Mark CubanVerifizierter Account


Entrepreneur. Shark tank. Investor. Mishegas. Author. , Dad, world's worst joke teller

Beigetreten September 2008


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    Feel free to share and use any way you like

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  2. Wisdom from on the difference between the Black Lives Matter political org aim and what the stands for and why facts matter.

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  3. We Looked At How The Stock Market Performed Under Every U.S. President Since Truman — And The Results... via

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  5. NBA basketball makes me so happy. !!!

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  6. hat retweetet

    Awesome! Thank you . We must all ask ourselves & those we love: "Why not me?" "Why not now?" "Why not you?"

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  7. hat retweetet

    . ⁦⁩ and I had the opportunity to talk to the great ⁦⁩ for our third installment of the ⁦⁩ ‘s Tomorrow’s Capital

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    A new Mark Cuban-backed company called Cultivate () helps online shoppers find American-made products on Amazon. "I'm a big believer in buy-American, invest in America," told me. "Cultivate can be a big step forward."

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    new : I spoke w/ Jason Wilk, CEO of -backed personal finance app Dave , about his aspirations in digital banking. 👇👇

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    : says there’s never been a better time for developers & business leaders to invest in voice.

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  12. They edited quite a bit out, but it's close to how I feel about returning to school and what I told my kid's schools

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  13. Check out one of our startups,   () to support made or manufactured in the USA products - it's an easy to use desktop chrome extension that helps you buy Made in the USA. Where and how you spend your $’s matters more than your opinion!

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  14. For those of you that want to boycott me. is the best URL for a list

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  15. hat retweetet

    Link of Companies Mark Cuban owns, lets say Bye to him boycott today. Please RT to get this list out.

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  16. Why is it, , that you take such pride in standing up to and speaking truth to the Chinese, but you have no ability to stand up to and speak the truth to ?

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  17. If you think I wont criticize China and what they do as it concerns American Citizens watch this and this movie . But I have never gotten involved in the domestic policies of ANY foreign country. We have too much to do here. And..

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  18. I can say Black Lives Matter. I can say there is systemic racism in this country. I can say there is a Pandemic that you have done little to end. I can say I care about this country first and last and..

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  19. Have some balls for once . Speak to me. It's my tweet.

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  20. The National Anthem Police in this country are out of control. If you want to complain, complain to your boss and ask why they don't play the National Anthem every day before you start work.

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