Sunday, June 14, 2020

Walking Away the Writing / Isolation Blues...

We here in Western Australia have avoided the worst of Covid-19 thanks to sensible scientific-based decisions of our politicians and public servants. We spent 3 months isolating ourselves. Once restrictions on local travel were eased, we headed north to Kalbarri, where a morning walk of 7 kms yielded up these photos of the Indian Ocean's most easterly shores along our rugged coast.

And now I shall grapple some more with the final chapters of 
"THE FUGITIVE QUEEN"*, which I am now re-writing, 
as I have never been happy with the conclusion.

As the waves broke, the spray shot up into the air like fountain spray. 
 There's nothing like the ocean to put bring perspective or 
-- in spite of the thundering surf -- 
to bring calm...

*Provisional title

Friday, April 03, 2020

Keep safe...and do lots of reading!

What better way to "get away from it all" 
-- when you can't move out of the house -- 
than to read and escape into an imaginary world?

All my books are available online through any of the usual sources. 

For Australians, I especially recommend


Happy reading -- and keep well!


Friday, February 07, 2020


(title may change!)

The initial draft of this novel has been finished at slightly under 150,000 words, so not quite as long as the Stormlord or Forsaken Lands trilogies, but longer than The Isles of Glory books...

I am now waiting to hear back from my numerous wonderful beta readers with their invaluable comments and criticisms, of which there will doubtless be many.

Watch this space for updates....

Sunday, December 01, 2019

On Writing Other Cultures

I have an interview over at writer Belinda Crawford's website here.

all about writing other cultures.

A Remarkable Privilege: Glenda Larke on Writing Other Cultures

And here, apropos of nothing much:
me trying on shoes in a Javan shoe shop.

Monday, November 18, 2019


In our garden yesterday...
A large stick insect. 
From tip of antenae to tail it was about 15 cms or 6" in length.  

And in other news, 
progresses apace as the end approaches.

Thursday, November 14, 2019


THE FUGITIVE QUEEN has not yet been completed, but it will be done by Christmas, all being well. The first 100,000 words have been reworked a number of times, and I am reasonably happy with them, but the next 20 thousand still need a bit of work. The final 10 thousand is underway. And yes, I will soon be on the hunt for beta readers.

The only person to have read any of it so far, an editor friend with a critical eye, seems to be enjoying it, so that's good news. (And no, it doesn't matter how many books you have published, you still think the latest is terrible. Consequently, you soak up any praise as if it was rain in a drought.)

And here's a photo I took recently of the caterpillar of a case moth, scurrying along across a path. It has clothed itself in a camouflage gown of straws. That sort of furry stuff at the top is its head poking out. 


Monday, October 28, 2019


Australia is home to dancing spiders, minute little creatures, surely adorable even to arachnophobes. They are called Peacock Spiders because of their bright, vibrant colours. They are also rarely seen, because they are so tiny... about the size of half your smallest fingernail.
Today I was lucky enough to come across one in my garden. 
 Not sure what particular species it is, but probably -- seeing as it was in my garden! -- the Common Peacock Spider. The male actually does an intricate charming dance performance to impress the female (and maybe to persuade her not to regard him as prey). Unfortunately, I didn't catch such a dance on the video...

And in other news, THE FUGITIVE QUEEN is within 5,000 words of completion.

Thursday, July 25, 2019


Just a picture of a Eucalypt tree, because it's beautiful.

And some news to let readers know that my latest work-in-progress is in fact galloping towards the final 10%!

The Fugitive Queen is approaching the climatic scenes of the ending when -- I hope -- everything comes together.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Catch Up

Longtime since I did  blog post...
A lot has happened! 
Mostly centred around the ongoing health issues of my husband, which included heavy issues like triple bypass, valve replacement and pacemaker. 

Now that he is on the mend, I will be returning to my work in progress, the next book, tentatively named: "THE FUGITIVE QUEEN"

OTHER newsy things:
  • Continuum Convention, bless 'em,  over in Melbourne has very kindly invited me as Australian Guest of Honour for the 2020 Convention in June. More about that closer to the day! I've always had a soft spot for that particular convention, and their International guest will be a Malaysian, which makes things doubly special for me.
  • And also in 2020, I will be going to the World SF Convention in Wellington, New Zealand in August. Well, I've bought the ticket anyway, so fingers crossed!!
  • Ezvid Wiki over in Los Angeles has included "THE LASCAR'S DAGGER" as one of:
10 Enthralling Fantasy Novels by Australian Authors
see here for the link 
                                   It has a very interesting intro video, done by 
                                  someone who doesn't read too much fantasy.
          I'm not looking gift horses in the mouth here. All publicity is good, right?

Friday, June 08, 2018

Wednesday, June 06, 2018


Packing the car at dawn at the motel in Coolgardie 

after our first night away.

WE ARE HEADING OUT...looking at some corners of Australia after we endured a series of health issues for more than six months. Now that things are looking up, we are off to explore...

Glowing gold-burnished Eucalypt trees near Norseman

Lake Cowan -- mostly dry and salt...

At Eyre, looking at the great Southern Ocean. It was cold and windy!

Bunda Cliffs, Head of the Great Australian Bight, where the female Right Whales come in from the Antarctic to give birth once every 3 years or so...

(And before you ask, they are called Right Whales because they were considered the "right" whales to hunt because they swam slowly and floated when killed. As a consequence they were once hunted to the edge of extinction)
And if you look carefully you will see the female Right Whale centre right.                      Ok, so it looked better through binoculars!!     

For non-Australians -- we have headed from the west coast of Australia in a more of less south-eastly direction, ending up on the coast of the Southern Ocean as we cross the Nullabor Plains from our state (Western Australia) into South Australia. We are now 2,000 kms away from home (1,250 miles). We have been travelling 3 days.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018


What's the difference between me (and other professional writers) and a professional athlete? You know, like those talented young folk now showing us their skills and brilliance at the Commonwealth Games?

Let me tell you.

I had to have a job unconnected with being a writer, which enabled me to earn a living. In my spare time I laboured alone to hone my craft. I sacrificed time and money I could ill afford, sending manuscripts off by snail mail (back in the day), buying self-help books, attending courses, etc, etc. Eventually I made it, and started to get paid. A bit. I still had to fork out money to help me -- attending conventions, for example, and I still had to work. 

After some 10+ years, I actually made enough to earn a living (although I doubt it was enough to support a whole growing family--but by then my family was grown).

Now let's look at athletes. They also had a talent and a passion, probably noticed while they were still at school. They came to the attention of sporting bodies or trainers. Like me, they worked hard. Unlike me, they had so much help. They had trainers. They had encouragement or paid professionals devoted helping them, along with tech experts, videos and science labs... Most would have had financial help, perhaps in kind, or even in cash. They were sent off to compete at meets, in and out of Asutralia, mostly not at their own expense.

And now we hail them as heroes, mention them on TV, applaud their achievements, offer them endorsements, free trips and adulation. Good for them.

What I wonder is why do they deserve it, and we writers don't? Why is there so little money for us, especially while we are still struggling? Why do we give so much adulation to athletes and not to writers -- to physical achievements, not intellectual ones?

I'd do it all over again, mind you, and I don't regret a minute of time spent on my writing career, and I'm very thankful for the financial help I have had (from the Public Lending Rights for example) --but I do wonder sometimes about the imbalance ...

Sunday, February 25, 2018

SWANCON / NATCON IS COMING - Do you want a critique of your WiP?

(WIP = Work in Progress)

I will be at Swancon 
(which is also this year's 
Australian National Science Fiction Convention)
in Perth, W.A.

 To be held over Easter. If you want to attend, buy your membership here.

I am giving a workshop, free to attendees of the convention.

Participants who wish to do so can also submit the first 500 words (opening scene) of a SF/F/H novel in advance of the workshop, and will receive a private written critique of their work from me on the day. There was to be a cut off for submission of these first pages by March 1st, but as I am not being inundated by entries, I think we can extend this for another couple of weeks!

The workshop will look at how to address common writing issues within manuscripts generally, looking at ways to reinforce strengths, identify weaknesses -- and provide advice on how get rid of the boring bits!

Spaces are limited so attendees will need to book. Manuscript extracts can submitted to with Strong Beginnings in the subject line. 


Thursday, December 07, 2017


           REMEMBER HER?

Yes, it's Blaze, the woman with an attitude... 

...and a very large sword.

 The three books of THE ISLES of GLORY will be legitimately available again through Hachette's  ORION  SF GATEWAY  and you will be able to buy them via the usual eBook sellers, from 21st December, worldwide.                                  You can already pre-order!
See a review here:
Fantasy Book Review

Here's what The Romantic Times USA had to say:

Rich world building will capture the reader’s interest. With a forceful heroine who is mature and experienced, Larke crafts a fantastic tale that moves beyond a typical coming-of-age fantasy. Fans of Lois McMaster Bujold and Mercedes Lackey’s strong heroines will relish Blaze’s adventures. 

Also available will be  HAVENSTAR (see below) 

the story of a mapmaker's daughter  
caught up in a world that shifts and changes from moment to moment, a world where changes can be fatal...

Here's what Pauline's Fantasy Reviews says about it.

Here's a review from Tsana's Reads

IF YOU HAVE ALREADY READ & ENJOYED THESE BOOKS, how about giving them to friends as Christmas presents?

Saturday, September 16, 2017



My four first published books (two of which were shortlisted for the Aurealis Award Best Fantasy Novel of the year) will soon be available again as eBooks.They are being re-issued by SFGateway (the arm of Orion that publishes the Masterworks Classics).

So look out for:
with new covers, available from the usual ebook sellers worldwide.

And in other news, look out for our son-in-law's wonderful new film, which has already played to enthusiastic audiences at the film festivals of Telluride and Toronto! I believe the release date in November. Starring Annette Bening, Jamie Bell. See here:

And just for the heck of it, here's a photo. We went for a bit of a holiday up north to Jurien Bay. And this is just one stretch of the endless miles of deserted beaches. Is it any wonder why I wasn't terribly impressed with Malibu? 

Thursday, August 10, 2017


I am recycling some old posts which may be of interest to new writers struggling with writing problems...

The Problem:

How do you write the boring bits between the interesting bits?

In other words, how do you breathe the magic on to the page to keep your readers awake, even when you aren't writing the really exciting action bits?

Personally, I find that writing the exciting parts of the story - the adventures, or the emotionally charged character confrontations - is the easy task. What is tough is to get the hero in the door to start with, or to get the army to the battlefield, or to get the heroine up and dressed in the morning, or get the travellers from place A to place B.

Take the travelling. In a mainstream novel set in Megacity, no problem. You can say "She caught the train." It's somewhat harder in a fantasy. She walked. Um, she walked six days. (Reader is immediately thinking: what did she eat, was it safe to walk, where did she sleep, etc, etc, and they expect answers.)

But what if the answers are unimportant and have no bearing on your overall story arc? How do you get her from point A to B? How do you get the hero in the door?

1. Sometimes the answer might be simple. You use a trick:

e.g. the end of a chapter

Your hero goes to bed in his room at the inn at the end of chapter 10. At the beginning of Chapter 11 you have him knocking on the door of the villain's house for the great confrontation scene. Voilà, you have avoided all that tiresome business of getting up, getting dressed, having breakfast etc, all of which is irrelevant to the story arc.

e.g. the division of your book into parts.

At the end of Part One, you have your king declaring to his councillors that they are going to march to war on neighbouring kingdom. Part Two opens with the king's army besieging the walled city of the neighbouring king. None of that tiresome business of how you raise an army, supply it, arm it, march across the border...

e.g. the section break (seen in the book as a blank line or sometimes an asterisk or equivalent.)

Seen in the typed text as --TEXT BREAK HERE--

You write a scene where Mary is trying to decide which of her numerous dresses she is going to put on for the ball. You insert a text break, and then continue on to show Mary as she sweeps into the ballroom clad in her older married sister's bright red gown, to the horror of the conservative dames. And you, the writer, have avoided the details of how she pinched her sister's dress out of her closet.

Mostly, though, the problem of tiresome, irrelevant but important details is more difficult to solve.

2. Use a sentence or two rather than a paragraph of explanation. Gloss over the unnecessary details by the way you structure your sentence(s).

Problem: Your travellers, led by Jokum, have just arrived in a town. They are very hungry and very dusty. The reason they are there is to hunt out the local mage for help, only to discover that he has been arrested for treason. It is unlikely they would visit the mage ravenous and dirty, but you don't want to dwell on how they eat and wash up - it is unimportant. You want to get to the exciting bit. However, if you don't say something, your readers won't find your story believable. So keep it succinct - explain but don't bury your reader in detail.

After a meal and a wash at the first inn inside the city walls, they asked the way to the street of Mages. Ten minutes later, Jokum was knocking at Hokus's door.
After stopping at the town pump for directions and to wash away the worst of their travel dust, they bought a loaf of fresh bread. By the time they reached the house of Mage Hokus, there wasn't even a crumb remaining.

You may be able to think of even better ways to reduce the information down to a snappy minimum.
I am recycling some old posts

3. Spice up the boring in-between-bits with interesting world-building or character info.

(Remember, if it tells you something important about the world or the character, or if it pushes the story forward, then your info becomes important and interesting.)

For example - the army preparations might be boring - or they might not, if they include arguments between the king and his advisers or sons or brothers, or if they include the oddities of your world. For example, how do you feed your fighting dragons? How do you get your mages to the battlefield if they can't cross water without losing power? Can you use magic or dragons or something else fascinating to supply your army with food?

4. Use dialogue to give the info.

It's a lot easier to make something interesting if it is delivered in speech.
Here's some info in text form:
By the time they reached Emitiville, the horses were thin and losing condition, so Tom bought some oats.
Spiced up with dialogue:
"Tom, did get any oats for the horses? If they lose any more condition, I reckon I'll have to put another hole in my saddle girth."
"Yeah, don't worry. I bought some cheap, from the ostler's wife. Only a shilling and a kiss. Well, a bit more than a kiss." He grinned.
"What? You seduced the ostler's wife?"

5. Condense specific info into a general paragraph

Here's a section of text from "The Last Stormlord." It covers six days of walking by the protagonist down a tunnel that supplies water to a city from the hills. He has just entered the tunnel and lit a lamp.

Now he could see what he was doing, he used the walkway built along the side. When he was tired or hungry, he stopped. He slept fitfully at intervals, stretched out on the walkway in the smothering dark with the lamp extinguished. When he awoke it was always into panic at the utter blackness, and the panic remained until his fumbling with flint, striker and tinder produced enough of a flame to light the lamp or a candle.

The next paragraph deals with him arriving at his destination. So those four sentences are all there is to cover six days - and (I hope) conjure up a bit of how it felt. The above paragraph gives all the necessary information (except perhaps the problem of waste disposal!!) without being boring. The waste disposal? Yes, I do deal with that too - it is one of the first questions the indignant water reeves ask him when they catch him at the city end of the tunnel. (Want to know more? Buy the book!)

6. Getting the hero out of the room by diverting the attention of the reader to something else. 

You have to get our teenage protagonist from, let's say, the kitchen (where he's just had an unsettling conversation with this mother about his elder brother), to the letter depository a mile away, because he wants to send an important message (that the reader already knows about) on the next coach out of town.

One way to do it is to ignore the uninteresting method and deal with the interesting thoughts he has. Let's call him Jaydon.

He slammed out of the kitchen in a temper and, on his way across town to the letter depository, dwelt lovingly on numerous impractical plans to wreak revenge on that sneaky, mean-spirited liar of a brother of his. That bastard! How could George have behaved like that and upset his mother so - so callously?

By the time Jaydon arrived at the depository, the scowl on his face made the man behind the counter take a step backwards.

I'll guarantee your reader won't notice that you didn't bother to tell them HOW he got across town. Did he walk? Take a coach? Ride?
Who cares? It wasn't important. What he was thinking, though, was. And it was much more interesting.


Remember: Don't worry too much in your first draft about what is boring and what is not. Get your story down first. Then start attacking the details. In your rewrites, aim to have NO boring bits. The above were just suggestions of some ways to do this. Look for other ways writers deal with the same problem. Learn by reading!

And your general aim should be:

Cut out the unnecessary;
aim to make the necessary

Saturday, June 03, 2017



Should be available off the shelf at specialty bookstores --
like Stefan's Books, or White Dwarf in Perth. Galaxy in Sydney.

For other bookstores, you may have to order them in. Just go up to the counter with the name of the book and if you're really on the ball, the Australian ISBN.

THE AWARE       9780732276508
GILFEATHER     9780732276515
THE TAINTED    9780732276522

THE HEART OF THE MIRAGE        9780732281984
THE SHADOW OF TYR                     9780732281991

THE LAST STORMLORD     9780732289294
STORMLORD RISING          9780732289300
STORMLORD'S EXILE         9780732289317

All the above books are also now print on demand from 
Harper Collins Voyager.
The stand-alone fantasy novel

published by Triconderoga publications and can be bought online as a hardback or paperback -- try indiebooksonline

My last trilogy, THE FORSAKEN LANDS is published in Australia and worldwide by Hachette ORBIT, and if you can't find it on the shelves in your local bookstore, ask them to get it in for you. (The Lascar's Dagger, Dagger's Path and The Fall of the Dagger.)


Available online with the exception of
This is about to change (in August)
Watch this space.



The Mirage Makers trilogy, the The Stormlord (Watergivers) trilogy and the The Forsaken Lands trilogy are all published by Orbit and can be requested through your local book store if you can't find them on the shelves.

The Isles of Glory trilogy is much harder to find. You could order it through an Australian bookstore.

Havenstar and The Isles of Glory trilogy 
will become available as ebooks again in August. 
Watch this space.


Tuesday, April 18, 2017



In this case, the Tin Duck is actually a very elegant swan.

And for those who don't know, the Tin Duck is the colloquial name for the Western Australian award given to the Best Long Work (i.e. book) of the year in the field of speculative fiction, in this case that was published in 2016.

My thanks to everyone -- it is truly an honour to receive an award because people cared enough to vote for the book!

The prize-winning book in question?  

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Hey, this is me!!


Welcoming the hosts of the Aurealis Awards ceremony!

We’re very pleased to announce that the 2016 Aurealis Awards ceremony taking place in Perth this Friday night will be hosted by the wonderful team of much feted WA local author Glenda Larke and debut novelist (yes, really!) and East Coast ring-in Cat Sparks!

Glenda Larke was the winner of the inaugural Sara Douglass Series Award last year for her Watergivers series, and is a multi-awards nominated author for her books, the most recent of these being the final book of the Forsaken Lands trilogy. Cat Sparks has earned awards over the years for her artwork, editing, publishing and short story writing, and her debut novel, Lotus Blue, has just been released to the world.
Join us at the Aurealis Awards ceremony this Friday night to see this dynamic duo in action!

WHEN: 7.45pm for 8pm start, Friday 14 April, 2017
WHERE: Metro Hotel Perth, 61 Canning Highway, South Perth, WA, 6151

More Details here:

Monday, March 27, 2017

THE FALL OF THE DAGGER Shortlisted Again...

last book of The Forsaken Lands Trilogy...

               Shortlisted for...

Best Australian Fantasy Novel, (Aurealis Awards 2016). A judged award.

Best Long Work of Western Australian SF, 
(Tin Duck Awards 2016). A voted award.

Winners announced over Easter weekend.

Monday, February 20, 2017


Very, very chuffed to have my latest novel (The Fall of the Dagger) short-listed for the Aurealis Awards  (Best Fantasy Novel).

That means that every time I have had a book eligible, I've had a short-listing... 10 times it must be now? 

I love the way the SF community in Australia does so much for authors, volunteering their time and effort -- and perhaps money in lost earnings -- just to say, "We love that you folk write, and we love what you write, and we'll take the time to show you..."

 Many, many thanks to everyone. 

And yes, like every book of the The Stormlord Trilogy which ultimately won the Sara Douglass Series Award, all three of the FORSAKEN LANDS trilogy have been shortlisted for the Aurealis.

Have YOU read it yet?

Congratulations to all the
short-listed authors. And to readers: choose any of them to entertain you. They are all talented Australians.

Friday, December 02, 2016


Please note that I have deleted my two Facebook accounts. One, under the name GLENDA LARKE was my public author account, the other, under my real name was private, open -- I thought -- only to friends invited to 'friend' me.

For a number of years, this worked. 

Then all of a sudden I noticed that the name on my private account had been changed to GLENDA LARKE without my permission. Worse still, they had changed the privacy rating from 'friends only' to public. Also without permission. My private life was now open to all the world. Not that I actually I posted much up there that was private, but still. 

I changed the privacy settings back again, changed the name back... And lo and behold, they reverted to what they thought it should be: Glenda Larke, public. This happened 3 times. I complained. Nobody bothered to answer. I attempted to delete my public page and leave the private one, but no, they have deleted them both.

So I am not longer on Facebook. (At least, I think so -- I can't look in order to check!)

I shall in time put up another author page, but I doubt that I will ever again post anything remotely private. This as far as I am concerned this was a betrayal of trust.

Tuesday, October 04, 2016


I regret to say that "The Isles of Glory" trilogy (The Aware, Gilfeather and The Tainted)
 is at the moment not available as eBooks. 

Havenstar is no longer available on Amazon as an eBook, but can be bought through many other eBook outlets.

I am working at the moment to find another eBook publisher for them all, on a more permanent basis.

Why don't I do it myself?
Basically because I am a writer, not a publisher, and I no longer have the inclination or the time to mess around with the production issues, financial issues, etc.

Thursday, September 15, 2016


For overseas readers who may not know, Ms Hanson leads an Australian political party called One Nation and she now sits in the Australian Senate. It's a bit of a cheeky name for her party for, as far as I can see, it serves to divide rather than unite the country. 

In her inaugural speech to the senate here are a few of the sillier things she said:
"We are in danger of being swamped by Muslims who bear a culture and ideology that is incompatible with our own." 
(My comment: With your own, perhaps, but most of us aren't nearly as rigid in our thinking.)

"indiscriminate immigration and aggressive multiculturalism" have "caused crime to escalate and social cohesion to decline"  
(My comment: Really? I've never seen any figures to back that up. And who says immigration has been 'indiscriminate' and multiculturalism has been 'aggressive'?)

"Australia had a national identity before Federation, and it had nothing to do with diversity and everything to do with belonging. " (My comment: I think you need to talk to Aboriginals about the latter part of that statement.)

"Muslims want to see sharia law introduced in Australia"
(My comment: see below.)

And here is what I have to say: 

Dear Ms Hanson,

I am a 71 year-old-Australian, born and bred, but who lived most of my adult life in two Muslim countries. In fact I married a Muslim and we are about to celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary here where we now live, in Western Australia. Yeah, my husband is one of those dreaded Muslim immigrants. And you know what? I don't wear a burqa. Or a niqab. Or a hijab. Or a chador. Or even a head scarf. (Oh, although sometimes in the cold weather I do wear a furry hat and a woollen wrap that resembles an abaya... )

The trouble with your inaugural speech is that so much of it is inaccurate or downright rubbish. 

Let me take this blithe, all-encompassing statement as just one example of your complete inanity: "Muslims want to see sharia law introduced to Australia."

When I read that, I turned to my Muslim husband and asked: "Do you personally know anyone at all, here or abroad, who wants sharia law?" He thought for a while, then said, "No, I don't think I do." 

But according to you, Ms Hanson, this is what Muslims want? Really? Wow. I personally don't know anyone who wants sharia law either. And yet my husband and I have lived for 40 years along Muslims in Asia and North Africa. Where on earth have you been that you can say that Muslims want to have sharia law imposed anywhere, let alone in Australia?? These Muslims can't possibly be very numerous if other Muslims never meet them!

My husband -- Professor Emeritus, Ph.D., scientist, recipient of an honorary degree from the University of Western Australia and their Distinguished Alumni Award (and another two honorary degrees from universities in other countries), once a Deputy-Director General of a U.N. agency working for the peaceful uses of scientific knowledge, known for his work to raise the standard of education in developing nations -- This fine Muslim moved to Australia with me a few years back. (Oh, and sorry to disappoint you, but he's only ever had one wife -- and I think his two daughters are fairly liberated females with their advanced degrees from universities like Oxford, Glasgow and Cornell.)

So, much of what you said in your speech were lies, or distortions, designed to strike fear into people. Unfortunately, this kind of manipulation worked and some 5% of voters, prior to the election, listened. (95% knew better and realised that taking anecdotes and turning them into "facts" is the mark of the uninformed.)

My personal opinion? My Muslim husband is a finer resident of this country than you are a citizen of it.