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Themes by raiidens
Anonymous asks:
Could you please make a wrestling theme ? :)

I don’t see myself putting out a dedicated one since I’m not into it, but you can take any theme and customize it into one with the images and such if you like!

Anonymous asks:
hello! i'd like to let you know that your themes are very pretty, and i love the aesthetics, especially with the more minimalist themes! thank you for these! <3

Thank you very much, anon! I appreciate it, and you’re very welcome! ^^

If anyone using my older themes with the default Tumblr like/reblog buttons (big and bulky, can’t really change colours) are having trouble with them being visible. Let me know which one it is and I’ll add a fix!

Would anyone be interested if I started writing some small posts about the basics of web development?

Anonymous asks:
hello! I know prices vary based on how complicated a theme could be, but I was wondering if you might have just some average prices to get an idea? I just wouldn't want to waste your time before I have a good enough amount saved up :)

Hi anon, I decided to add them to my commissions page on my blog. I didn’t like to put them in asks in case my rates changed, but this works too!

Anonymous asks:
hello, first thanks you for the super neat theme, i'm using undertale 12 ! i just wanted to know if there was a way to make the like and rb buttons appear? i can click on them but they're not showing on the page visually; and i didnt see any option to change their colours in the not-htlm code menu. my bad if this is a question i could have answered myself.

Hi, you’re welcome! I’m not too sure I understand what you mean by having a way to make the like/reblog button appear. They should show up and work automatically. Send me a link if this isn’t the case and I can check it out.

As for changing colours, I believe this theme currently has the default like/reblog buttons on it, which don’t really offer much for customization.

clint---barton asks:
I have a question! for the theme entitled "page 2" is that mobile friendly?

I don’t believe I actually explicitly put any rules in to make that mobile friendly exactly but it should look decently fine on mobiles. The number of items per row should change based on the width. I checked the page on my phone and it was all fine, just scaled out to fit the page. If you find it to be not so mobile friendly though, I can look into it and see what I can do.

Anonymous asks:
Where can I get your current theme?

The blog theme I’m using is a modified version of my Theme 19.

givemeyour-hope asks:
I was wondering where I can put a new cursor instead of the mini one you have already on your theme #5. I’m not too great with customizing things so I just thought I’d ask since I’m using your theme for a friends blog!

Yup, you can! This will work on any theme also.

You need to put this snippet of code under body {

cursor: url(IMAGE URL HERE), auto;

With the case of my theme 5, make sure you have the mini cursor turned off, and if it still doesn’t work for some reason (or in the case of other themes), put !important in there like this:

cursor: url(IMAGE URL HERE), auto !important;

Anonymous asks:
your themes are super cool thanks for making them bro, have a good day

You’re very welcome, anon! Hope you have a good day too!
