Tens of thousands of protesters demonstrated in Tel Aviv against the "Nation-State Law" in August 2018. The placard held aloft in the foreground reads in Hebrew: "The Nation-State Law – Formal Apartheid”; in Arabic it reads: "Down with the Nation-State Law."

Joint List & Meretz Fail in 3 Bids to Topple Racist “Nation-State Law”

A coordinated effort of MKs from the Joint List and Meretz to repeal the racist “Nation-State Law” by bringing three separate bills to a Knesset vote was defeated in Israel’s parliament on Wednesday, July 15. Following its passage two years ago by the previous far-right government’s coalition as a quasi-constitutional Basic Law, the legislation was heavily…

Anti-Netanyahu demonstrators near the Prime Minister's Official Residence on Balfour Street in west Jerusalem, July 14, 2020

50 Arrested during Anti-Netanyahu Protest in Heart of West Jerusalem

Thousands of demonstrators gathered outside of the official residence of Israel’s prime minister’s on Balfour Street in Jerusalem on Bastille Day, Tuesday, July 14, to protest the continued premiership of Benjamin Netanyahu. What began as a small and peaceful protest turned into a mass demonstration, as more and more people spontaneously joined the gathering which continued…

Social workers block traffic at the Mahanaim Junction in the Upper Galilee on Monday morning, July 13.

Social Workers’ Strike Enters Its Second Week amidst Daily Protests

The nationwide strike of Israel’s social workers entered its second week on Monday, July 13, a day after Shaul Meridor, Director of Budgets within the Finance Ministry, announced that the social workers’ demands to improve their working conditions are “irrelevant.” Meridor is a scion of a privileged right-wing, revisionist Zionism family, politically prominent from before the…

Masses Protest in Tel Aviv against Gov’t’s Neoliberal Economic Policy

Many thousands of demonstrators, estimates range between 10-30,000, descended on Rabin Square in Tel Aviv on Saturday evening, July 11, to noisily protest the Israeli far-right government’s ineffectual handling of the economic crisis caused by the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, in particular the inadequate financial aid being offered to the unemployed, small business owners and independent professionals.…

Members of Hadash and the Communist Party of Israel demonstrate against the annexation and occupation of the Palestinian territories outside the Knesset, May 14, 2020. First from right is MK Ofer Cassif, whose Hadash sign reads "Opposing the Occupation."

Next Wed., July 15: Int’l Webinar on Annexation with MK Ofer Cassif

Liberation, one of the oldest human rights and anti-imperialist organizations in the UK has joined the campaign for Britain to oppose Israel’s pending annexation of large swathes of the occupied Palestinian West Bank, including the Jordan Valley. The Liberation‘s journal will be holding a Webinar under the title “Palestine: Uphold UN Resolutions, Oppose Annexation,” next Wednesday,…