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The Kurds: Betrayed again

While the world’s attention is on the Covid-19 pandemic, Turkey is ramping up its war against the Kurds – in Syria, in Iraq and in Turkey itself. Will the West, once again, wring its hands and do nothing to help the friends who led the fight against Islamic State?


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Included in this issue

The radical book review

Jo Lateu, Peter Whittaker, Vanessa Baird review Solved by Andrew Wear; Artemisia by Anna Banti; Becoming Kim Jong-Un by Jung H...
Claude TRUONG-NGOC/CC license (https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Remise_du_Prix_Sakharov_%C3%A0_Aung_San_Suu_Kyi_Strasbourg_22_octobre_2013-04.jpg)

Hall of infamy: Aung San Suu Kyi

Aung San Suu Kyi’s spectacular fall from human rights icon to genocide denier.
De-formation: Piano Variations

Mixed media: music

Louise Gray and Malcolm Lewis weigh up the latest in alternative music releases.
The Uncertain Kingdom

The radical film review

The Uncertain Kingdom by Various; The Australian Dream directed by Daniel Gordon; Classics: The Happy Family co-written and...
Photo: Samir Bol

‘I’ll paint all the ways South Sudan has suffered’

South Sudan’s James Aguer Garang talks to Jan-Peter Westad about art, trauma and healing.

The interview: Sarojini Nadimpally

Fresh from organizing deliveries of PPE to frontline workers, social scientist Sarojini Nadimpally speaks to Amy Hall about...
Syrian Kurds seek refuge in Turkey, after fleeing Islamic State  ​which for months laid siege to their hometown Kobani in 2014. Gail Orenstein/Zuma/Alamy

100 years of hope, struggle and betrayal

The Kurdish quest for freedom and independence has been long, dramatic and complicated. Here’s a potted history of the past...
Poverty is not unusual in the oil-rich semi-autonomous region.  ​This woman begs in Erbil. Ton Koene/Alamy

A shot at statehood

Lorraine Mallinder gets inside the proto-petrostate of Iraqi Kurdistan.
Illustration by Emma Peer

In an uncertain global future, is it ethical to have children?

Ethical and political dilemmas abound these days. Seems like we’re all in need of a New Internationalist perspective. Enter...
Locals are still not allowed back to their neighbourhood in Sur, ravaged by the Turkish army and PKK militants in 2015, then flattened by bulldozers. Sertac Kayar/Reuters

Dreaming of Sur

Five years after bombarding the historic neighbourhood of Sur, the Turkish state still wants to keep Kurdish residents out. But...
Illustration by Emma Peer

Introducing...Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus

Richard Swift on the ambiguous figure managing the WHO’s pandemic response. 
Illustration by Sarah John

Ways of belonging

Having travelled to the land of her birth as the coronavirus pandemic began to gather pace, Yewande Omotoso feels the tug of...

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