Become a Member

240px-Emblem-person-yellow.svgWe as Linux User Group Bolzano-Bozen-Bulsan encourage you to become our member in order to help us promoting the idea of Software Freedom and Open Data here in South Tyrol.

Our key aspect lies in the raise of awareness at the various public administrations (schools, municipalities, province, national institutions). We get in contact with politicians and office directors. Our Open Letters page documents our numerous attempts, our achievements and upcoming plans.

Our other aspects are more club-oriented: Want to meet people with related interests? Curious about new Free Software trends at the local level and in general? Attend our workshops! Need someone to help with a GNU/Linux, BSD or LibreOffice problem? Just bring your laptop and we may solve it at one of our dinners, aperitivi or the Open&Linux Counter.


This is the registration form which needs to be compiled, signed, scanned and sent as email to Alternatively compile it by hand and then pass to the Bolzano’s Open&Linux Counter to give it directly to Markus Egger, which as cashier is the responsible for the club memberships.

Do not forget about the 25,00€ membership fee (gratis for non adults, 15,00€ for university students) to be deposited to the C/C IT41 Z058 5658 2500 5357 1072 067 (Südtiroler Volksbank – Banca Popolare, Reason: “Mitgliedsbeitrag – Quota Year”) to process your request. Further questions and clarification inquiries should be directed to At the end you will get a notification.

Instead of compiling the form yourself you may also become member at one of our events.

We would be very grateful if you become our member!


Contact us under