
When you register an account with, you are required to choose a username. Please note that if you choose a username that includes or reveals your name or any other personal information, such information is available to and viewable by other users.

Listening History & Profile offers users the ability to create and maintain a history of their music listening, taken from connected multiple music sources, including from music streaming services or from hardware devices. To enable this feature, a user must set up a account playback music through or otherwise connect the applicable music service (for example, Spotify) to or install an application on the listening device (for example, software on a computer) to allow the music listening data to be monitored and sent to The user’s listening history will then be listed on the user’s profile page on, which is publicly viewable. If a user no longer wishes for his/her listening history to be tracked, all connected services should be disconnected from We use users’ listening history and other interactions by the user (such as “love” or “ban”, skips, tagging, attending an event, adding content to the site, sending a song recommendation to another user or similar activities (“Music Interactions”)) to fine tune the product experience, provide better music recommendations to users, and develop new products and features.

Location-based Information

We may keep track of the internet domains and IP addresses from which users visit or use or otherwise submit music listening data, which may indicate certain geographical location information of users. We may use this information to (i) monitor for irregular or abusive uses or security matters (ii) provide audience insights and help determine product features; (iii) provide better user features and experiences (for example, provide users with certain localised information such as nearby concerts; local and/or global music chart(s) including popularity of artists or music; provide users with an indicative location of where certain music was listened to).

If you choose to add information about your city or country of residence to your user profile, please be aware that such information may be available for viewing by other users and via our Application Programming Interface (“API”).

Statistical Information

We collect certain information concerning music listening, Music Interactions and other activities while users use the website or application(s), and we may match such information with personal data concerning such users. For example, it is possible for us to know which music you listen to, which you skip or “love” and which you add to your library. However, information related to your listening activities may be viewed by all other users (who may include other organisations or representatives of other organisations who have registered as users) in conjunction with your username and by third parties who have access to this information via’s API and webservices, as further explained in this Policy.

Please note that we do log and use statistical information in the aggregate. For example, we know the number of users who skip a particular song. From this information we are able to compile statistics (i.e. 29% of our users skipped song XYZ, 14% of users Loved song 123). We can compare the statistics of one song to those of another song. We are also able to perform more sophisticated statistical operations based on the information collected. For example, we can determine the raw number (and associated percentages) of users who listen to one particular song that also listen to other particular songs. From this information, we are able to determine which songs are “neighbours” in terms of overall listener taste and we can see which genres of music tend to be neighbours. As a service, we may make available certain aggregate statistical information to third parties.

Communications With Other Users

Any personal information you display or communicate to others through (other than private messages) is public information and we are not responsible for any information you choose to make public. We may, but have no obligation to, monitor such traffic via electronic software or otherwise in order to check for obscenity, defamation or abusive language, which we reserve the right to remove at any time. In addition, if you choose to personally communicate or meet with any other user by exchanging postal/email addresses, telephone numbers or otherwise via the interactive functionality of, you do so at your own risk. cannot be held responsible for any consequences which flow from your decision to communicate or interact with other users in places or under circumstances which we do not control. We advise you to use extreme caution whenever you post information, socialise or interact with people whom you have met via the internet.

Web Services runs a web services’ programme through an API, which enables developers and other third parties to use statistics and data collected by to undertake research, create products and services which help develop and support the wider music community. These third parties may use this information for their own purposes, which may be either commercial or non-commercial in nature. Information which is available on the website, including user profiles and aggregated listening data, and other information (such as extended datasets of recommendations, charts, similarities etc) is also accessible through the web services’ programme. More details concerning the web services can be found at:

Communications By Third Parties

We will not permit any third parties to contact you directly on an unsolicited basis in relation to their own products or services, unless you have provided your express prior consent when signing up for an account on You may withdraw your consent by notifying us at users from the European Union should also review the Information for Visitors from the European Union (EU).