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The fight for clean air

If humans have nothing else in common, it’s that we all need to breathe. But, over 90 per cent of us have to live with polluted air. This edition of New Internationalist takes up the fight for clean air.


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Included in this issue

The radical book review

Jo Lateu, Peter Whittaker and Vanessa Baird review the latest releases in radical publishing. 
In a jam, sitting in traffic in Metro Manila, the Philippines. Jolene Torres/Unsplash

How to stop progress

Dana Drugmand explains how the powerful car industry has continually blocked change to keep us hooked.

‘I don’t want to live like this’

Community journalists from the northeast of England on the impact of air pollution on their lives.
Wardruna Credit: Kim Ohrling

Mixed media: music

Louise Gray and Malcolm Lewis weigh up the latest releases in alternative music.
Ema directed by Pablo Larraín

The radical film review

Malcolm Lewis on the latest arthouse releases.
Credit: Berto D'Sera

Top of the class

Dirty air is not an impossible problem. Beth Gardiner assesses some places cleaning up their act.
Child's play: A boy jumps across boats wedged on a mixture of crude oil, water and sand, near Bojo in the Niger Delta. Oil production is a major pollutant in the area. Petterik Wiggers/Panos 

Fed up with the fumes

Dirty air in Nigeria takes a huge toll on lives and livelihoods. But civil society is not short of ideas for change, as Michael...
Illustration by Sarah John

The two Yewandes of Jo’burg

Yewande Omotoso’s namesake leads her down some unusual pathways.
Credit: Ryoji-Iwata/Unsplash

Hitting the population brakes

Popular wisdom has it that everything is speeding up, including population growth. Danny Dorling shows just how wrong that is...
Stijn Strake/Unsplash

The hidden polluters

Agricultural air pollution seems to be a tough nut to crack. Amy Hall explores the air-pollution problem down on the farm.
Children join with residents of Mahul to form a human chain as part of an International Human Rights Day protest against the government. Pratik Chorge/Hindustan Times via Getty Images

Unfit for habitation

India’s air pollution crisis affects millions, and not just in Delhi. Aruna Chandrasekhar meets people forced to live, and...
Photo: Nina Subin

Spotlight: Maaza Mengiste

Maaza Mengiste talks to Subi Shah about the women who fought Mussolini in Ethiopia. 

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