Front room harmonies as the season turns, the Brook xmas gig is drawing nearer x
An unreleased tune called "Heart". My first flip video, it's the future!
We spent last night dancing... It's getting glorious here...

Dear friends, I hope this finds you all full beam and bright lights. Unfortunately we've had a gigantic set back in Greg's treatment options this past week, as we've been told that none of the life saving immunotherapy drugs will work with his gene type. These updates were hard enough to write the first time round, but with your unlimited love and sunlit support, you've been pulling us through the storms on our journey. We are resolute, and again gathering deep winter breaths for a new advance... We've had to raise our goal on our GoFundMe page to ensure we can get the treatment we now need more than ever. We are so so fortunate to have you all here in our melody gang to shout from the rooftops and mountains for us, and if you can take a minute to share our page again it would mean the absolute planets. Thank you all from our core, love is sent to your atoms, Aaron x

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9pm tonight, you are cordially invited to board the SS Melody and ride the river of nostalgia with the boys over on twitter... Let's all hold hands across the autumn skies.

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