
Steve Hochstadt

Steve Hochstadt is a writer and an emeritus professor of history at Illinois College.

  • Dumb, Lazy Americans

    by Steve Hochstadt

    "It took me less than five minutes to find out that Dr. Immanuel has announced that extraterrestrials run our government and their DNA is used in medical treatments, that the Illuminati are using witches to destroy the world through abortion, gay marriage, and Harry Potter, and that she is a Tea Party fan."

  • What Does it Mean to be Progressive in 2020?

    by Steve Hochstadt

    The political conspiracy theories of the right assume that Democratic voters actively support evil. The conspiracy theories of the “Never Biden” element of the left assume that we are just dumb.

  • Republicans Versus Schools

    by Steve Hochstadt

    As the Coronavirus surges again, we are liable to be blinded by Trump's frequent displays of blustering self-pity and miss how Republicans are exploiting mass death to pursue their attack on American education.

  • No Time to Celebrate

    by Steve Hochstadt

    Even if Trump loses in November, his hardcore supporters will remain an impediment to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for the rest of us.

  • Has Something Finally Changed?

    by Steve Hochstadt

    Both aggressive corporate responses to prejudiced action by their employees and sympathy for Black Lives Matter protests in conservative towns suggest that, at least potentially, big change is afoot in America. 

  • He Is Crazy

    by Steve Hochstadt

    Trump repeating the theory that an elderly protestor was an ANTIFA agent shows the weakness of his judgment and his dangerous political desperation.

  • Are Republicans Nasty People?

    by Steve Hochstadt

    A talk radio ethos that puts provocation above understanding and ideological rigidity over cooperation has become the core of the Republican Party. This is not a good thing. 

  • Things Have Been Worse

    by Steve Hochstadt

    The broad anti-left political campaigns associated with Joseph McCarthy should remind us that pursuing justice requires courage. 

  • Ideology Versus Life

    by Steve Hochstadt

    A recent report in the New York Times lists every environmental regulation overturned or attacked by the current administration, painting a picture of an ideology that puts profit ahead of life. 

  • The Crystal Ball is Broken

    by Steve Hochstadt

    Only one thing is clear – recovery to “normal life” will take a long time, well beyond the end of 2020.

  • Political Labels Aren't Helping

    by Steve Hochstadt

    The uselessness of labels has been demonstrated most forcefully by Trump’s presidency and his takeover of the Republican Party.

  • The Day After the South Carolina Debate

    by Steve Hochstadt

    The Nevada debate made me uncomfortable. The South Carolina debate was hard for me to watch. The danger that has accompanied the months of campaigning and debates so far, that these varied and talented Democrats would kill each other off, was apparent.

  • Trump the Great and Powerful

    by Steve Hochstadt

    It is not surprising that a president so unconcerned about Constitutional norms would try to add to his powers. It is disturbing and dangerous that the Republican Party as a body supports Trump going far beyond what they harshly denounced just a few years ago.

  • What a Mess in Iowa

    by Steve Hochstadt

    Any candidate whose support lies with more progressive urban voters is at a significant disadvantage. A progressive Democrat could beat Trump handily and still lose.

  • Can We Save the Truth?

    by Steve Hochstadt

    There is a great irony that the political conservatism, which once argued for objective truth, now relies on the broadest attack on truth that we have ever experienced.

  • Reflecting on Martin Luther King Jr.'s Dream and Legacy

    by Steve Hochstadt

    Two authors of distinguished books on the history of race in America just wrote articles for the New York Times for Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday. Michelle Alexander and Richard Rothstein's articles help us understand the status of Martin Luther King's dream today.