The first company in the world to express your own DNA Code in Music

At Your DNA Song, we isolate your genetic signature and translate its sequence into musical pitch and rhythm.


Give your partner one of the most unique gift's in the world,
their very own symphony of music

Use our 3 Step Sign-up Wizard to Get Started, Click here



DNA Music Products & Services


ancetry 23

We are now translating Ancestry.com and 23 and Me clients data into DNA music. If you have already had your DNA processed there,
you can upload the data to directly to us securely and directly through this website.
Just click the 'upload' button above to get started and send us your DNA data to be created into music.

Order your DNA Kit Here for 125 GBP

Your DNA Song Platinum

399.00 GBP

Platinum Option

Full Orchestral/Classical

Platinum Package : A Full DNA music translation, Score, music CD's and full music production by acclaimed composer Stuart Mitchell
Does not Include Genetic testing costs.

Your DNA Song Gold

199.00 GBP

Gold DNA Music Option

Solo Instruments / Piano

Gold Package: Solo Instruments - Translation and Production. A full DNA music translation using the highest quality music sample's.
Does NOT Include Genetic testing costs.

DNA Music Productions

300.00 GBP





DNA Media Productions  

DNA Music Production Soundtracks Add DNA Music Soundtrack to your project for Video, Audio Books, Stage Plays and all Media formats containing music.
Does NOT include Genetic Testing


Your DNA Song Members Subscription Service


Now you can spread the cost of your DNA music production over 3 months.

* Platinum Subscription (Full Orchestral Production) 100.00 GBP for each month, for 4 instalments
Our Platinum Package is a fully scored Orchestral work translated produced and arranged by professional composers to your preferred style, tempo and instrumentation.

*Gold Subscription (Solo Instruments) 50.00 GBP for each month, for 4 instalments
Have your DNA music translated, arranged and scored for any Solo instrument of your choice, for example: Piano, Guitar, Harp, Flute all performed and recorded by professional artists.



DNA & Sound

Translating DNA into music

What is the history DNA music?

DNA music has been developed since the early 1970's when Geneticists found it easier to read the long strands of DNA code by assigning musical pitches to the 22 Amino Acids. This allowed them to compare DNA, look for mutations, and reverse engineer these tones back into proteins. This opened the way for more musical scientists to develop the system further until today where DNA music is now being taken very seriously by composers and musicians as a new form and medium of the music industry.

Prof. Susumu Ohno (of Beckman Research Institute of the City of Hope, who died on January 13, 2000, at the age of 71) proposed years ago that the repetition process governs both the musical composition and the DNA sequence construction . see this paper by Ohno in Immunogenetics (1986) titled: "The all pervasive principle of repetitious recurrence governs not only coding sequence construction but also human endeavor in musical composition".

[Video] DNA Music Lecture Video with David Deamer Professor of Chemistry, UC Santa Cruz

Dr. David W. Deamer is professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of California, Santa Cruz. Dr. Deamer has a life-long interest in the relation between art and science, and was among the first to recognize that musical patterns could be translated from base sequences in DNA. He has collaborated with Susan Alexjander, a Santa Cruz musician/composer, in publishing several tapes and CDs of DNA music.

Regular patterns and sequences of notes exist throughout music, from the pitches of a scale to the rhythms of a song. The same goes for the building blocks of life. Patterns govern the way molecules fit together to construct a DNA molecule or a protein strand. When these patterns are "translated" into the patterns of music, some of them contain very interesting melodies and rhythms. DNA music is a new and unique way of experiencing the complexity of life.


The DNA music Team

What does DNA music sound like


The translation of DNA code into music is a lengthy process, but the final production results in music of great beauty and expression.

We always put the music style, instrumentation and overall 'feel' in the hands of our clients and every DNA song has our clients own musical preferences embeded in the music itself.

Please enjoy these DNA music samples of some of our most recent clients.


DNA Videos


DNA Music Introduction Video

DNA Music Process


DNA Music Albums

Reviews & testimonials

Feel free to contact us


Contact us with any questions