HBR Press

The biggest ideas in business. We are the premiere business book publisher, with brand recognition around the globe. Our expert editors and marketers shape and amplify ideas to appeal to the broadest audience without sacrificing the underlying depth and rigor that separate HBR Press books from the rest. Our books have lasting impact.

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We don't just publish books. We launch ideas.

We don't just publish books. We launch ideas.

As a part of a world-class media company, HBR Press creates and executes a tailored, high-impact publishing plan for every book. Our global reach ensures that the ideas we publish are part of the most important conversations taking place in business.

Each book is the product of a deep partnership between publisher and author that leverages HBR’s unique capabilities: book, magazine and digital articles, podcasts, videos, audiobooks and eBooks, tools, and events.

Publishing for impact: Our unique multi-platform approach

Authors who publish with HBR Press have access to a unique mix of content platforms including the print magazine, articles on HBR.org, podcasts, audio books, and more. In addition, we are able to promote books across a range of HBR channels including social media, enewsletters, events, and more. These are all ways we get an author’s book to HBR’s global audience of business leaders and professionals.
  • Digital article
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Our global footprint

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  • 7 million unique visitors

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  • 46 languages

    have translated our books

  • 300,000 subscribers

    to HBR magazine

What our authors say

“The publicity department, both in the US and abroad, was unparallelled in getting the book into the right hands, which allowed me to influence policymakers at the highest level. Any author would be lucky to work with HBR’s team.”

Joan C. Williams, author of White Working Class: Overcoming Class Cluelessness in America

“I’ve published books with many great publishers, but HBR Press is in a league of its own when it comes to promoting its authors and reaching the widest and most relevant audience. What you will experience...is an incredibly talented team that looks after each author like a true asset.”

Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic, author of Why Do So Many Incompetent Men Become Leaders?

“HBR Press is the gold standard in book publishing. From my New York Times bestseller Reverse Innovation to my latest book The Three-Box Solution—the time and attention given to me by my editor was undoubtedly the key to each book’s success. Publishing with HBR is a true partnership.”

Vijay Govindarajan, Coxe Distinguished Professor at Tuck at Dartmouth College and Former Marvin Bower Fellow at Harvard Business School

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