” is the president’s cynical attempt to promote a response in the streets that might actually require law enforcement action.

Michael S. Roth

The Deaths of 150,000 Americans Are on Trump’s Hands

Trump and his lackeys are guilty of criminal negligence, if not far worse. Who will hold them accountable?

Elie Mystal

Time for Some #WearADamnMask Politics

The only sane response to Republican insanity is for Democrats to promote an in-your-face—and on-your-face—public health agenda in 2020.

John Nichols


Arca’s Rebellion Against Music and Life

How the experimental artist made one of the year’s most defiant pop records. 

Julyssa Lopez

The Sad Sex Lives of Overeducated Millennial Malcontents

Andrew Martin’s characters in Cool For America aren’t having much fun. Instead, they are restless and self-defeating.

Jennifer Schaffer

What Truths Can You Divine From Instagram Paintings?

How the act of scrutinizing art online has changed the role of the critic. 

Barry Schwabsky


What Would It Take to Avert Military Escalation With China in the South China Sea?

The US and China’s dance in the South China Sea bears a troubling resemblance to 1914 Sarajevo—and the eve of World War I.

Michael T. Klare

A Century of Struggle in Palestine

Rashid Khalidi’s new history offers a political and personal portrait of more than a hundred years of colonization and resistance in Palestine.

Kaleem Hawa

Hong Kong’s Protesters Are Writing Their ‘Last Letters’

They fear being arrested or disappeared, and are not prepared to be silenced without a fight.

Billy H.C. Kwok, The Nation and Magnum Foundation

Watch and Listen

Listen: This Is Disaster Relief Under Corporate Power

David Dayen on the interests overpowering our democracy, plus Amy Wilentz on Mary Trump.

July 30, 2020

Listen: To Fight the Coronavirus, We Need a Massive Campaign of Disruption

Gregg Gonsalves on Covid-19, plus Meagan Day on the eviction crisis.

July 16, 2020

View: Making George Floyd’s Life Matter

As the people of Minneapolis grieve the loss of one of their own, they’re also fighting for a future free of police brutality.

June 8, 2020

From the Magazine
