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The Economist today

News analysis

Najib Razak is convicted on seven charges in the 1MDB scandal

The court has sentenced him to 12 years’ imprisonment


Malaysia’s government cobbles together a parliamentary majority

Middle East & Africa

Saudi Arabia has put strict limits on this year’s haj

The kingdom wants to avoid turning the pilgrimage into a “super-spreader event”


Battered but still standing: how the NHS coped with covid-19

For three months, 1843 followed doctors, nurses and paramedics in London as they fought the most devastating pandemic for a century. This is their story


Why governments are paying people to go on holiday

Is this the best way for taxpayers to prop up tourist hotspots?

From our columnists
Daily chart

The pandemic is widening educational inequality

For many low-income students, online courses are a poor substitute for in-person learning

Books & arts

“Catch-22” and the caprices of bureaucracy

Joseph Heller’s comic war novel resonates anew during the pandemic

The Economist’s coverage of the coronavirus

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In context: Space exploration

Special report: The Midwest

A region with outsized punch

America’s Midwest matters out of proportion to its size, says Adam Roberts

The urban prairie

For the region to prosper, its bigger cities must flourish

Separate, downtrodden

The region has particular problems with segregation and policing

America’s Mittelstand

Advanced manufacturing can thrive, as Grand Rapids shows

From rustbelt to brainbelt

How higher education can drive prosperity

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