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Cambridge Analytica – the disbanded data analytics company that allegedly used its software to create and disseminate hateful and inciting messages – in relation to Trump and Brexit, the company also played a nefarious role disseminating fake news in Africa.  In Nigeria, it tried to influence the 2015 election

This article is almost two years old.

Misinformation is rife, but it’s nothing new, writes Nanjala Nyabola.

Photo from the relaunch issue of New Internationalist

This article is almost two years old.

It's finally here. Issue 515, the relaunch magazine, has officially landed!

The front cover of New Internationalist’s redesigned September magazine

This article is almost two years old.

The making of #NI515: why we went for Tim Hetherington’s portrait from Liberia as the relaunch cover for the redesigned...

Sanie Gashi Mehmeti, a religious guide and teacher, during one of her classes in Lipjan. Photos: Arianna Pagani

Most European countries refuse to repatriate the thousands of former ISIS foreign fighters and their families now held in...

Leasing a flying ICU to go between Belém and Brasília costs over $6,794 – or 63 months’ wages of a person within the poor 50 per cent.

In Brazil, the rich, who infected the poor, are now buying ICU flights for themselves.

Husna Rizvi makes a vital suggestion.

Women in Qamishlo, the de-facto capital of Rojava, protest against a Turkish-Russian deal that threatens them and the gains of their revolution. Delil Souleiman/AFP/Getty

Turkey is bent on extinguishing a beacon of women’s liberation in northern Syria. But the women of Rojava are not giving up...

Get out! Young Kurds confront a Turkish military vehicle on patrol in northern Syria after Turkey's invasion. Delil Souleiman/AFP/Getty

Under the cover of Covid-19, Turkey is hammering the Kurds. Again. Should the world care? Vanessa Baird...

While the world’s attention is on the Covid-19 pandemic, Turkey is ramping up its war against the Kurds – in Syria, in Iraq...

The government’s decision to scrap the Department for International Development will set back efforts to fix global...

Credit: Nuno Cassola

As employment dwindles and mass evictions loom, Keira Dignan and Frans Jansson speak to...

Forced from home by US airstrikes in the Lower Shabelle region, this girl tries to rest at a camp for internally displaced persons near Mogadishu, Somalia, March 2020.

This Covid-19 crisis is not the ultimate leveller. Just like the financial crash of 2008, it is producing winners and losers...

Dr Asamte Fidel is one of the local Sierra Leonean doctors working at Connaught Hospital. The hospital was on the frontline of the Ebola epidemic when it hit in Freetown, Sierra Leone. Credit: Simon Davis/DFiD

Four years ago, New Internationalist travelled to West Africa to hear the stories of communities in recovery from the deadly...

Veronique Mistiaen speaks to an Iranian human rights activist currently in hiding.

Stephanie Boyd on the making of a groundbreaking indigenous film about the pandemic in Peru’s Amazon.


Community journalists from the northeast of England on the impact of air pollution on their lives.


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