Sounding Out! Podcast Episode #9: Listening to São Paulo, Brazil

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This podcast is a complement to the post “Sound Politics in Sao Paulo, Brazil.” In it Leonardo Cardoso explores the city’s soundscape and listens to the late night pancadãos enjoyed by the city’s youth culture. It addresses the questions of sound regulation, and considers the ways that sound studies as a field might provide some direction as to how these sites of conflict can be mediated.

CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD: Listening to São Paulo, Brazil


Leonardo Cardoso was born in Porto Alegre, Brazil, where he studied music composition at UFRGS (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul). In 2005 he entered the Ethnomusicology Group at UFRGS as a research assistant. From 2005 to 2008 he participated in projects with indigenous communities in Rio Grande do Sul. In 2008 he started his Master’s in ethnomusicology at the University of Texas at Austin under Prof. Veit Erlmann’s advising. His interest in film music led him to write his thesis on the experimental field of visual music in Los Angeles. He is working in São Paulo, where he is currently conducting fieldwork on urban noise, for his PhD. Leonardo is also a photographer, composer, and sound collector. Contact:

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