Portland’s ‘Wall of Moms’: A Nonviolent Resistance Campaign with Historical Precedent

In response to the Trump administration’s unprovoked and illegal assault on peaceful demonstrators, many of whom are young individuals, Portland-area mothers decided to form the “Wall of Moms” (WOM). Organized by Bev Barnum, a Mexican-American woman, and dressed in yellow shirts and protective gear, the moms began putting their bodies on the line to safeguard protesters against aggressive law enforcement. They have been singing, dancing, locking arms, bringing flowers, and holding signs, one of which read “Moms getting into good trouble,” paying tribute to recently deceased civil rights icon Rep. John Lewis. More

Disability is Shaping the 2020 Presidential Race—But Not in the Way That It Should

If you take Donald Trump’s word for it, he’s “all there,” while his presumed Democratic opponent, Joe Biden, may not be. According to Trump, doctors at Walter Reed Medical Center found the president’s performance on a recent cognitive exam “unbelievable,” given the extent to which Trump “aced the test.” Trump told Sean Hannity on Fox News that the test refutes claims from “the radical left” concerning the president’s diminished mental state. “I proved I was all there,” he exclaimed, while also insisting that Biden “should take the same exact test, a very standard test.” More

A City Too Far

President Donald Trump’s law and order gambit against Democrat-led cities and states that is intended to swing votes his way Nov. 3 could use more law and less disorder. It’s not enough that the Republican leader has divided the country racially and ethnically but now has encroached on civil, state and even constitutional rights by sending federal law enforcement officers to Portland, Oregon, in his quest for another four-year term, now endangered by poor showings in polls against his presumptive opponent, Joe Biden. More

Exclusively in the New Print Issue of CounterPunch



Jeffrey St. Clair on the police state in Black America; Laura Carlsen on How COVID-19 is Advancing Trump’s White Supremacy Agenda; TJ Coles on How Big Pharma Has Exploited the Crisis; Dan Glazebrook on the Malthusian Responses to the Pandemic; Stan Cox on the Contradictions of the Green New Deal; Jennifer Matsui on the Coming Medical Surveillance State; Daniel Raventos and Julie Wark on the Camps of Lesbos; Maximilian Werner on the West’s War on Predators; Chris Floyd on Dylan’s Stunning Reemergence; Pete Dolack on the New Misery Index; Lee Ballinger on the Criminalization of Rap Music; John Davis on the Disruptive Force of COVID-19; and John LaForge on What Juries Aren’t Permitted to Hear About Nuclear Weapons.


This Week on CounterPunch Radio

    • HOST: Eric Draitser
    • GUEST: Grace Blakeley
    • TOPICS: It’s socialism or barbarism, the choice is ours.

