How did the second wave happen? It's not rocket science, folks


How did the second wave happen? It's not rocket science, folks

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The pedestrian underpass at my local railway station is a busy little thoroughfare. It links two municipal areas and is part of a major suburban trail for walkers, cyclists and runners. And it really is little. Built in the 1920s, it's barely two metres wide and not much higher than that, and it would be lucky to be 20 metres long.

At both ends, you enter this claustrophobic space by taking a right-angle turn at the bottom of a ramp. A few days ago, large, colourful signs were installed at the top of the ramps and at the staged barriers at the bottom, designed to slow down cyclists and runners prior to entering the tunnel. The signs read "Cyclists dismount – pedestrians ahead!".

Having in the past few months become heartily sick of encountering runners and cyclists puffing and grunting at me as I walked through that enclosed space – would it kill them to just walk for 20 metres? – I welcomed the signs and stopped to admire them. Then I saw a middle-aged cyclist ignore the instruction and ride around the sign at the entrance. A young woman on a bike did the same thing a moment later and then a female runner galloped through at full pelt without breaking her stride.

On Sunday, Daniel Andrews announced 671 more Victorians had been infected with COVID-19, another seven had died and, as a consequence, a state of disaster was being declared, with Melbourne moving to a stage four lockdown. If you want a partial explanation of how those sorts of infection and mortality numbers can come about, keep in mind that you don’t need that many selfish, thoughtless fools who think the rules don’t apply to them to endanger other people. And they don't all live in Victoria.


It seems beyond question that the original sin that sparked the second wave of infections was the system of hotel quarantine implemented by the Andrews government. The moment of reckoning for those who set that policy in motion will come soon enough.

But for the second wave to become as bad as it is, spilling into NSW and Queensland, even in just a minor way so far, there have been other sinners.

How can it be that so many have been cavalier in their behaviour? The revelation that one in four infected Victorians have not been in isolation when visited by authorities is, at first blush, bewildering.

Melbourne's new must-have attire: face masks.

Melbourne's new must-have attire: face masks.Credit:Eddie Jim

Then again, when you look at the way some people behave elsewhere, say, on social media, leaving their empathy and sometimes their humanity elsewhere when they start typing, it's not altogether surprising. The notion of the modern environment being free of consequences and harsh realities appears to be pretty strong these days.


How else can you explain those who try to cheat their way across state borders or refuse to wear masks or gather with others when they know they shouldn't? Or is it the case that they actually don't know what they shouldn't be doing and that they make it their business not to know?

This is not all that far-fetched. Having written about politics for a long time now, I'm regularly amazed by two simultaneous aspects of today's society: how informed and engaged so many Australians are about public life and its issues and how actively uninterested many other Australians are in the same things.

When times are bad, reality is a harsh place to inhabit, and the pandemic is forcing us all to live in a pretty dreadful place – or at least to have a good look at it.

One of the absolute staples of commercial television news when reporting on a violent crime in a suburban street is the interview with a resident who will inevitably say with conviction, "You don't expect anything like this to happen here, it's normally a quiet area".

This is the "bad things happen somewhere else" mentality in action, which must be driving at least some of the poor choices people are making, like going to work when they have symptoms or while awaiting their test results.

The strain that comes from either living with the fear of infection or working hard to stay ignorant of it is testing relationships across society. There seems to be a rising level of anger or intolerance triggered by Victoria's second wave both inside and outside the state.

In Victoria, it's a take-your-pick situation: you either loathe Andrews and his government for messing it up so badly, or you're infuriated by dopes who won't do the right thing, feel a little sorry for Andrews and wonder why the Morrison government seems to be getting a pass even though it's mishandled the contagion in private residential aged care.


Outside Victoria, justifiably you resent Victoria for deepening and lengthening the national recession. Or at least this part of it – let's wait and see what the Morrison government comes up with to help drive a recovery down the track. And you're hoping that the second wave doesn't spread and take hold where you live.

The fabric of unity that looked admirably robust through the autumn and early winter as the commonwealth, states and territories embarked on the first stage of their pandemic response is showing a few loose threads. Once one part of the country fumbled and then struggled to overcome that fumble, it stood to reason that the states would start to go their own ways, which is what is happening now.

But everyone outside Victoria should fight against complacency because there are more than enough thoughtless Australians to go around.

Shaun Carney is a regular columnist.

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