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Country analysis

Country analysis

EIU Global Forecast - A Q3 recovery, what Q3 recovery?

Global - The expected rebound in the third quarter of 2020 will be far less impressive than the headline numbers suggest.

Weekly brief: the battle over the EU recovery fund

Europe - Political pressure for a broad agreement is strong, but opposition from northern states risks watering down the plan.

Will Latin America take advantage of supply chain shifts?

Latin America - There are some opportunities, but poor infrastructure, and legal and regulatory frameworks are obstacles.

Risk analysis

Risk analysis

World risk: Alert - Global Risk Scenarios

World - The potentially devastating impact of the coronavirus on global demand and risks of sovereign defaults are out top two global economic risks.

Turkey heads for worst recession in 19 years

Turkey - Some restrictions on the economy will be lifted in May, but Turkey's economy is set to fall off a cliff.

Geopolitics after Covid-19: is the pandemic a turning point?

World - The pandemic may act as an accelerant, inflaming rivalries and accelerating the fracturing of the global order.

Industry analysis

Industry analysis

The auto sector in July 2020

World - Automotive - As we enter the second half of 2020, The Economist Intelligence Unit gives its view of key trends in the auto sector.

Green light for EU consolidation?

Europe - Telecommunications - The EU General Court has overturned a 2016 decision to block an O2-Three merger, reigniting consolidation hopes.

Dire scenarios

USA - Banking - Fed lets banks pay dividends, but bars share buybacks, following stress test report outlining tough paths to recovery.

Reports, Webinars and Podcasts

EIU Perspectives

Covid-19: tracking the pandemic

This chart, updated daily, follows the spread of confirmed cases across regions and tracks the 15 worst-affected countries over time.

The secret life of coronavirus

Why we need such drastic social distancing measures.

Covid-19 pandemic accelerates the rise of digital payments

Could using the cash in your pocket have the potential to spread covid-19? .

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