Help Call from occupied forest in Uppsala Sweden

About a year ago, the forest-occupation project in Uppsala started after the municipality officially decided to clear a more than 200-year-old forest in order to build expensive high-rise buildings in its place. more…

CALL FOR ACTION: Lets Re-Wild the old A4 Autobahn!!

Call for Action: Let’s give back the former A4 to nature!

We successfully fought against RWE and NRW‘s state government to not clearcut the forest. They declared that the Hambach Forest will not be used for brown coal mining any more.

This is a success of our common fight that has been going on for several years.

However, this forest has not been „saved“: The wounds … more…

Hunger Strike For the Climate?! now in 31th day.


For past 31 days actions have taken place as part of Hunger Strike for the Climate?! and against Corona Marginalization, Profiteering and Repression through out the state of North Rhine Westphalia. We have taken our demands of:

1. No sidelining of Climate Crisis in itself connected to habitat loss and migration that is causing and magnifying of the latest capitalist structural crisis of Covid 19 pandemic.

2. Release of … more…

“No Fear” May Day 2020 in Hambach Forest


May First! In the pre-Corona days many in the forest were in cities across Europe taking part in global actions and demonstration. This year the comrades who found themselves in the forest, if not building barricades treehouses or communal spaces, followed updates of MayDay actions and demonstrations: The Anarchists and syndycalists of Wupertall walking through

#1mai A video of last nights first spontaneous #MayDay demo … more…

Salute of Solidarity to Anarchists in the Italian territory

From occupied Hambacher Forest, from its treehouses, barrios and villages and camps we send you openhearted and warm expressions of love and rage.  Of Love and Rage in the face of State after State creating and deepening and then exploiting crisis after crisis, be it post-colonialist ultra liberalism with its austerity & social and climate/ecological  collapsing or be it the waves of opportunistic militarization of repression that follow, one crisis … more…

Skillsharing camp Dannenröder Forest May 4th–11th

The following text has reached us:

Skillshare will NOT Take place at this Date!

Overview page for skillshare

Hello everybody,

From May 4th until 11th there will be the first “Wald statt Asphalt” Skillshare Camp in Dannenröder Forest!

A new section of the A49 motorway will run through the forest. Therefore many, partly very old leaves and conifers, which are still full of … more…