Aakash Lakhani


We are the Most Prominent & Reputed Law firm in Porbandar having a practice over more than 5 decades being Professional, Experienced & highly Trusted.

Se unió en diciembre de 2016

los Tweets

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  1. 29 dic. 2021

    Such lucrative offers are part of honey trap, be double sure before you proceed further for any such requests

  2. 20 oct. 2021
  3. 12 oct. 2021

    Be aware of such malicious messages, don't accept requests from stranger's or rely on the information passed by them.

  4. 3 oct. 2021

    A video is being shared on & other online platform in the name of make a whatsapp call & share details to earn lottery of 25Lacs

    , , y 2 más
  5. 1 oct. 2021

    This sorts of lucrative links have been frequently shared this days on various social media platforms, don't trust this, it may contain

  6. 16 sept. 2021

    Model State of development seems to be a model State of ...Anyone can resign/takes oath,anytime,Dear voted candidates working for common men,this is not some kind of joke/game you play with people for your political career

  7. 11 sept. 2021

    She is not a rising star, she is a shining star... The teenager is out there, not just winning a trophy but also breaking the records... Great match and

  8. 10 ago. 2021

    Lions are symbols of strength & courage, have been celebrated throughout history for Bravery+team spirit+leadership. They are also common symbols for royalty and stateliness,hence the phrase 'king of the jungle'

  9. 7 ago. 2021
  10. 20 jul. 2021

    If you receive a parcel without placing an order, and if the delivery guy asks for to cancel the order, think twice. Don't share OTP's with anyone

  11. 11 jul. 2021

    Mind knows will get the 20th but heart wants @berretttini to get the title

  12. 11 jun. 2021

    Superb work by and his entire team for public peace and order.... It's time for people to come forward and understand, *"police are people's friend"* both have to work parallel for greater good of society... More power and strength to you sir

  13. 31 may. 2021

    And the streak to break the rules continues..... ना देखो 🙈 ना सुनो 🙉 ना बोलो 🙊 ये सूत्र हमारी प्रशासन ने नेताओ के कारनामों के विरुद्ध अपनाया है

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  14. 26 may. 2021

    Fuel prices hiked for 14 times in last 27 days.... मारना है तो एक साथ मारो रोज क्यू तड़पा रहे हो ???

  15. 13 may. 2021

    1)There is direct breach of 144, 269, 270 Of ,51(B)Of disaster management and more Statues 2)People can identified without doubt 3)the reason of their gathering has been on record than what inquiry is to be made?? Who is stopping Sir

    , , y 6 más
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  16. 11 may. 2021

    A layman out without mask,brought to the police station & charged (later declared dead By covid) than why not the ? To whomsoever authority reading this, also read of the constitution...Stop behaving like puppets, We need action

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  17. 11 may. 2021

    Sheer absence of social distancing, funds available for new development projects but not for medical supply, inauguration of same ambulance twice in lure of publicity and much more, can we see police action or anything from you sir ?

    , , y 7 más
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  18. 2 may. 2021

    The and various other have taken the cognisance through and suggested centre for lockdown to curb 2nd wave. Ab to samjo come forward strong

  19. 21 abr. 2021
  20. 20 abr. 2021

    Government is thinking about people panicking and people are thinking about non-panicked government, in this panic issues, who the hell is thinking about


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