• Coronavirus
  • Health and Social Programs
  • Globalization and Trade

Stimulus Checks in Next Coronavirus Package Shouldn’t Penalize One-Parent Households

Both the HEROES Act passed by the House in May and Senate Republicans’ HEALS Act announced this week would provide a new round of stimulus in the form of one-time cash payments to most Americans, but with some major differences.
/ July 30, 2020

more on Coronavirus

Disability and Employment in the Time of Coronavirus: The 30th Anniversary of the Americans With Disabilities Act

/ July 24, 2020

Labor Market Transitions of Young People During the Pandemic

, and / July 21, 2020

Stimulus Checks in Next Coronavirus Package Shouldn’t Penalize One-Parent Households

Both the HEROES Act passed by the House in May and Senate Republicans’ HEALS Act announced this week would provide a new round of stimulus in the form of one-time cash payments to most Americans, but with some major differences.
/ July 30, 2020

more on Health and Social Programs

Disability and Employment in the Time of Coronavirus: The 30th Anniversary of the Americans With Disabilities Act

/ July 24, 2020

The Black-White Disability Gap Increases with Age

/ July 23, 2020

Digital Trade Rules: A Disastrous New Constitution for the Global Economy Written By and for Big Tech

The largest corporations in the history of the world ― Amazon, Facebook, Google, Apple, and Microsoft ― are seeking to use “trade” rules to rig the rules of the global (digital) economy to enable them to collect more data, exercise more control over our l
/ July 08, 2020

more on Globalization and Trade

From a Broken Economy to a People’s Economy

June 23, 2020

The World Economy Needs a Stimulus: IMF Special Drawing Rights Are Critical to Containing the Pandemic and Boosting the World Economy

and / June 22, 2020
  • América Latina y el CaribeAmérica Latina y el Caribe

Observando a los observadores: La OEA y las elecciones bolivianas de 2019

Un nuevo estudio de gran envergadura realizado por el Centro de Investigación en Economía y Política (CEPR, por sus siglos en inglés) examina las fallas en el “Informe Final” de la Organización de Estados Americanos (OEA) de la auditoria de las elecciones
and y / June 11, 2020 11 Junio 2020

Más de Latin America and the Caribbean

Exportación de COVID-19: Inmigración estadounidense realizó vuelos de deportación a 11 países de América Latina, según datos aéreos

/ May 05, 2020 05 Mayo 2020

Análisis de las elecciones de Bolivia en 2019

February 27, 2020 27 Febrero 2020

CEPR examines how government policies affect growth, employment, prices, poverty and health in the world and U.S.

CEPR analiza cómo las políticas gubernamentales afectan el crecimiento, el empleo, los precios, la pobreza y la salud en el mundo y en EE. UU.


Lo último

An Economic Survival Package, not a Stimulus Package

The Future of Trust-Busting Is in Joe Biden’s Hands

Plunge in Consumption of Services Leads to Record 32.9 Percent Drop in GDP

Stimulus Checks in Next Coronavirus Package Shouldn’t Penalize One-Parent Households

América Latina necesita acceder a recursos sin generar deuda: Emisión de Derechos Especiales de Giro

Extenso informe del CEPR desvirtúa el resto de supuestas evidencias de la OEA sobre las elecciones de Bolivia

Observando a los observadores: La OEA y las elecciones bolivianas de 2019

Mucho antes del estudio del New York Times sobre las elecciones en Bolivia, la OEA ya sabía que no había fraude en las tendencias, pero decidió seguir repitiendo acusaciones falsas

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