My Back Pain Coach

What you are about to read is not another online review of the My Back Pain Coach program that’s just based on the information one finds on the internet. After trying this program for weeks I am in a position to share the right information with you.

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Back pain can be extremely excruciating and I have dealt with the same for over half of my adult years. I have tried some of the most popular treatments for the condition but unfortunately, most don’t work. I also tried finding relief in pain medications, but their side effects are too many and surgeries tend to be very expensive.

This left disheartened about my back pain condition which is when I found about the My Back Pain Coach program designed by Ian Hart. He claims his program is an effective and safe treatment for all kinds of back pain. He is so confident in his ‘unusual method’ that he assures that this program can treat back in just 16 minutes.

What you are about to read is my personal experience with the program and whether it is worth your money or not.

What is My Back Pain Coach?

My Back Pain Coach is an easy to follow video course created by Ian Hart that teaches you how to treat the source of the pain and live a truly pain-free life instead of trying to convince you to live with pain as most other programs do.

Ian Hart is a professional who suffered from back pain but instead of giving up after trying several unsuccessful back pain treatments, he succeeded in getting rid of his back pain by developing his exercise program that fixed his problem and made way to help hundreds of others who suffer from killing back pain.

In this program, you will find all the information that you need to know about your back and its anatomical structure as well as informs you how to deal with back problems that arise when you sit for long hours every day and how to deal with Sciatica and Piriformis syndrome.

Overall, I found My Back Pain Coach program to be a balanced and thorough approach towards relieving from the back pain.

What is in the program? 

The program comes in many modules with bonuses. It is easy to follow the program with all the information arranged in easy to follow navigational structure.

The main course is a 90 minutes module which is divided into 3 levels, each lasting up to 30 minutes on average. It is recommended by Ian to follow the levels in a sequence as they are designed to be incrementally difficult. He recommends practicing each level 3 times a day for 3 weeks before you move to the next level.

Essentially these levels have 8 simple movement training exercises that will take no longer than 16 minutes to complete. These exercises are designed to increase the flow of oxygen and nutrients in your back and to how to restore the health of your spine and heal the back pain. In Ian’s words “These 2-minute miracle movements are so New and so different, you’ve never seen anything like them before!”

Indeed, once I started using this program it became evidently easy for me to keep my back fit as well as my pain slowly subsided. Just not I, there are thousands of other people who recommend this program for pain relief. The effectiveness of My Back Pain Coach stems from its ability to release the biochemical in the body and to keep the nerves and discs in the spine healthy and restore any harm done to them, relieving the pain permanently. The exercises are basic movements that anyone can learn watching the videos.

Along with the main course, you also get two bonus programs.

The first bonus module is titled Begin Your Day which is a program focused on people who suffer from serious back pain. This program helps you to start your day with less pain not only in your back but also in other joints including neck, ankle, hips and shoulders. If your back pain is truly excruciating then I will recommend you to start with this bonus module first and then continue with the main course.

The second bonus module contains Coaching Session videos in which Ian teaches a lot of stuff about overall wellbeing. He teaches how to increase your back mobility, get abs, be more flexible and build muscles among other things. He also tells you about the mistakes to avoid that can make your pain more severe.

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Advantages of My Back Pain Coach program

  • No expensive stuff needed to do the basic movement exercises
  • Easy to follow video course
  • An abundance of information for improving overall health
  • A highly effective program that rebalances the body to heal the cause of back pain
  • Additional bonuses included in the program
  • Highly affordable as compared to other treatment programs
  • No recurring fee, only onetime $ 67-course fee
  • 60-day money-back guarantee to ensure you do not lose money if not satisfied with results

Disadvantages of My Back Pain Coach Program

  • It may take a few weeks to get relief unlike promised pain relief in 16 minutes
  • For best results, you need to practice movements 3 times for 3 weeks

Can this program help you avoid surgery?

Do not decide on your own. If you are recommended surgery by your doctor then I strongly recommend discussing the best course of action.

My Back Pain Coach is only about correcting muscle imbalance that causes severe back pain but if you are experiencing back pain due to any serious issue then this might not the right program for you. Medical conditions like the injured spine due to an accident needs special care and surgery might be the only option in such a scenario.

Final Verdict 

Ian Hart has created an excellent program to help millions of people get relief from back pain. The content is wonderful and the exercises are easy to follow. If your chronic back pain doesn’t seem to go away even after repeated treatment, I recommend giving My Back Pain Coach a serious try.

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Critical Bench Program 2.0 Review

I am sure I am not the only one who has struggled with gaining muscles even after hitting the gym every single day for months. Over time, I have realized that sweating in the gym without proper knowledge is a serious waste of money and most importantly, time.

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I certainly will advise every gym-goer to be proactive about workouts and understand how to stimulate your muscles to grow instead of hitting a plateau. If you are a gym-goer who is stuck with muscle gain and your body has grown accustomed to the exercise routine, you might be wondering where you are lacking.

Now the obvious move is to change the workout routine or start taking an increased dosage of supplements, but I don’t think that’s going to help much. As I have learned that muscle building is more than just a routine, it is about the right form and technique. If you get to know the right set of exercises, you will be able to gain a lot more muscle mass with the same amount of effort and time.

The Critical Bench Press Program 2.0 is a similar workout routine that I came across a few months back. This program has a lot of positive feedbacks to support it, so I decided to give it a try.

In this review, you will find out how was my experience with Critical Bench Press Program 2.0 and whether it teaches you the right workout routine and proper techniques of lifting weights.

Who is Mike Westerdal?

Author of Critical Bench Program 2.0 is Mike Westerdal who is a sports expert and certified trainer who graduated from Central CT State University. His training qualifications are obtained from the American Council on Exercise.

But his major authority on the subject if weightlifting comes from him being an active participant in APA and APF federations. His personal best bench press weight in a competition is 603 lbs.

The Critical Bench Program 2.0-A Complete Overview

This workout program is a balanced weightlifting manual that helps you overcome plateaued muscle gains. It is focused on bench press because it is an exercise that not only strengthens your chest muscles but also works on your entire upper body including biceps and triceps. Being a compound exercise, the bench press ensures that several muscle groups are working at the same time without a change in the exercise.

The Critical Bench Program 2.0 teaches you how to master the art of progressively overloading your muscles when lifting. It guides you with form and techniques that will ensure you do not get injured during workouts.

This is what you will learn from this program:

  • When to rest and recover instead of overtraining your muscles causing injury
  • The secret to muscle strength and size that involves a variety of exercises to gain more muscles without hitting a plateau
  • Understand the right technique to lift weights and avoid injuries during heavy lifting
  • Have the right mindset to promote your muscle gains
  1. Adjust your lifestyle and improve nutrition and sleep to stimulate muscle growth when you are relaxing

The program is a complete manual that covers basic to advanced power weightlifting techniques. It includes workout routines, do’s and don’ts to help you get results faster.

What’s included in the Critical Bench Program 2.0?

This program is a whole package that includes a core weight lifting guide along with bonus material. When you buy this workout program you will get:

  1. The Critical Bench Program
  2. Customized Training Logs 100-500 lbs
  3. Bench Press Fundamentals Online DVD
  4. Bonus 1: The Critical Deload Routine
  5. Bonus 2: Critical Conversations With Elite Iron Warriors
  6. Bonus 3: Critical Exercise Guide
  7. Bonus 4: In-Depth Report On Creatine’s Usage in Sports

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Pros and Cons of Critical Bench Program 2.0 

Let’s start with Pros first:

  • This weight lifting program is extremely easy to follow that can be used by beginners and intermediate bodybuilders alike.
  • The program is a valuable resource on the bench press that elaborates every aspect from the right form, weight, and diet to achieve the right muscle mass.
  • The author is an authoritative person who has good experience in weightlifting himself. This program is based on his personal experience and knowledge he gained after interviewing several other weightlifting experts.
  • The 100% money-back guarantee offered with this program ensures that either you are completely satisfied with this product or you get your money returned.


  • There is no customer service which means you will not be able to get any assessment for your fundamental needs when using this Critical Bench Program 2.0.
  • The eBook is entirely focused on training you how to max out your bench press, there is no information about other exercises. For overall development, it helps to know about other routines that can properly shape your body.

Does the Critical Bench Program 2.0 work? 

The beauty of the Critical Bench Program 2.0 is that it depends on progressively overloading your muscles. When you can work the muscles to their limit then they start to grow faster. More importantly, this program is proven to work as the author himself has achieved muscles with the program and so did many other bodybuilders.

Mike Westerdal is able to create a program that is going to revolutionize your workout regime if you follow the instructions provided in the eBook by the word. He is a certified trainer who writes for many weightlifting publications like Monster Muscles and Reps. The bodybuilding world is well aware of the effectiveness of Critical Bench Program 2.0 and follow its manuals for muscle gains if they hit a plateau.

If you are still not satisfied with the effectiveness of this program, then you can research on your own and will find compelling results and feedback.

The Critical Bench Program 2.0 is a complete manual to master weightlifting with the right information on diet, form, technique and additional tips.


If you want to take your bench press workout to the next level, you have to give Critical Bench Program 2.0 a try.

This program is an in-depth guide on the science behind muscle gains and bodybuilding. The techniques and tips included in the manual if followed correctly will give you more muscle mass, strength, and unmatched confidence.

It is covered under a 100% money-back guarantee so there’s nothing much for you to think over.

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P.S: I might receive compensation from product owners if you click any link on this website and buy a product.

Cat Spraying No More By Sarah Richards

As pets, cats are amazing. They are cute little furry creatures that love to purr around. Ask any cat lover and he will tell how amazing it is to have feline in your life.

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If you have a cat then you realize that although there are infinite pleasant things about them as pets, there are some habits that just make you go crazy.

All that peeing, spraying and pooping everywhere can be a disaster for the uninitiated. Usually, people pick cats as their pets based on cuteness alone, when there are other factors to consider too. Cats can wreak havoc if they are untrained, making your home stink like high heavens. It is not possible to hire professional cleaners every time to get your couch, carpets and floors cleaned to get that foul smell out.

I have been living with cats as long as I can remember, and I know how disgusting it can get.

A good thing is that all that experience I gained made me pretty good with cats. Now if you are a new cat parent struggling with odd peeing and spraying habits of your cat, you need to know that spaying or neutering is not the only solution. Also, these methods do not guarantee a fix.

Cat Spraying No More is a product from Sarah Richards that claims to solve the problem and make cats urinating and spraying everywhere.

It got me interested. What you are about to read is my personal experience with this system.

Cat Spraying No More Review 

The Cat Spraying No More is a complete training program that consists of an 11-chapter eBook as its core module. The book is a compilation of proven steps that train your cat to stop peeing and spraying outside the litter box.

There’s an abundance of information on how other people have successfully stopped their felines from spraying around the house, what signs to look for in your cats, important guidelines and rules, and yes, there’s a guide on creating special herbal repellant mix that will break your feline’s habit of peeing at unwanted places.

It took me some time to go through the entire material to understand how it works. I was amazed as it is quite simple to follow and anyone can implement it. The entire approach is humane and there is no physical or emotional stress involved that can hurt your cats.

What do you get in this program? 

In addition to the core book, there are several bonuses included in the Cat Spraying No More.

Bonus 1: Cat Training Bible

It will teach you how to train your cat in general and includes all the popular training techniques like collar training, door training, and trick training.

Bonus 2: 101 Recipes For A Healthy Cat

A collection of healthy yet tasty recipes that your cat will love to munch on. Special salmon pate, birthday treats, and crispy trout is my favorite.

Bonus 3: The Cat Care Blueprint

It will teach you how to make your feline a happier and healthier member of the family. There were several things included that I was not aware of.

Bonus 4: Pet Medical Recorder Software

A tool to keep track of the most important medical treatment records of your cat including worming or vaccinations.

Overall, this is an impressively balanced cat training program that will help you to get rid of the nasty habit of peeing and spraying at wrong spots, that make most people hate their cats.

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Pros and Cons of Cat Spraying No More

I won’t be selling this review under the false assumption that the Cat Spraying No More is a perfect system. But it can definitely highlight the pros and cons to help you make an informed choice.

What I like about Cat Spraying No More

  1. It works for cats of all breeds and ages
  • Most cost-effective solution for cat’s spraying and peeing problems
  • Easy to read, understand and implement
  • No brutality or harm done to cats
  • Does not require confining cats to a corner
  1. An additional resource to train your cat to improve its health and happiness
  • Loads of useful bonuses including a recipe guide and management software
  1. A 60-day money-back guarantee

What I don’t like in Cat Spraying No More

  • No videos or infographics in the guide to provide visual demonstrations
  • Patience and consistent efforts are required to make this program work
  • Depending on your cat’s behavior, you need to put in effort in implementing what’s taught in Cat Spraying No More. There is no information dealing with different cats, so every cat will respond differently.
  • Only digital book download is available, not physical books. If you are prone to physical guides you have to print the information.

Conclusion: Cat Spraying No More Is Worth It 

I am glad that I found this product as it changed my cats for better.

There are so many programs that are overpriced and provide no needed relief from peeing or spraying problems. However, Cat Spraying No More is a pleasant surprise that works amazingly well. Now I am able to enjoy the company of my cats more than ever before and my home is a perfect environment for us to bond together.

In a few weeks of implementing the training elaborated in the Cat Spraying No More guide, my cats were running to the litter box every time they have to pee. I have 3 cats and it was not the same development for all of them, but with time all three got adjusted with the new training. No none of them pee on carpets or couches.

Cat Spraying No More came as a great relief to me and as I will suggest you to definitely try it.With a money-back guarantee, it’s a great product that you will be able to try without risks. All the methods and strategies are easy to implement. Additionally, there are good value bonuses that are going to get rid of peeing or spraying problems you are facing with your cat(s).

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Article Builder By Jonathan Leger

Article Builder is one of the most popular SEO tools that has been in use for over a decade now. Jonathan Leger created Article Builder to be a push-button solution for quality content generation. I got interested in this product because dozens of professionals recommended it and the internet is full of positive reviews.

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To honestly review Article Builder, I bought its $297/year plan to get hands-on experience.

How Article Builder Works 

The first factor that I was curious about is to know how exactly this software works. In the past, I have used other article software but their content quality was abysmal. This is why I needed to know what powers Article Builder.

Article Builder is at the core a huge database of spun PLR articles on topics that you can think of. Healthcare, beauty, bodybuilding, automobiles, home, lifestyle, medicines and many more. The articles produced by this software are created based on the structure:

  1. Categorized Titles
  2. Introductory Paragraphs
  3. Tips
  4. Concluding paragraphs

When you click the “Build an Article” button, Article Builder generates new articles pulling the introductory, tips and conclusion paragraphs from the PLR articles that it has in its database. All the paragraphs are pulled from the articles of the same category.

Now as the software spun every sentence and paragraph so in theory, you can expect your articles to be unique, and Leger claims that Article Builder produces articles with 75% uniqueness.

How is the quality of the articles generated? 

About the quality of content, each text snippet in the Article Builder database has been written and edited by humans. However, each article pulls content from dozens of spun text snippets so do not expect your content to have any sort of proper context. The article generated is essentially paragraphs mixed.  

We do not recommend you to use Article Builder for quality articles if you want to use on your blog. Your readers will quickly realize the content with out of context tips and paragraphs put together.

If you really want to make use of articles generated by this software then you can use them for link building.

Another major application of Article Builder can be for auto blogging. I have come across some marketers who are using the auto-post feature of Article Builder to run a network of niche-specific blogs.

It seems like a nice idea to scrape and mix content to generate articles that you can easily automatically post on WordPress blogs. You have the ability to configure Article Builder to choose the topics of articles, the average number of words and how often the articles are published. You can choose up to 3 articles a day to get published or as little as once a month. There is also the option to pull relevant images and videos for the post or include top-selling ClickBank products.

This tempts many bloggers to create what they called the ‘money-making auto-blogs’ and retire. But, does this trick actually work?

Keep in mind that there are hundreds of bloggers out there who are following the same strategy using the same software and tapping content from the same Article Builder Database. This implies that essentially articles on all these hundreds of blogs have content generated from the same text pool, more or less.

This makes one wonder:

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How unique are the articles generated by Article Builder? 

In his sales videos, Jonathan Leger claims that Article Builder can produce up to 75% or more unique content in an article. To support his claim, he explains how he found only two copies of the article he used to test on Copyscape premium search.

This was the case when Article Builder was not available for the public, but now with hundreds of marketers using the software, it is imperative that the content in the newly generated article will have matching snippets from other sources too.

Now it is not to say that you will find exact duplicates of the content all over the internet but there is a high probability that 3-15% of the content in your article will match the other articles generated by the Article Builder. While it is hard to contest that you will get entirely unique articles from any spinning software, but I was impressed that Article Builder was able to produce content that can be used for auto-blogging and link building.

Recommended use for Article Builder 

With Google tightening the noose over spamming and automated content, it is not recommended to use any automated software for article generation for your blogs or business websites. Instead of being lazy, you need to focus on creating quality content for your readers.

Does it mean Article Builder is a waste of money?


Articles generated by this software are indexed by Google. This implies, that they have a value attached to them which you can harness for SEO gains. For instance, link building via article syndication services such as SYNND, Unique Article Wizard and Article Samurai, can use the content produced by this software as the quality requirements are minimal.

I know marketers who use Article Builder to create a super spun variation of the same article and syndicate it to 100s of services thus generating thousands of backlinks for their websites without doing too much effort. This way all those articles get indexed in Google giving you boosted rankings. This is why for SEO link building Article Builder can be a huge time-saver.

You can download a super spun article for any category you want. From tech to lifestyle to medication, there is an endless list of categories to choose from.

Conclusion: If you are looking for software to rank your websites in Search Engines, then don’t even bother to try. Google is smarter than ever before at picking the subtle clues of automated content. However, if you intend to generate content for SEO and link building then you can count on Article Builder to lend a helping hand. Using this software, you can produce content for link building and article syndication a lot faster as compared to writing content from scratch.

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Vert Shock by Adam Folker

In the realm of Basketball, the vertical jump is considered to be one of the most crucial elements that a player must focus on. With good vertical jump, you will not only dunk over the heads of opposite players but it will also allow you to block, shoot, catch rebounds and many other things without experiencing any kind of difficulties. With the sole objective of helping all the aspiring basketball players to improv their vertical jump, Adam Folker, a very popular player from Canada has created the program called Vert Shock. If you have been searching for the benefits and other important details about this program, you must go through this comprehensive Vert Shock review. 

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Do you really want to try Vert Shock program but the only thing that refrains you from buying this program is the fear of wasting money, right? Well, you are not the only one, rather a lot of people want to know about this program. In this review below you will be provided with all the vital information about the program, from payment to effectiveness. The truth is that every basketball player has his/her own potential and skills set. What you could gain from the entire program called Vert Shock significantly depends on you. Hence, you must read through the entire program to know about the program in a best way. 

An Overview Of The Vert Short:

Adam Folker, the creator of the Vert Short designed the entire program based on the factual science which has been used extensively in different sports programs for a long span of time. In this program, Adam has finetuned the principals of the factual science so that it can meet the specific requirements of the Basketball sport. 

It’s a 8 weeks long program which mainly focuses on the fast twitch muscles of your legs through polymetric exercises. The end result of this program varies from person to person. It seems to offer an increase between 9 inches and 15 inches to the vertical jump of the followers of this program. 

Initially a lot of people considered this program as one of the scam products like losing 20 pounds within 5 days or being a millionaire overnight, etc. The reason is very simple- the benefits that this program offers sounds a bit unrealistic but the truth is that it still stays within the limit of possibilities. The author of this program Adam Folker made this program using the experience obtained while working with the stars Basketball players like Kobe Bryant, Anthony Davis, etc. So, when it comes to judging the seriousness of this program, there’s no room of doubt Adam has left for the users. 

So, now you might be wondering to know if it’s a one and done program. Well, people who have followed this program second time also noticed a significant change in their vertical jump. But, the fact is that these second time changes are not nearly as much as the significant changes that users can find after trying the program for the first time. The effects of this program remain same long after the participants drop the program. If you want to have the optimum benefit from this program, you must stay in shape. 

Know About The Signing Up Procedure Of This Program: 

Just like most of the online programs available online, this program also comes with 3 add on offers before reaching to the original program and this could be a frustrating experience for the people who want to buy Vert Shock without any add ons. Potential participants of this program would have to go through three add on offers before reaching to the final program. You will have to pay additional money if you want to include the offers into your purchase. 

Another great part of this program is that it tells you about using the simple gym equipment like medicine ball, box platform, etc. 

Know About The Structure of Vert Shock: 

This 8 weeks long program is divided into three phases – pre Shock Phase, Shock Phase and Post Shock Phase. 

Pre-Shock Phase (Week 1):

This particular phase is all about making your body prepared for the workouts in the upcoming eight weeks. It allows you to prepare your muscles for extensive workouts in the upcoming days. Certain participants have already reported that they have seen slight improvement in their vertical jumping ability at the end of the phase 1. 

Shock Phase: 

This particular shock phase runs between week 2 to week 7.  You can train yourself with this phase for 4-5 days a week. In most part of this phase, you are going to work on your muscles through a series of exercises that strengthens your muscle fibers. But don’t get dishurten if you fail to gain any improvement at the vertical jump at this stage. 

Post Shock Phase: 

This particular phase is known as post-shock phase which is specially designed to fortify your gains from the previous two phases and let the muscles together. If you seriously follow the guidelines provided by Vert Shock, you will be able to see serious improvement with the results at this stage.

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Pros Of Vert Shock Program: 

Unlike the other programs available online, this program provides participants with the in-depth instructions which are based on pure science. 

Many programs have solid on paper foundations but unfortunately, their execution level leave quite a lot of things behind- low quality of video guide, hard to comprehend presentations etc. Adam Folker puts a serious attention into Vert Shock to ensure that this program doesn’t come with such drawbacks. 

You can simply do the workouts in your home instead of going to gym, court and so on. 

The Cons: 

When it comes to accessing the content of this program, you must have an internet connection as it is an online program. So, if you are travelling, accessing this program could be a real challenge. If you are looking for a serious program that offers values that worth the money you spend on, the Vert Shock is the program that you should follow. 

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Wake Up Lean By Meredith Shirk

Weight gain is the trouble that hogs most of us, especially during our middle age. As we start to get lazy, our body starts accumulating fat. Before we know it, our metabolism has taken a hit which is not as efficient as it used to be plunging us into a void of uncertain weight gain cycle.

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Slowed down metabolism processes lead to extra fat in the body that causes serious medical conditions like cardiac diseases and hypertension. Not only that, stubborn fat is difficult to shed which can become a reason for uncontrolled weight gain.

What’s the solution?

Exercising and being active is a sustainable way to keep your weight under check, but if are not able to achieve that I would like to draw your attention to the Wake Up Lean program.

What’s that you ask?

Wake Up Lean is a program that focuses on removing inflammation from your body which is the predominant cause of body fat. Designed by the leading Nutritional Specialist Meredith Shirk, the program is already gaining a lot of attention due to word-of-mouth advertising.

But I was not convinced that a simple program can help get lean when even the back-breaking exercises failed to slim me down. As it turns out, the Wake Up Lean program tells you about the exercises and food that help you lose weight effectively.

Here is a detailed Wake Up Lean review that will help you decide whether you need this program or not.

Who is the creator of Wake Up Lean? 

Meredith Shirk created this program who is a well-known Nutritional Specialist based in California. Her focus on inflammation weight loss has made her a leader in the domain, which is why she is seen as an authority on the subject.

Her real deal with this program when Meredith came back from a trip to the jungles of Panama during which she learned about various nutrients and minerals that can make body younger and help with fat loss. After her return, she tried to make use of her newfound information on some of her clients that gave her amazing results. It is then when she decided to create a program that can effectively remove inflammation from the body making it easier to ‘meltdown’ extra fat. She christened her program as the Wake Up Lean.

Wake Up Lean-How Does It Work

Essentially this program is a 10-day blueprint and abundant of information on how you can turn off the inflammation-causing enzymes. The Wake Up Lean program explains how our body is evolutionally designed to store more fat as we go old. It was a primal need when we had to hunt for food, more fat in the body helped us survived as we grew older. But we don’t need that mechanism anymore as we don’t have scarcity of food and our survival is almost certain.

Our body still starts storing fat as we grow older thinking we need extra fat. It activates inflammation enzymes that block the burning of fat which starts to build up in the body. The Wake Up Lean program teaches you how to turn off the unwanted inflammation enzymes and boosts fat metabolism.

Additional information about what you can eat and what you must avoid helping metabolic processes in the body is also included in this program.

Finally, the blueprint provides a step-by-step guide to help you burn fat instead of sugar, making it possible to lose almost 5 pounds of pure fat every week.

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Advantages of Wake Up Lean Program

Puts your body on fat-burning cycle 

There can be many reasons for the body to not be able to burn the fat. Your previous workouts or some medication can cause hormonal imbalance. Wake Up Lean program corrects any imbalance and puts your body on a fat-burning track. This promotes youthful looks and stamina.

No need to calorie count 

Do you know what’s not fun about eating?

Counting calories.

The Achievable Body Program included in this regime allows you to eat without counting calories all the time. This program has a list of specific foods you must need and in what quantity. If you follow the instructions, you can enjoy eating food without taking tension about calorie counting.

No interference with the body’s metabolic processes 

Most weight loss programs are based on reducing the number of carbohydrates in the diet. When your body is on a low carb diet, it gradually adapts to the same. This slows down the metabolism as the body now has fewer calories to burn.

Wake Up Lean program makes no such changes to metabolism. It also comes with some cheat day tricks to surprise your metabolism to go hyper and burn fat faster.

No side effects 

Unlike other weight loss programs, you don’t have to walk on eggshells with Wake Up Lean. There is no medication or supplementation involved that can adversely affect your body. It’s a clean and all-natural program to help you lose weight.

Disadvantages of Wake Up Lean Program

No munching all the time

It is a common belief that if you keep eating constantly it is healthy for your blood sugar. Hence, people often much on snacks but Wake Up Lean program prohibits from snacking all day.

You can’t eat some foods anymore

There are clear instructions about what to eat and what not to. This is why when following this program, you have to eliminate certain foods from your diet completely

Final Words 

Wake Up Lean fat loss program is revolutionary in the way it uses inflammation enzymes to put the body on a fat-burning track naturally. It is a balanced program that comes with detailed information about exercises and diet to help you lose weight easily. Some users have reported losing 5 pounds of pure fat every week with this program.If you are confused about trying Wake Up Lean then you don’t have to as you won’t lose any money. It comes with a 60-days money-back guarantee. If you are not satisfied with the results you get your money back, no questions asked.

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Unlock Your Glutes By Brian Klepacki

A lot many workout programs are sold on the internet that is touted as the life-changing but only ends up a disappointment. Speaking of programs creating a stir I recently came across a fitness program that has numerous positive feedbacks-Brian Klepacki’s Unlock Your Glutes.

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The feedback it received from its users was amazing that got me thinking whether it has an ounce of authority or is just another copy-waste work. I got my hands on the program and what you are about to read is my personal experience.

Current society is full of men and women who are extremely self-conscious about not just their looks but for health too. While men are pumping the iron to get six-packs, women are breaking the sweat to go lean. But both the genders have a common goal when it comes to the rear end and that’s to have around and firm butt.

The Unlock of Glutes program is supposed to provide you with the much-needed relief from your flat butt. Now if are anything like me, you must have already tried lunges, deadlifts and squats but failing to see results. This book has something different to offer, it doesn’t even ask us to lift heavy weights, all it asks is to focus on the right glute muscles.

Let’s take a closer look at Brian Klepacki’s Unlock Your Glutes program.

What Is Unlock Your Glutes?Based on a 4-week step-by-step training program, the Unlock Your Glutes is for men and women who want to not only sculpt but also strengthen their butts. If your flat butt is making it difficult for you to improve your overall body shape then you will have to give this program a try.

The Unlock Your Glutes program consists of manual and workout video for 36 exercises that you need to do not more than 15 minutes twice a week.

Yea, I know what you think.

It’s insane, right?

I had the same assumption but as I already bought the program, I thought I might as well give it a try. The first positive thing about this workout program I noticed is that it unravels all the myths and misconceptions related to building strong glutes. I was still not that convinced about the program but as I proceeded further, I realized that the author has designed the exercises based on several scientific studies and research.

His program works!

Yes, but I will detail more about it in a while. Whether you are a gym addict or never gone to one, it doesn’t matter. The Unlock Your Glutes program will work for you. The 36 exercises included in the working program are suitable for individuals of any fitness level, which is a good thing. All the programs that I have tried in the past never were accustomed to the fit for men and women of varying fitness. That’s one of the reasons why those programs worked for few and not for others.

The only caution needed for this program is to be careful if you have suffered a knee injury in the past. If so, consult your physician before exercising based on this program.

The Unlock Your Glutes program consist of four components:

Main Manual

Workout Videos (Home and GYM Editions)

An Exercising Chart

Exercise Pictures and Definition

Other than these modules, there are two bonuses also included-Strong Leg Workout and 14-Day Rapid Weight Loss Plan.

Who Is Brian Klepacki?

Thankfully, this program is not one of those who have hidden identities of their creators.

The Unlock Your Glutes regime is created by Brian KlepackiBrian Klepacki who is one of the most popular fitness trainers in Florida. With a Bachelor’s Degree in Kinesiology and Exercise Science and a Masters in Exercise Science from Florida Atlantic University in Exercise Science, Brian has accumulated years of experience working in the fitness industry.

His knowledge about the human body is impressive as evident from how effective the 36 exercises are that are included in his program. Brian also owns the Optimax Performance Training a known fitness centre in St. Petersburg, Florida.

I give him the accreditation that’s due because of his experience working with some of the best domains that include the American Olympic and Triathlon teams and even the National Football League (NFL).

In Unlock Your Glutes program, Brian shares the secrets that he learnt. His programs effectively crack the code of glute training making them grow at a much faster pace.

In-depth program review 

The main manual that comes in Unlock Your Glutes program is divided into 13 chapters. The first three chapters inform you about the benefits of having a strong glute.

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Benefits from Unlock Your Glutes

This step-by-step guide is an excellent workout program that’s based on scientifically proven ‘GM3’ approach. This technique strengthens your glute muscles like no other workout. During my workout sessions, I started feeling the impact of exercises on my back, glutes and upper body.

I build a stronger back

My back was much stronger and in shape. If you are easting your time with wrong exercises to build up back muscles, then this program will help.

Unmatched Glute Development

The highlight of this program is to build glute muscles by reactivating them to overcome the barriers that stop their development. I not only got a firmer and round butt but also build up strength in the upper body, something I never expected.

Are there any cons of Unlock Your Glutes? 

For those who suffer from an injury in keens, hips or back will need to take professional advice before using this program. Also, the entire program is digital so there’s no alternative to use it offline.


I believe that Unlock Your Glutes has finally cracked the code of effectively growing your glutes and help you achieve that dream butt. Paying just $17 for this program that comes with a 60-days money-back guarantee I think there’s no risk for anyone who wants to try it.

Brain Klepacki is an easily identifiable figure on the internet, that brings in the trust factor. His experience and research powers this program that gives positive results. However, people with hips, back of leg clinical problems should consult a doctor before using this program.

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The Smoothie Diet By Drew Sgoutas

The lifestyle these days leave our bodies filled with toxins. It’s no wonder that even after leading an active life most of us feel lethargic and unenergetic.

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The toxin buildup in the body needs to be flushed out.

A smoothie diet plan is the best to rejuvenate the energy levels and achieve easy weight loss. The problem is there are so many smoothie diet plans available that it becomes cumbersome to understand which one will work best for you.

We will review The Smoothie Diet by Drew Sgoutas.

This program first caught my attention when I came across it on the Internet looking for some smoothie recipes. I was amazed to find out how The Smoothie Diet program is entirely opposite to everything I knew about smoothies and their benefits.

Now if you believe that just gulping down smoothies every day is going to help you lose weight then you are going to be disheartened, badly. A sustainable weight loss comes when you introduce changes in your diet and life along with exercising on top of a smoothie diet.

I know it sounds like too much work requiring energy and a plan. That’s exactly what The Smoothie Diet offers. It not only promises you the energy to walk down this new lifestyle path but also imparts all the knowledge that you need to do it right.

What is The Smoothie Diet?

While I agree that most of the smoothie diets that are shared over the Internet are nothing more than just ‘fad diets’ that offer no result, The Smoothie Diet is a scientifically created program that goes against everything other diets do.

This program is not yet another smoothie recipe book but it’s a complete and comprehensive weight loss program that informs you about healthy eating and living. There is an abundance of information included in The Smoothie Diet about healthy lifestyle changes to achieve sustainable weight loss and lead a prosperous life.

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What will you find in this program?

There are seven main modules that divide the entire program for easy understanding. These are:

  1. Main Guide
  2. Smoothie Schedule
  3. Shopping Lists
  4. Recipe Cards
  5. Daily Journal
  6. Healthy Eating Guide
  7. Workout Plan

But if you find that due to some medical condition you cannot follow the smoothie recipes that are included in the program, there are special recipes included for you.

For patients with high sugar levels, there is a Diabetes-Friendly Recipes module to help them control their condition while losing weight. There’s a guide on Gluten-Free Recipes as well as a resource on Smoothies for Kids.

The Smoothie Diet is not a regime about just delicious smoothies, that’s just understatement. The main guide which is the first module of the program walks you through the lifestyle changes and healthy living that lays the foundation for weight loss. Now as we know weight loss is 80% about diet, so there is abundant information about diet changes as well.

No more yucky smoothies? 

Do you think diet smoothies are about slurping blended broccoli all day?

That’s about to change. The Smoothie Diet is a mind-blowing resource with some out of the world delicious smoothie recipes that will make you want to switch to a smoothie diet for good. Then there is a detailed exercising guide that provides a blueprint for workouts depending on your fitness level and experience. You can choose between beginner, intermediate and advanced workouts that have the option to exercise for 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes or 20 minutes.

I am amazed at how effective and easy to adopt The Smoothie Diet lifestyle is. Literally, anyone can achieve weight loss with this program. Whether you are an athlete or a homemaker, you are guaranteed to improve quality of your life by reducing weight and rejuvenating your energy.

The only condition is, you have to follow The Smoothie Diet by the word.

I just picked the program without even thinking because it comes with a 60-days money-back guarantee. If for some reason, the smoothie recipes, optimal nutrition plan or the exercise regime doesn’t work for you, there’s no risk of losing money.

A word about the Creator of The Smoothie Diet

Certified Health Coach and Nutrition Expert, Drew Sgoutas is the creator of The Smoothie Diet program. Based on healthy living experience from work and his passion for nutritional foods, Drew was drawn to create a powerful program that will enable people to lose weight without getting overwhelmed by the hardships of the regime.

Drew reinvented the wheel with The Smoothie Diet when he created a customized smoothie diet that follows a 3-week weight loss schedule. All the smoothies in this program are given in a specific sequence and frequency that maximizes the results. No wonder, Drew created a revolutionary program.

Advantages of The Smoothie Diet 

There is no denying that this program is a breakthrough system that comes with elaborate information about every aspect of the smoothie diet. If you are ready to give The Smoothie Diet a try as I did, you can expect to:

  • Entirely expand your energy levels to maximum
  • Shed the poisonous and toxic waste out of your body
  • Feel significantly good from inside
  • Feel more positive, joyous and progressive instantly
  • Dispose of awful dietary habits
  • Wake up more relaxed and stimulated to start the day
  • Your skin will get brilliantly shiny and supple
  • Your body temperature, energy and every other aspect of your wellbeing will be optimal

Make a choice 

I know that smoothie diets share a bad reputation, but you can’t afford to give The Smoothie Diet a miss.

This is an excellently balanced program based on 80% diet and 20% exercise regime for weight loss. Drew Sgoutas has created a revolutionary system that will put you on a winning path with sustainable weight loss habits. If The Smoothie Diet program is not able to live up to its reputation then you get your money back. Let’s face it, we all have wasted our time, energy and money sweating in gyms and trying supplements that lead to disappointment in the end. Give The Smoothie Diet a try, you won’t regret it.

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Text Your Ex Back By Michael Fiore

Product: Text Your Ex Back

Creator: Michael Fiore

Guarantee: 60 Days Money Back Guarantee

Delivery: Instant Digital Download

Format: PDF File, Videos, Member’s Area

Bonuses: 100 Ready-to-Use Texts, Infidelity Buster, Instant Forgiveness, Facebook Romance Secrets

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In a world where couples separate over petty issues, keeping a relationship strong is like a dream come true for sure. Often situations and circumstances become so complex that couples end up separating from one another. And more often than not, there are many who even regret the decision later on in life. So if you think that getting your ex back is surely worth it, there is a way you can do so. You can easily get the Text Your Ex Back program by Michael Fiore, a known relationship expert who is popular for helping people with practical advice on how to improve their troubled relationships. 

Being an expert in this field, Michael Fiore has a deep understanding of what partners think or go through after their breakup. What they want, how they react to new proposals from the ex and other things are clearly understood by Fiore. Keeping these in mind, he has developed a program that:

  • It helps people to recover from the post-breakup/separation trauma and stabilize their feelings, controlling impulsive behavior if any. 
  • It helps you customize text messages for your ex that you think would be worthy of sending. 
  • Teaches you the best ways to get your confidence and self-esteem back that most people lose because of unexpected separation or divorce. 
  • It provides advice on how to rekindle the passionate romance between the partners. 
  • It helps you to analyze and know the exact reason for the breakup. 
  • It helps you to message your ex so that you come out of your shell and start understanding how happy you can be together. 
  • With some emotional yet powerful messages, it even makes your partner see that you want them back in your life again. 

So, what is Mike’s secret? 

Texting and using powerful words to invoke emotions and get your partner to think about the great times you have shared together. He uses his knowledge of relationships and experience to create strategies that determine:

  • How to break the ice?
  • How to go texting to actual dating? 
  • What went wrong?
  • How to text the ex?

All these strategies are compiled together in the playbook called Text Your Ex Back that even became one of the best selling relationship programs of Fiore all across the world. 

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Pros and cons of the program 


  • The program lets you understand the reason behind your breakup and the problems that existed. 
  • Simple tips and strategies help to break the ice and have those positive memories back so that your partner responds. 
  • There are lots of examples and steps that help you get through each phase quickly and effortlessly. 
  • The system answers all your queries, issues and doubts effortlessly. 
  1. It is a complete texting program that shows you what to text, when and how. 


  • The text examples may not be for every situation. You will have to tailor them a bit as per your needs. 

What is included? 

Text Your Ex Back includes some modules that explain:

Make your Ex feel she owes you

You have to come up with the texts that make your partner feel that she owes you something. You have to forgive yourself and your partner for the mistakes done in the past and move ahead. You have to start afresh. 

Don’t talk about the relationship 

As your old relationship does not go well, consider this to be the last option level for a new start. Talking about the mistakes done in the past will only bring in negative feelings. So stay away from that and revive the good old times. 

Send positive texts 

If you seriously wish to get your ex back, you have to send positive texts. Also at the same time, you don’t have to look too desperate. Just be normal and vocal about your feelings. 

Further, you should know that Text Your Ex Back is not any magic pill that will make your partner run back to you in a day. The program requires some efforts, dedication, commitment and disciple from your end. You have to commit to the program completely and follow all steps that are provided in the program. The system may cause frustration at times but you need to remember that there is a good reason behind it and you don’t have to lose hope. 

In short, the program is perfect for those who feel comfortable following the steps and instructions mentioned by the expert. Well, you should go for this program only if you really, really want your ex back in your life because you miss him because you think there is still some bond between you two and because you are ready to accept and resolve the problems. 

Bonuses you get 

Infidelity Buster- This has an interview with Dr. Janet Hall, who is a psychologist, sex therapist, speaker and author. She tells the reasons which lead to infidelity and also provides a solution to heal faster after a betrayal. 

100 Ready to use Texts- Michael Fiore offers the PDF report that includes 100 text message examples. These templates cover all modules of the system and are made in a way that they fit different scenarios too. You can use them as they are or change them as per your own situation. 

Instant Forgiveness- This is the interview with Dr. Frederic Luskin, the professor at Stanford University. He explains how to leave pain and anger behind and make your partner accept you for who you actually are. He even reveals some main concepts of forgiveness. 

Final thoughtsText Your Ex Back has given a lot of people the chance to mend their relationship and start afresh with an exciting and everlasting relationship. So don’t miss out on getting your ex ba before it gets too late. It is the time to heal, mend and reach out to your ex. 

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Save The Marriage System By Lee Baucom

There are a lot of books, manuals, courses out there on how to save your marriage but Save the Marriage System has really worked for many people. I am sure it will even make an impact on you. The author of the system, Dr. Lee Baucom has vast experience in helping couples. His training in coaching and therapy provide real insights into what is going wrong in your marriage and how you can save it, despite what is happening between you two. So if your marriage is in serious trouble, or you think that it is going towards that direction, I think you should definitely use Save the Marriage System. 

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What is it about and who created it? 

The eBook contains 159 pages which you can print for easy reading. There is even a section where you can take notes while you go through the book, think about what is written and learn. 

The author, Lee Baucom is a therapist who felt really hopeless when he learned that he can’t solve the problems of the clients. And due to this, he did research and found some studies to support his findings. In this program, you will get to know the techniques that you can use in your marriage to save it. 

Save the Marriage system focuses on making couples aware of their actions that may worsen the relationship and how to stay away from them. As you read in the book, you will also learn the different perspectives on marriage. So it helps to identify the biggest problems you are facing and how to solve them. 

What is Save the Marriage System?

Save the Marriage System is the comprehensive bundle of audio and written material that is designed in a way to save any marriage, irrespective of how hopeless it may seem to be. The whole course is created by Lee Baucom, the family and marriage therapist with more than 22 years of experience in this field. 

Just like I wouldn’t trust the nutritionist who is overweight or took too much alcohol, I am also not interested in the advice of an expert who is single. But fortunately, Dr. Baucom has two children and is married. He also believes that effective communication is crucial but it is not the only ingredient to all the relationships. He further believes that when couples look over their issues and try to solve them together, the results are effective and stronger. He even lays emphasis on the importance of family and argues that saving a marriage is also for the sake of the children, if not anything else. 

The course is, in fact, a comprehensive guide of audio and written material that is designed in a way that saves marriages, irrespective of how hopeless a situation may be before the divorce. The point that the author makes is that marriage is not something about two different people. It is a system that brings both the partners together and then controls everything around them. So if you try to change even a small part of the system, the rest of it gets impacted too. 

Save The Marriage System details

As mentioned above, Lee believes that a lower rate of marriage counseling success is due to old techniques and methods people use to heal the marriage ailments. So, his system takes a completely different approach to tackle this. It comes in four modules where module 1 teaches you about what to do and what not to when the partner is not happy in the relationship. Module 2 is a crisis diagnosis that teaches you how to save your marriage. Then the 3rdmodule talks about marriage and its components, teaching the users the actual secrets of a good marriage, what actually affects your marriage and how to build your relationship stronger. In the fourth module, it is like a wrap up that teaches you the step by step ways to rebuild your marriage towards a happy life. 

At the same time, you need to remember that Lee doesn’t promise you 100 percent results and even says that you should never try to fix the marriage if you are in one of these categories:

  • Your partner abuses you emotionally or physically or both 
  • You don’t want to be married any longer 

So if that is you, you should work on your self-confidence and get out of the marriage that is draining you. 

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Now that you know what this system all about is, let’s have a look at the pros and cons. 


  • It is easy to interpret the information shared. Even though Lee is smart and intelligent, he writes in a simple way that it is easy for all to understand. 
  • There are a lot of ideas and suggestions that you can use. If you feel confused, lost or scared at any moment, this guide will provide you a strong foothold to save your marriage. 
  • The book is well detailed and informative and at the same time honest and straightforward. So if you are taking the book, it is certain that you are at a low point in life and need honest help. And this is what this book will give you. 


  • There is a lot of material in the guide but it may be difficult for some to get time to read so much information. 
  • The details contained in the book focuses on married people only. 
  • The book is available as an eBook. Some people would like to have a physical copy of it. 

Final wordsThe reason why Save the Marriage System has got a lot of positive reviews and feedback is because of its high success rate. Though the system may not be the end to the solution to your problem, still, it is a great way to start handling your marriage problems and to avert to the danger of divorce or separation. A great thing about the system is that the partners don’t need to take part in the healing process at all times; one of them can heal the marriage easily. 

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The Lost Ways By Claude Davis

Have you ever wondered what to do if an emergency situation appears all of a sudden?

Have you ever wondered how would you do all the survival tasks without making use of things like electricity, WiFi, regular gadgets at hand? 

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Well, you must know one thing that technology has not been advanced in a way so that it can save you from all the potential threats from natural disasters, especially those which can pose threat to one’s life. Once the critical situation comes in, you cannot expect to have things that you use in regular day life. This is the exact reason why you must learn the practical information and guidelines to equip yourself with the art of surviving to protect your family and yourself. You should learn it in a unique, effective, yet affordable manner. This is exactly what you can learn from Claude Davis’s ebook called Lost Ways. 

Know What Lost Ways Is-

The Lost Ways is a comprehensive ebook created by Claude Davis. The main objective of this ebook is to educate people with the ancient ways of surviving in the face of unexpected situations like natural disaster, war, draught, economic disasters and many other situations. This ebook includes all the tried and tested methods which were used by ancestors when there was no Internet, electricity, and other modern amenities. According to the author of this ebook Claude Davis, the world has become too much dependent on the modern gadgets even to do the simple things. As a obvious course of action people have stopped using their brains to manage the basic struggles. This ebook comes with the extensive collection of strategies to hone your innate skills and brace yourself in a best way to face the critical events. 

Time To Know About The Author: Claude Davis

Claude Davis, the author of the Lost Ways, is a seasoned writer and a survival expert. Having the experience of more than three decades , he is well equipped with all the effective tips, tactics and practical information to plan ahead for the sudden disasters and protecting your family in the process. David is also an owner of a very popular survival website which is highly favored by a lot of avid travelers and explorers. David mentioned his highly concern about the way modern generation is leading their lives and how it got drifted away from its instinct and mother nature. He has explained how to connect with the ways of our forefathers and sharpen the brains to improvise the dormant skill of survival. 

Know How This Program Works: 

The Lost Ways is one of the most comprehensive, affordable and easy to understand programs out there. The basic objective of this program is to make you prepare for handling any kind of adverse and emergency situation like war, famine, economic breakdown, or natural disorders. Additionally you will also learn how to plant seeds in the right type of soil, grow and harvest them. It also tells you about the right way of storing the trees for the future use. 

When it comes to considering the perspective, lifestyle and expectation, there are huge differences between modern men and ancient men. The author has explained that how ancient men were more dependant on DIY works unlike the modern men. 

The modern generation has dulled their brains in using all the modern facilities due advancement of modern technologies and science. So, it’s very obvious that they mainly rely on their smartphones and smart gadgets to do all the simple but life-saving tasks. With the ebook called the Lost Ways, the author attempts to inculcate this particular thought process into the mind of the modern people and make it more like that of our ancestors. By providing practical and secrete survival strategies, Davis wants to help people to become more self-sufficient and, in tune with the nature. 

The author laid down a highly comprehensive ebook which comes with a far ranging benefits. This ebook will also teach you about preparing deliciou foods without using basic tools and cooking materials. This program will make you practically resistant to all the natural and man-made disasters. With the strategies and tips mentioned in the Lost Ways you will be able to protect your family and, even rebuild your community during the adverse time. In this ebook,  you will be able to familiarize yourself with the ancient tricks used by our grandparents and great-grandparents. You will also learn basic and advance survival skills to fight against the unprecedented events, both the indoor and outdoor ones. 

Things That You Will Come To Know From The Lost Ways: 

Food Recipes : 

In this ebook you will find highly nutritious but easy to make cook recipes that were used by Native American Scouts without using any kind of modern cooking equipment that are available these days. The best art of using such recipes is that you can stay away from the expense of buying pricey cooking materials. 

Effective Tips To Make Traps: 

Another great advantage of buying this ebook is that it teaches you about setting up traps which can provide you a steady flow of foods in adverse situations like drought and different other types of crisis. It also teaches you about keeping different types of traps to hold animals which can fulfil your appetite while you are camping outdoor. 

Tips On Housing: 

The author has also provided effective tips on building underground, weather proof housing. Each of these houses are large enough to accommodate up to four families. 

Water Storage Strategies: 

In this guide, David has explained how ancient people used to collect and store water in an efficient manner.No wonder water is an utmost necessary commodity, so the scarcity of water can pose a major threat at the time of emergency situation. 

Finally, the author also explained how to save yourself when you are running out of bullets. This strategy could be a highly useful one when you are venturing out alone in an unknown terrain. 

What Can You Learn From The Lost Ways?

 The Lost Ways is a comprehensive ebook with the in-depth knowledge and useful tips on both the simple and complex survival strategies. For example, you will learn the ancient way of making delicious bread crusts, just like our prehistoric ancestors when there was no fuel or modern kitchen facilities. 

You will learn about making Native American built storm-proof underground shelter-house where you can keep your family protected from any kind of natural disorder. 

You will learn about building up set ups where you can stock your water and foods all throughout the year. 

By learning all the useful survival tactics used by our ancestors, you will be covered for all sorts of events. You will never have to shell out money for purchasing pricey cooking equipment. 

Another excellent lesson given by Davis in this ebook is that you will learn about keeping your kids healthy and safe during the conditions like draught and recession. 

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The Lost Ways Bonuses:

Bonuses # 1 -A Step-by-Step Guide to Building Your Own Can Rotation System.

Bonuses# 2 – What Every Survivalist Should Grow in His Backyard.


This ebook covers all the real time, life-saving tips that you keep you and your family safe from all the unforseen catastrophes. Each of the strategies mentioned in this ebook is highly useful and applicable for day to day life. 

This ebook also tells you about using basic, raw materials and ingredients that are extremely useful and can be availed easily. 

By following the smart strategies outlined in this ebook, you will be able to save money on essential things like food, money, medication, etc. 

Each strategy mentioned in this ebook is highly effective, logical and tried and tested ideas. 

One of the great things about this ebook is that it comes with a 60-days of money back guarantee so, you can send this ebook anytime within this time frame for a full refund. 

It is available in both digital and physical format. 


The only cons of this survival program is that it is not designed to render immediate results. 


The Lost Ways, designed by Claude Davis is an excellent guide for all those who want to protect their families and loved ones from all kinds of natural and anthropological disasters. It equips you to prepare yourself in the face of worst situations with the most basic type of resources and lead life in an intuitive manner, just like our forefathers did.

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Custom Keto Diet By Rachel Roberts

If you have ever tried to lose weight, you will know how frustrating it can sometimes be especially if you do not know how or if what you have tried in the past did not work. Keto is a diet similar to Paleo which is a food based diet that people have used to lose a lot of weight in a short period of time, given the amazing benefits of losing weight in areas of health and wellness, Keto can really make a huge difference in your life. Custom Keto Diet is a product that will help you with your first 8 weeks doing keto which is critical and which is a period you can keep repeating to get great results, a lot of things have been said about this diet by here is a look at what to expect from it.  

Click Here Now To Get Custom Keto Diet By Rachel Roberts 

Some things to know about this product 

  • It asks you specific questions about yourself such as what you like to, your weight, height and your target weight to come up with your customized food plan. The questions are very straightforward and only take a couple of minutes to go through the whole thing. It tend uses each question to come up with what you need, for instance your weight and height help to determine how many calories you need to get to your eventual desired weight.  
  • You get an eight weeks meal plan based on the experience and expertise of industry leaders. 
  • Delicious meals based on what you like, it is entirely possible that you do not have to eat anything you do not want to eat. Everything can be customized to focus on foods that meet the keto requirement that you normally like but eat things that do not meet the requirement. 
  • A downloadable grocery list that you can use to do your weekly shopping for the next 7 days. This will save you a lot of time at the grocery store by showing you exactly what you need to get.  
  • And more 

The good thing about this product 

  • You can get it immediately after you pay for it which is great for a lot of reasons, for instance you can do everything online and start buying what you need to buy right away from the comfort of your home.
  • This product allows you to buy food from places like Subway, Popeyes and Mcdonalds while still being able to Keto making it very friendly for people who do not want to cook or have to go to the grocery store and still lose weight. 
  • You can use this product with intermittent fasting which is another very popular diet that millions of people have been using. Intermittent fasting is very attractive to a lot of people as it is dieting in its most basic form where you try to reduce what you eat as eating is what makes you gain weight. If you are going to do this diet by using fast food places, intermittent fasting allows you to potentially reduce the cost of the things you will be buying.  
  • You get easy recipes for preparing the meals, this is useful if you do not want to learn something too hard or if you do not normally cook. 
  • You do not have to exercise while doing the keto diet which includes while following this meal plan, this is great as exercise tends to be very hard on your body especially if you have work and family commitments. Exercise also has to be done a lot and regularly for the benefits to be felt and cannot reasonably match the kind of quick results people get from doing keto which includes the results you can get from doing a program like this.  

The not so good thing about this product 

  • It is an online product customized to your specific inputs so it might be hard to adapt it for use by your friends or family, but if you are not able to do this, there are always other ways to do this such as buying another keto book, talking to someone who has done keto or reading about keto online. 

Click Here Now To Get Custom Keto Diet By Rachel Roberts 

Author: Rachel Roberts – She isn’t someone that is well known but this product is supposed to have been supported by authors who incredibly know what they are doing  

Price: It is a custom meal plan that asks you a bunch of question in order to determine what is right for you so go through it and then once you sign up, you discover what you have to pay.  

Refund policy: It comes with a full money back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the product. The money back guarantee is through the retailer Clickbank but they are also obligated to offer it by the credit card companies but the ease of obtaining the refund and hoops to get it is a lot better and easier here.     

Rating: 10/10- Due to the potential benefits of this product as well as some of the benefits that have been listed here, for me having a plan that you can customize to your needs when combined with the fact that keto allows you eat basically anything you want to eat is greatly helpful when trying to do something like this. 

Review notes: Keto is a very powerful diet that can really impact your weight loss so if you are someone looking to do this and you aren’t sure what to do or you can readily afford to buy this product, then I would definitely give this a try. Losing weight is one thing even the average person has been able to do with Keto without having to pay for expensive memberships, pills or exercise programs so anything helps and this is a great price for the great value you are getting. 

Click Here Now To Get Custom Keto Diet By Rachel Roberts 

Thanks for reading 

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