ENS Blog

Apartheid Accusation Against Israel Doesn’t Square With the Realities

Apartheid is a system that segregates based on race. The Israeli Arabs live in Israel enjoy full citizenship, work, vote, pay taxes, volunteer for military service, serve on the Knesset and even sit as justices on the Supreme Court.
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The Chosen Land

It is time for the Jew in Israel to throw away those negative attitudes that he retains from the Galut, the Exile. Chief among these is an unwillingness to look at bitter reality.
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Who's Funding Illegal Palestinian Settlements in Area C: Part 2

Since August 2009, Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Fayyad, with the help of the Barack Obama administration and the European Union, has been quietly building national institutions and physical infrastructure ... in the West Bank [sic].
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Who's Funding Illegal Palestinian Settlements in Area C: Part 1

According to Israeli activist watchdog groups, in the past half-decade, illegal 'Palestinian' settlements and infrastructure have sprawled across more than 250 Area C locations. But who is paying for them to be built?
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Books of Interest (From Amazon)

  • srael: A Concise History of a Nation Reborn
  • Israel, A Journey Through Time [video]
  • Israel Rising: Ancient Prophecy/Modern Lens
  • Spies of No Country: Israel's Secret Agents at the Birth of the Mossad

Book Reviews

The Mind Of A Zionist Revolutionary

A memoir of one of the leaders of the fiercest Jewish underground army in 2,000 years. Israel Eldad reveals the history and revolutionary theories behind the blood and fire that created modern Israel and the national spirit that maintains it.
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The War of Attrition - The Palestinian Authority’s Program for Establishing an Arab State in Area C

The Fayyad Plan, One Decade Later: Report on Land Status in Judea and Samaria, 2009-2019
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In Their Own Words . . .

There is no such thing as a Palestinian people ... It is not as if we came and threw them out and took their country. They didn't exist. — Golda Meir, former Prime Minister of Israel

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