build websites in New York with people and org­aniz­ations doing non-profit work related to environ­mental social just­ice story­telling journal­ism educa­tionpublic  scholar­shiparchivesand history
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Climates of Inequality

w/ Humanities Action Lab & MTWTF

Climates of Inequality is a participatory public memory initiative to showcase actions and solutions of communities at the frontline of the harms of human-caused climate change. Students, educators, community members, and activists from nearly two dozen North American cities collaborated to tell their stories of environmental oppression, their efforts of resistance, and their future visions for justice.

The website showcases all of these stories in various media including photography, archival material, 360 video, oral histories, interactive maps, and student projects and essays. All of the material of the site is also included in a traveling exhibition on its way to visit each city the project collaborated with.

Four Corners Project

w/ Fred Ritchin & Perri Hofmann

The Four Corners Project allows photographers, editors, and publishers to embed specific contextualizing information into a photo published on the web. This increased contextualization strengthens both the authorship of the photographer and the credibility of the image by giving viewers access to information about the photographer, their code of ethics, the backstory of what is captured in the image, related images and videos, and external links relevant to the image and its story.

Four Corners images can be generated with a tool on the project’s website and embedded across the web. These interactive embeddable images can be published as standalone photos or in a collection on a photographer’s website, embedded within a journalistic story, or anywhere else images can be published online. Wherever the image exists, it insists to viewers that there is always more context to be understood beyond the image itself and a brief caption.

The team behind Four Corners is currently exploring creative and critical usages of the project to empower the authorship of image-makers and the trust of their audience. You can view examples of Four Corners images in our gallery.

Seventy Years of Suffocation

w/ Tanya HabjouqaZiv Schneider & Amnesty International

What began with more than 700,000 Palestinians being forcibly displaced from their land through the creation of Israel and beginning of the violent occupation of Palestine in 1948 has turned into an even more devastating crisis as millions of Palestinian refugees continue to be denied their right to return home seventy years later.

Seventy Years of Suffocation is one of the many attempts to share with the world the lived experiences of Palestinians living under the myriad inhumane conditions caused by their displacement. These conditions are further worsened by the occupying Israeli government and their defense forces’ continued oppression and ceaseless violence inflicted on Palestinians as more land, lives and futures are stolen. Somehow despite this, the children, mothers and fathers featured in the project show glimpses of the familial love and enduring resiliency that sustains the survival of the people and culture of Palestine, and their undying belief they will one day return home.

The site contains Tanya Habjouqa’s photographs, videos and interviews she created for the purpose of this project. Additionally, the end of each chapter contains archival, press, and citizen media to add depth and context. Ziv Schneider designed the editorial interface which I helped developed into an interactive platform for Amnesty International who initiated the project and whose staff conducted all necessary research. The site is offered in English and Arabic.

Related resources

Mapping the Yale Grammatical Diversity Project

w/ Jack Design & the Yale Grammatical Diversity Project

To assist in the publishing of research conducted by a team of linguists at Yale University, I developed a tool to plot their survey results on an interactive and filterable map to be embedded throughout their site. The Grammatical Diversity Project attempts to understand the nuanced differences in grammar syntax across the country by conducting and analyzing large-scale surveys. The data shown on the maps is anonymously collected survey results showing participants’ acceptability judgments of various linguistic “phenomena.” In short, the survey takers rate odd sentences on how much sense, or lack thereof, it makes to them. Are you done your homework?

The maps can be seen embedded with context throughout the site or viewed directly.

The View from Ginling

w/ Gale Kenny, Athena Abadilla, Kristen Akey, Sarah Ambrose, Sarah Barlow-Ochshorn, Sarah Broniscer, Juliana Clark, Jessica Cruz, Elayna Gleaton, Nina Havivi, Ariella Napoli, Alice Noah, Willa Smith, Helyn Steppa & Angela Xia

This digital humanities project was created in collaboration with professor Gale Kenny at Barnard College and the students of her Spring 2018 course titled Religion in the Archives. Students learned to conduct archival research at the Burke Library at Union Theological Seminary's with assistance from archivist at Union and Barnard. The course was focused around the papers of Matilda Calder Thurston, an American missionary and founder of Ginling College, the first women’s undergraduate college in China.

The students were divided into three groups with each taking on a major theme found within the material, and through further poring over the archives, developed research arguments. The shared goal of their research effort was to decolonize the archives by analyzing the intent for the collection’s original creation, which was to exemplify past (and support future) missionary work by western Christians on foreign lands. Their engagement with the collection aimed to recontextualize its content, make aware the missing voices and historical gaps it suffers from, and use the collected information in ways beyond its original purpose for compilation.

As the visiting teaching assistant and technologist, I worked with the students to lay the foundation for talks around the digital humanities and determine which tools could strengthen their arguments and properly display their findings. Throughout this collaborative teaching experiment, I developed the website, The View from Ginling, on Omeka which allowed students to properly catalog their selected documents from the collection (and material gleaned from outside institutions) using Dublin Core metadata standards and proper methods of digitization with assistance from Barnard Library & Academic Information Services (BLAIS) and their Instructional Media and Technology Services (IMATS). The site was built to be easily expanded on by students of future iterations of this course.

Brooklyn Public Library: NOW → NEXT

w/ Brooklyn Public Library & MTWTF

In 2018 the Brooklyn Public Library released their new Strategic Plan to outline the expansion of services and implementation of new initiatives across their sixty branches located around the borough of Brooklyn in New York City. The Plan touches on increased availability of freely accessible technology and classes for library patrons, innovation grants for staff members, prioritization of staff engagement with community groups within their branch's immediate neighborhood, an increase in branch-specific service that better targets the needs of local users of the branch, and much, much more.

The micro-site was built to be integrated within BPL’s expansive website alongside information on all of their services, catalog system, events calendar, etc. It’s the public-facing digital companion piece to a printed book (with identical content) designed by MTWTF which was distributed internally amongst staff members of the library system to inform them on what new possibilities they have to catalyze the effectiveness of their branches’ role as a valuable community resource.

The Revealer

w/ NYU The Center for Religion & Media

The Revealer is an online magazine that "reflects upon religion as a key point of intersection between beliefs, practices, politics, representation, economics, and identity, where the important forces that shape individuals, societies, and their relationship to each other, play out." The magazine is published by The Center for Religion & Media at NYU, a collaborative center of NYU's Religious Studies Department and their Center for Media, Culture, and History and is edited by Kali Handelman.

As a monthly publication, The Revealer has amassed nearly 4,000 articles since its founding in 2003. The website is built to allow readers multiple access points to discover the myriad ideas and text throughout its expansive archive.

Reading Zimbabwe

w/ Black Chalk & Co. (Nontsikelelo Mutiti & Tinashe Mushakavanhu)

A growing catalog of over 1000 books written and published about Zimbabwe over the past seven decades, spanning across five continents. The editorialization of this repository aims to problematize the production and dissemination of knowledge created about Zimbabwe, showing the unbalanced power that Western scholars have over a history and cultural identity far removed from themselves. Through a critical lens of the country’s colonial past and authoritarian present, Reading Zimbabwe investigates who writes the country’s history, and who has the access to learn it.

The website is optimized for mobile users in Zimbabwe and was designed with visual inspiration from Great Zimbabwe and the Khami Ruins.

Mapping the Spirit

w/ Kameelah Janan Rasheed

An ongoing archival storytelling project that elaborates on the religious and spiritual articulations of people of African descent in North America. The interactive platform uses photography, video, audio, and text to tell stories and adds depth beyond the reductive “Black Church” narrative.

As an artist, archivist and photographer, my partner Kameelah Janan Rasheed is creating in-depth multi-media stories of an array of religious groups, beginning with the Moorish Science Temple of America. Her research and documentation focuses on individual collaborators’ personal spirituality and practices in juncture with the history and doctrine of their respective religious groups. This continuing project fits humbly within a larger effort to elaborate the narrative of religious practices of Americans within the African diaspora.

International Studio & Curatorial Program

w/ Other Means

The program hosts and supports artists and curators from around the world in their 35 studio building in Brooklyn. The website holds current and archival content on every resident, event and exhibition hosted by ISCP since 1994 and acts as a portal for prospective residents to apply.

Af·fixing Ceremony: Four Movements for Essex

w/ Tiona McLodden

This piece by artist Tiona McLodden reanimates the presence and art of Essex Hemphill in cyberspace by featuring a collection of his written and performed works, along with stories and praises from his contemporaries. Essex was a prolific poet and activist, and was one of the many gay black men who were disproportionally affected by AIDS during the 1980s epidemic in America. He passed away due to complications relating to the virus 20 years prior to the creation of this piece.

The work was created for the The Institute of Contemporary Art, Philadelphia which, in observance of World AIDS Day and Visual AIDS' Day Without Art, made visitors of their website experience the web-based art piece before continuing to the museum's homepage.

Read Tiona's thoughts on the project.

urchase College Graphic Design Dept.

w/ Alex ApostolidesBrandon SheftonDani LeggardKrystalina TomNick Di ChiaraShannen CraftDanny Fabricant & Emily Green

While attending Purchase College, I collaborated with friends in the Graphic Design, New Media, & Arts Management departments to build a website for the school's Graphic Design BFA Program. I developed the website on a custom built content management system that is (partially) open to the public as an alternative view of the site and its content.