We use cookies for site personalization and analytics. You can opt out of third party cookies. More info in our privacy policy.   Got it

Privacy policy

New Internationalist believes that you have the right to control the use of your personal information, and we strive to make sure that your privacy is always respected. We sometimes need to collect some information about you to enable us to provide the various services we offer. This statement explains the circumstances under which we collect information about you, what information we collect and how we handle that information. We recognize that some readers may have reason to fear or simply object to government or corporate surveillance of their online habits and so we also offer some suggestions on how to maintain your privacy both on this site and others.

General Principles

  • We only ever collect information about you that we need in order to provide the service you have requested or very closely related services. 

  • We strictly limit the processing of your personal information, and work only with other organizations that also observe equally strict limits.  

  • We will do everything we can to resist attempts by government agencies or private-sector organizations to gain access to any information that you give us.  

  • We will store your data securely and transmit it only in encrypted form. 

  • We are registered as a data collector with the office of the Information Commissioner, our registration number is Z8974619 

When and why we collect information about you

New Internationalist offers various services to the public, to our subscribers and to our other customers. We often need to hold some details of people in order to provide them with a service. If we collect information about you, we will only use this information to provide the service that you have requested and for very closely related purposes. For example, we might use information about people who bought a book to contact those people when we published a similar book. If you choose to subscribe to any of our services, you can of course cancel the arrangement at any time and we aim to make doing so as easy as possible.

Magazine Subscribers

  • We collect some data when you purchase a subscription from us including your name, address, bank details (in the case of direct debit) or card details (in the case of card payments) and email address. We need this information to fulfil your order. Your data is transmitted over an SSL-encrypted connection to our fulfilment house, dsb.net (who act as our Data Processors).

  • We will occasionally contact you with offers and changes related to New Internationalist magazine. You can choose not to be contacted in this way — please let us know that you wish to be removed from this sort of communication on the contact us page, or by writing to us at the address below and we will remove you from future communications.

  • We will also add you to our free fortnightly enews email (see "Email Subscribers" below). You can unsubscribe at any time.

  • Ten years after your subscription with us has lapsed, we will assume that you no longer have any interest in hearing from us and we will delete your data.

Email Subscribers

  • When you sign up to our e-news email list we collect a few bits of data about you in order to provide email updates, news about our online shop and other email communications that we think you will appreciate. These include your name and email address. A third party called WhatCounts stores this information for us on its secure servers. You can see their privacy policy at http://www.whatcounts.com/privacy-policy/

  • WhatCounts is certified under the US-EU Safe Harbor Framework. This means that your privacy is protected to at least the standard required by the European Union. You can learn more about the Safe Harbor programme and view WhatCounts’ certification at http://www.export.gov/safeharbor 

  • You have the right to unsubscribe at any time. We might ask you why you are unsubscribing in order to improve our services, but you are not obliged to give a reason.  

  • If you request it, we will delete your information completely from the WhatCounts database. We cannot, however, guarantee that it will be deleted from all backups. 

  • You can subscribe to our e-news anonymously or with a pseudonym. If you would prefer not to share your personal email address you might consider an anonymous remailer or an email forwarding service.  

Website visitors


Like all websites http://newint.org has links to other websites. We aren’t responsible for the content of those sites or for how they handle your privacy.

Web Server Log Files

Like most websites, we collect data about our visitors in our web server log files.  The information in the log files include your IP (internet protocol) address, your ISP (internet service provider, such as Virgin Media, Be Broadband, BT or Shaw Cable), the browser you used to visit our site (eg Chrome, Firefox or Epiphany), the time you visited our site and which pages you visited. We use this information for administrative purposes and retain it for up to a month. This information is typically hard to tie to a single individual without extensive resources and we never attempt to do so. You can avoid us and other websites logging your personal IP address by using a vpn service, or by using Tor, which can be downloaded from https://www.torproject.org/ .


Cookies are small files or database entries that websites can place on your machine. They can be used to help identify you where we need to, for example to customize your view of our website. We use a number of third party services which place cookies on your machine. You can find out more about cookies, including how to control and delete them at http://www.allaboutcookies.org

When you first visit newint.org we show you a notification about cookies with a link that lets you opt-out of receiving third party cookies. If you don't opt out we assume that it is OK to place cookies on your machine for the next 28 days, at which point we will show you the notice again, in case you've changed your mind. You can opt in or out of receiving third party cookies at any time in the third party cookie section below.

We use a cookie called nitrk to record the first page you visit on our site and the page that sent you to our site. This helps us improve our marketing.

We use a cookie called thirdParyOptOut to record if you opt-in or out of allowing us to use third party cookies for analytics and advertising.

We use a cookie called cookieNotifHidden to record when you click to close our cookie notification.

We use a cookie called has_js to record if your browser has javascript enabled. This lets us do fancy effects that make newint.org a more pleasant place to be.

Third Party Cookies

We use a number of third party services for analytics and advertising, some of which place cookies on your machine. You can opt-out of getting cookies from these services (with the exception of Cloudflare) using the link. Opting out won't delete any cookies already placed. If you change your mind and would like to help us understand our audience better and show relevant ethical ads, you can also opt-in.

The services which place cookies on your machine when you browse our website are:

  • Google Analytics — We use Google  Analytics to help analyse use of our website by collecting anonymous visitor behaviour information. This information is transmitted to Google.  You can see Google’s privacy policy at:  http://www.google.com/privacy/privacy-policy.html You can opt out of being tracked by Google Analytics across all websites at: http://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout

  • Google Ads — We use Google Ads to manage our website advertising, which helps us keep our website free for readers.  You can see Google’s privacy policy at:  http://www.google.com/privacy/privacy-policy.html . Should you wish to opt out of seeing adverts, you can use a Firefox plugin like uBlock origin

  • Cloudflare  — we use Cloudflare to improve our sites loading times. You can see Cloudflare’s privacy policy at: https://community.cloudflare.com/privacy. You can avoid these cookies being placed on your machine by by using an adblocker like uBlock origin. These cookies are necessary to the functioning of newint.org so it is not possible for us to provide a simple opt out as with the other third party cookies.

You can use your browser's Do Not Track feature, or use a browser plugin like Privacy Badger or an adblocker like uBlock origin should you wish to block any or all of the third-party cookies we use on newint.org.

Facebook Custom Audiences

We may share an obfuscated ("one-way hashed") version of your email address with Facebook, to help us ensure our Facebook posts reach individuals that are likely to be interested in them — saving us money and helping us to achieve the greatest impact. Facebook won't actually see your email address but it can work out from the "hashed" version if you have a Facebook account and find people with similar interests to you if you do. Facebook says it will not use this information for any other purpose. You can opt out of this by emailing us at [email protected] or calling our customer services team on 01865 403345.

Shop Customers

Personal Information

We collect some data about you when you make a purchase from our shop, including your name, address, email and the products you want to buy. We need this information to fulfil your order. We transmit your information over an SSL encrypted connection to our fulfilment house as well as storing it on our secure server. We will occasionally contact you with more information about New Internationalist and about our shops. Naturally, you can choose not to be contacted in this way — just let us know at the street or email address below and you’ll be removed from future communications.

Credit card details

When you buy something from our online shop or donate to support New Internationalist, we also ask for your credit card details. These are processed by Stripe or Paypal in the Ethical Shop or when donating, entirely on Stripe's website. In North America they are transmitted encrypted to a regional payment gateway, Bambora (formerly Beanstream). We do not store your credit card data,but our payment processors do. They have to store the data in order to process your payment. You can read Stripe’s privacy policy at: https://stripe.com/us/privacy/. You can read Paypal’s privacy policy at: . You can read Bambora’s privacy policy at: https://www.bambora.com/EN/CA/privacy-policy.


In addition to our standard website cookies and third-party cookies (listed above), we also need to set some cookies on your browser to allow us to track your shopping session and enable you to shop. You won’t be able to use our shop online with cookies switched off, but you could phone your order through on  01709 513999.

New Internationalist app users

Personal Information

When you download the New Internationalist app, Apple (in the case of iPads or iPhones) or Google (in the case of Android devices) will record information about you as well.

We may use your data to share New Internationalist content and offers with you. We will always provide you with a mechanism to unsubscribe from these communications.

Magazine Subscribers

  • When you subscribe to New Internationalist magazine, we collect information about you that is necessary for us to fulfil your subscription. This information can include your name, address, phone number, email address and, if you are paying by direct debit, your bank account details.

  • Your information is held by our subscription agency. In the EU, this is dsb.net (http://www.dsbnet.co.uk/index.php ) and transmitted between them and us only in encrypted form. dsb.net are fully compliant with all EU privacy legislation.   In North America our subscription agency is CDS. Again they comply with all relevant privacy legislation.

  • We sometimes share your data with other organizations for profiling to help us understand our customers better. You can ask us not to use your information in this way by contacting us at the email or street addresses below. 


Accessing your information

General Data Protection Regulation

  • Under the European General Data Protection Regulation, EU citizens are entitled to ask New Internationalist whether we hold any personal information about you and what information we hold. This process is called making a ’Subject Access Request’. Regardless of whether you are an EU citizen, if we have any information about you we will: 

    • Tell you what the information is 

    • Tell you why we’re holding it 

    • Tell you to whom we are obliged to disclose it and under what circumstances 

    • Let you have a copy of it in an intelligible form — typically an openly documented electronic format or a paper copy. We do not charge for providing electronic copies. 

    • To make a request to for any personal information we may hold, you need to put the request in writing to the email or postal address below.  

    • If you are happy for us to do so, we will try to deal with your request informally, for example by providing you with the specific information you need over the telephone. 

    • If we do hold information about you, you can ask us to correct any mistakes by contacting us at the email or postal address below. 

We may ask you to confirm your identity before providing this information, so that there is no risk of data falling into the wrong hands.

Complaints and other feedback about privacy

New Internationalist aims to meet and even exceed the highest standards when collecting and using personal information. We take any complaints we receive extremely seriously. We encourage you to bring it to our attention if you think that our collection or use of information is unfair, misleading or inappropriate. We also welcome any feedback about our procedures. You can contact us at the email or street address below should you wish to make a complaint or offer feedback.

Revisions and Changes

We will keep this statement under review and will add any changes to this webpage. Here is the revision history for this policy.

  • 2019-01-28 — Update cookies information - remove Google remarketing reference, and reference to Bricolage-era cookie opt-in.

  • 2018-07-04 — Added information about how to opt out of cookies, pulled complaints policy off page, added info about thirdPartyoptOutCookie and cookieNotifHiddenByUser cookies

  • 2018-05-29 — Changed data protection act title to GDPR

  • 2018-05-22 — Removed reference to Facebook pixel as no longer used.

  • 2018-05-16 — Removing sections about third party data sharing, update app information.

  • 2018-04-03 — Add section about FB pixel in advance of implementation. Remove section about commenting. Update section about payment processors.

  • 2018-02-22 — Change contact email to link to contact page, updates to cookie section to reflect launch of support us system and retirement of various other web services (sharethis, quantcast et al.)

  • 2017-03-09 — Added "Facebook custom audiences" section, replace Ghostery with Privacy Badger as a cookie blocker.

  • 2016-01-11 — Added landref cookie to "our cookies" section.

  • 2015-02-03 — Updated address.

  • 2013-09-06 — Added cookie notification information and changed to mention the cookie that is set when you click I understand.

  • 2013-05-06 — Added section for Google remarketing.

  • 2013-05-22 — Formatting changes, added section for New Internationalist for iPad, clarified shop payments section.

  • 2011-05-26 — Initial Version 

Contact Details

Please direct feedback, complaints or queries to:

New Internationalist — Privacy

Old Music Hall
106-108 Cowley Rd.

Or use our online contact form.

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