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  1. há 9 horas

    A imprensa da noticiou que a tirou do o posto de maior parceiro comercial.

  2. há 23 minutos

    Tactical drills by PLA airborne brigade in desert regions. - Fully prepared to defend its borders.

  3. há 50 minutos

    Why are there no protests against after 100,000+ people died in the US?

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  4. This is the way and are getting ready for their F****** bloody festival called . Look how these as*h**** operate stealing animals to be eaten.

  5. há 6 horas

    Torture to die in real 's police station.

  6. Pessoas Ver todos

  7. há 8 horas
  8. há 8 horas

    " is…testing the world's resolve. If is allowed to fall, this will send a message to China that the world is not prepared to stand up to their expanding authoritarianism"—pro-democracy activist, lawyer 🔴PREMIERE 8:30pm ET:

  9. há 2 horas

    Love this piece: "Chinese people are their government and their government are Chinese people. Criticise one, you criticise all." Allow me to explain in this thread of tweets: (1) China is on the verge of becoming the leading nation in the world.

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  10. há 11 horas

    On May 27, US Customs in Milwaukee seized 3,515 counterfeit $100 bills, shipped from . See: . After the seizure of Chinese counterfeits in late January in Minnesota, we have to ask this: Is there now a surge of fake cash from ?

  11. há 13 segundos

    China has illegally occupied Indian territory in Ladakh. It is clear from China's recent actions that the talks are going nowhere. People demand to know how the Indian govt plans to respond to China. With each day that PM remains silent, becomes more arrogant!

  12. há 4 horas

    Quem ainda acredita na funcionária da ??

  13. há 3 horas

    China: ‘we don’t have Muslim concentration camps.’ : ‘we only have 3,000 confirmed COVID19 cases.’ Both lies. 🇨🇳

  14. há 7 horas

    Military officers and diplomats from both and agree not to escalate border dispute to conflict in a positive signal sent by recent talks.

  15. há 12 horas

    🚨Researchers say the outbreak in **may have begun in OCTOBER** based on satellite images of cars parked at hospitals and internet searches in the region for info on “cough” and “diarrhea,” known symptoms. h/t

  16. há 8 horas

    That's why NPC wants to install spyware in Hong Kong 27 years early.

  17. há 8 horas

    EXCLUSIVE: China’s foreign interference likely ‘widespread’ in Canada, says author of new report on the United Front's activities.

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  18. há 8 horas

    Zhang Xiaoming,vice-diretor executivo do Escritório de Assuntos de e da ,diz na segunda-feira que a nova lei de segurança nacional trará esperança para o futuro de , fortalecerá “um país,dois sistemas”,e garantirá mais liberdade para os moradores.

  19. há 11 horas

    Quer saber mais sobre como funciona a censura dos BL's na China? Entre em nosso site e confira a matéria que preparamos especialmente pra você. ❤️🏳️‍🌈 Link:

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  20. Esta é a que escondeu ( a pedido da ) que o criado pela China e seu PCC já circulava no mundo desde Outubro/2019. Serviu só para tirarem os direitos garantidos dos cidadãos na Constituição de cada país; Falirem empresas; Quebrarem os países democráticos.

  21. Em resposta a

    Será uma benção e grande livramento. Tolice é acatar uma cúmplice e conivente da Passou da hora de processarem OMS e China por crimes praticados contra a humanidade e economia mundial. Devem indenizar os países. O mundo sofre um ataque comunista.📌

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