Cops and Constitutions

The cops are violating the Constitution by attacking people exercising their basic rights — — that much is obvious. The rounding up of random protestors because they “fit the description” is related to the discriminatory policing that has historically denied poor, Black, and Brown people their basic rights because they “fit the description.” It’s a form More

Moment of Supreme Danger: Trumpism-Fascism Rears its Head

This is a supremely dangerous moment. The White House is occupied by a rogue fascist regime whose malignant leader Donald Trump has recently made it clear yet again that he will not honor the results of an election that does not go his way next November. It is well understood within his administration that Trump is a wannabe dictator who is only half-joking when he talks about wanting to be “president for life.” More

Beyond John Muir’s Racism: The Sierra Club and the Changing Face of Environmentalism

It’s about 100 years too late, but the Sierra Club is finally grappling with its founder’s racist past. John Muir, lauded by many as the grandfather of the modern conservation movement, saw the west as a bastion of wide-open freedom. Not for Indigenous peoples or Black slaves, mind you, but for white colonial settlers. More

Exclusively in the New Print Issue of CounterPunch



Jeffrey St. Clair on the police state in Black America; Laura Carlsen on How COVID-19 is Advancing Trump’s White Supremacy Agenda; TJ Coles on How Big Pharma Has Exploited the Crisis; Dan Glazebrook on the Malthusian Responses to the Pandemic; Stan Cox on the Contradictions of the Green New Deal; Jennifer Matsui on the Coming Medical Surveillance State; Daniel Raventos and Julie Wark on the Camps of Lesbos; Maximilian Werner on the West’s War on Predators; Chris Floyd on Dylan’s Stunning Reemergence; Pete Dolack on the New Misery Index; Lee Ballinger on the Criminalization of Rap Music; John Davis on the Disruptive Force of COVID-19; and John LaForge on What Juries Aren’t Permitted to Hear About Nuclear Weapons.


This Week on CounterPunch Radio

    • HOST: Eric Draitser
    • GUEST: Grace Blakeley
    • TOPICS: It’s socialism or barbarism, the choice is ours.
