
Read The New Yorker’s complete coverage of the coronavirus pandemic and Black Lives Matter protests.

Dept. of Law Enforcement
Image may contain: Human, Person, Helmet, Clothing, Apparel, Shoe, Footwear, Military Uniform, Military, Police, and Officer

How Police Unions Fight Reform

New York City’s P.B.A., like others, has spent decades amassing influence and foiling oversight. Now it faces unprecedented demands for change.

A Reporter at Large

The Cold War Bunker That Became Home to a Dark-Web Empire

An eccentric Dutchman began living in a giant underground facility built by the German military—and ran a server farm beloved by cybercriminals.

Image may contain: Human, Person, Military, People, and Military Uniform

Protest Delivered the Nineteenth Amendment

The amendment, ratified a century ago, is often described as having “given” women the right to vote. It wasn’t a gift; it was a hard-won victory achieved after more than seventy years of suffragist agitation.

Dame Olivia de Havilland, 101, in Paris, Feb. 17, 2018.

Olivia de Havilland, the Last Lioness of the Hollywood Studio System

The actress, who died on Sunday, at a hundred and four, spent a lifetime crusading for what she felt she deserved.


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Our Columnists
Federal agents standing across from protesters, one of which has their arms in the air

D.H.S. Was Destined to Become a Secret Police Force

This is a government agency built on fear and intended to engender fear.

Cover Story

Grace Lynne Haynes’s “Sojourner Truth, Founding Mother”

The artist discusses her début cover for the magazine, a portrait of the nineteenth-century women’s-rights activist.

This Week in Fiction
Bryan Washington

Bryan Washington on “Lowercase Love Stories”

The author discusses “Heirlooms,” his story from this week’s issue of the magazine.

Letter from the U.K.
A flock of swifts flying in the sky during sunset

Swifts and the Fantasy of Escape

During the coronavirus pandemic, birds are doing the travel that we can’t.

Wyoming Postcard

Who Is Kanye’s Running Mate?

Residents of Cody, Wyoming—where Kanye West has a ranch—compare notes on Michelle Tidball, the local mystic who works in a dentist’s office and says she can communicate with God.

Eustace with a crossword puzzle

A Challenging Puzzle

First Book of the Month Club pick written by a Black American: nine letters.

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The Latest

Emily Oster on Whether and How to Reopen Schools

A closed playground.

An economist at Brown University and co-author of the Web site COVID Explained discusses the seemingly impossible trade-offs required by in-person classes.

July 27, 2020

Shit My Students Say: Flesh Tone

Student artist painting in 2000.

“Hey, could you help me? I can’t get this flesh tone right.”

July 27, 2020

Rand Paul Thanks Tom Cotton for Replacing Him as Most Hated Person in Senate

Tom Cotton arrives in the Capitol.

According to Senate insiders, Cotton beat out a daunting field of competitors.

July 27, 2020

Daily Cartoon: Monday, July 27th

“That cloud kind of looks like a face—and it’s not wearing a mask, the selfish bastard!”

July 27, 2020

Space Cats in Space

Exterior shot of a spacecraft in space.

“The time we’ve spent together on this mission has been eye-opening.”

July 26, 2020
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From This Week’s Issue
Tables for Two
Food on striped tablecloth.

The Picnic Baskets of the Pandemic

Bubby’s craggy fried chicken, Café Kitsuné’s frilly ham and Gruyère on baguettes, Otaku Katsu’s sando set, and more blanket-ready fare.

A Critic at Large

Joseph McCarthy and the Force of Political Falsehoods

McCarthy never sent a single “subversive” to jail, but, decades later, the spirit of his conspiracy-mongering endures.

Bridge and Tunnel Dept.
Image may contain: Art, Sculpture, and Statue

A Floating MAGA Rally Washes Up in New York Harbor

When a Trump flotilla (or “Trumptilla”) swarmed into town, its organizers hoped it would “make liberals cry.” The more immediate effect was to freak out the Coast Guard.

Image may contain: Human, Person, Nature, and Outdoors


“So, Mitsuko says, how long have you been sleeping with my son? Or is it casual? Not really, I say.”


A Couple Faces the Questions Posed by Male Infertility

As a couple grappling with infertility considers adoption and sperm donation, they grieve their loss and reconsider the meaning of family and legacy.

Daily Cartoon


Who Gets to Be Italian?

A baby reaching out for an Italian passport on a mobile

The children of Black immigrants in Italy are dispossessed by a country that doesn’t offer birthright citizenship. Plus, an economist on whether—and how—to reopen schools.

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